Search results

  1. a.baker

    serious or not

    Argh! I have stuff going on that is so vague I have no idea if it needs to raise concern or not. Its not normal and I could write it off as this or that. Ugh I wish I had insurance to go find out. Its one of those things you don't know and its bugging me. But I have my moms doc she works for...
  2. a.baker


    Another thread has inspired me ask this. (By the way my internet will be shut off any day now possibly today so depending when this happens I might not have a chance to view results. But I can look later when I get it turned back on ,who knows AT&T turns little by little off, yesterday our long...
  3. a.baker

    home owners... well

    O.k. we have a well for our water. It is only 5 years old. I was using water last night and all of a sudden the water just shut off (no trickle, just off). Hubby checked and couldn't find anything right off that would be the problem. There was no water in the house but we had water coming out...
  4. a.baker

    old bands you used to like but...

    What old bands did you use to like but can't stand now because its been so over played... and they still play it! Not once in awhile but they still play it all the time :yikes: For me its Nirvana and the old school Green Day.
  5. a.baker

    nasty cough

    I have this nasty cough that only comes at night time right before I need to go to bed. I have been having a virus with sore throat and all that good stuff for awhile now (might have mono again who knows). This is a dry cough but I have this at home remedy thats nasty but works great and I am...
  6. a.baker

    baby sophie

    As I was looking for pics that were older to show everyone who my hubby was I came across too very cute pics of Sophie when she was just a baby:) Sorry the first one is so very huge!
  7. a.baker


    Here are two pics of my daughter. I will get mine up here eventually but hubby is too tired right now lol
  8. a.baker

    I absolutely love acoustic music

    I just love it , how about you?
  9. a.baker


    One last thing before I log off for the night, I want to thank all of you Chazzers for picking me up! I was really down today and in tears and just had a super hard past couple of weeks. And all your kind words and hearts have really helped me today and thank you! :D O.k. I have to get going til...
  10. a.baker

    new home for my dogs?

    You guys I am having a hard time pulling through. Every day there is something. One of the things is my dogs. I feel I need to find them new homes. My hubby argues with me but Bender is close to 8 mths. old and still doesn't have his license. Sophie is due for her next round of vaccines for...
  11. a.baker

    school pics

    My daughter got school pics today. They do it so much different now than they did when I was in school. They send home two proofs or poses home the first day. It looks like because they do this there are no retakes. But you can order two different poses if you want. LOL I don't like either...
  12. a.baker

    Hope no one minds...

    A little religious but I thought it was cute. Just wanted to share an email I got today. I don't like the part where it says God picks you though, because God picks us all we just chose to follow Him or not. ' HAPPY FALL TO YOU' From one pumpkin to another! A woman was asked by a...
  13. a.baker

    bath after math

    Does anyone else's dog become insane with hyperness after their bath? Every dog I have ever had always does. I just gave my two a bath and they are nuts! :popcorn:
  14. a.baker

    Funny paper work

    O.k. there is this thing called the USDA Rural Development thats supposed to help people with low income, bad or no credit. Now we tried for this knowing we wouldn't get it any ways. Its was a "well we tried that already" kinda thing. So no surprise we didn't qualify. This place does not give a...
  15. a.baker

    just a rant

    O.k. it was my daughters 5th birthday. Now for each of my nieces and nephews b days I always send a card with money in it, for us its a huge deal. It usually means dipping into grocery or gas money. My mom and dad visit all the kids on their b-days. Well my daughter and niece share a b day so I...
  16. a.baker

    I'm such a dumby

    I am such a dumby because I Just got a job and I was so excited I didn't find out the details. I know its 3 miles from home and morning hours and thats all I care about. It works with my daughters bus schedule for afternoons. I was just so excited LOL So I don't know if this is a weekend...
  17. a.baker

    dental work

    So we finally got an estimate for my hubby's teeth. The first part he absolutely needs an oral surgeon. This includes all the teeth, wisdom teeth, the jaw bone and the dentures. $7,500 to $10,000 :yikes: This dentist first told me he could do payment arrangements. Well the people he went to have...
  18. a.baker

    deaf and blind

    I am making this because of a thread Smkie started about weird questions to ask, I wondered this for a long time but doesn't really fit the thread she started. What would it be like to be both deaf and blind? I can't imagine and I would go crazy. And you know there are people like this in the...
  19. a.baker

    what does this mean?

    So most of you know my current situation and know I need a job with pay. I have been given an offer but LOL I'm such a mom I have no idea what this means. United Way in my community is my neighbor next door actually. I have been putting volunteer stuff in all over the place just to get...
  20. a.baker

    growing males

    At what age do males start to lift their leg to pee? I am surprised my dog hasn't picked up on that yet, well he is never around other males except the pass by on walks. He pees all over his front leg all the time.