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  1. SarahFair

    Dog Bite Question

    Hey yall havent been around alot but really need some advice. If you live in the state of Ga even better... a horrible incident happend this friday (halloween) between my GSD Rudi and my aunts oversized toy poodle. Now to give you some backround on the dogs... Rudi gets along with just...
  2. SarahFair

    Daycare in high schools

    This morning while driving Kyle to work I was listening to a morning talk show. They were on the subject of the 17 girls, all aged 15 and under ( I think ), that made a pact to be prego before they graduated. Well in this school they have a daycare for mothers who have had children and are...
  3. SarahFair

    Have yall ever gotten stuff like this

    :spam::spam::spam::spam: Solicitor,Advocate & Notary Public Office: Hanover House, 10 Camelot Close, Themes mead,London, United Kingdom. FROM: BARRISTER LIM CASIDY Senior Advocate / Principal Attorney. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter to you through the Post...
  4. SarahFair

    I was possibly thinking..

    About getting married... I just dont really know if I want to. Isnt it like 1/2 of them end in divorce?? Its not that I think ours will but you never know. I love Kyle and he loves me... Heck hed probly go to the end of the world for me. My whole family loves him.. We have been...
  5. SarahFair

    I almost bought a pony...

    She was soooooooo pretty too.. She was a welsh pony with this coloring Oh how pretty she was..and they only wanted $200. BUUUT she firstly was 14..not that that is a bad thing buut all 14 years of her life shed been doing pony parties (being pulled around) so when let off lead...
  6. SarahFair

    Saw this on another forum and thought Id share...

    How many zeros in a billion? This is too true to be funny. The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one...
  7. SarahFair


    Is there something going around?? Beau got up last night at 2 30 and threw up all over my sheets, the bathroom door frame the floor and the toilet lid. I cleaned it up and thought, eh dinner just didnt sit with him. This morning he did it again. This time in the living room and right...
  8. SarahFair

    So hes mad at me....

    but oh well..Hell get over it! So we had some friends that just got arrested for DUI. (They are kyles bfs brother and his gf..I dont really like them much) They got pulled over because they recently (about 4 months ago) changed a yeild sign to a stop sign beside a school. The cops like to...
  9. SarahFair


    lol... Yes another thread about it! So today I noticed that Rudi started mounting Mary to the side and worked her way towards the back. At first I wasnt sure if she was just playing like usual or what but you know the look they get when they huntch like there muscles are all flexed and...
  10. SarahFair


    This smiley... :popcorn: always makes me hungry...or want to chew gum (I have a minor addiction to gum..trident to be more specific) anyone else?? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
  11. SarahFair

    I want to move

    I just wrote down all my thoughts on a piece of paper. I might blog it on myspace idk... (a little graphic for chaz...and not like youre thinking you dirty minded folks! lol) I just get ONE life and ONE life only. Why live it trying to make everyone around me happy while Im sitting in a pit...
  12. SarahFair

    The Beginning of the End

    ....Or so I fear. My mom called in her job today and said she quit. I do understand why... She worked in a very racist enviroment. Her boss always made her and this other white guy work double what everyone else did, wouldnt give her the days off she asked for but would let everyone else...
  13. SarahFair

    Six Feet Under...

    I just finished watching the first season of the show and all i have to say is WOW! It really left me feeling good about my life, as lame as that sounds. I cant wait to start season two!
  14. SarahFair


    Can all dogs howl?? Ive never owned a dog that has. I wouldnt mind hearing them do it lol Whatsa good way to get your dog to try??
  15. SarahFair

    Stay at home mom

    Ok so Kyle works a full time job as a logger.. I work a full time as a stay at home mom. BUT What is the job description of a stay at home mom in yalls opinions? Kyle and I are having a little spat over shared chores right now..
  16. SarahFair

    Rude Rudi...

    Im not sure if its a bad behavior shes picked up, if shes a puppy, or why she does it.. When I tell her sit, down, she approches me anything shes always throwing her paw at me.. Like I tell her Down/Plots she makes this funny noise and throws her paw at me.. There have been times when...
  17. SarahFair

    My sister!!

    My sister is on her way to skydive for the first time!!!!! My dad got her a gift card to do it for her graduation/birthday present. Im so excited for her! They are taking her up 14000 feet! Shell be strapped to someone but they film her the whole way down! My dad was like 'Id let you do...
  18. SarahFair

    I just really...

    Want someone to talk to that wont scold me.... I feel really bad for something I didnt even, IMO, didnt do. (on another forum) Will anyone listen?
  19. SarahFair

    Is it weird that

    I want to start using other words not from my culture?? Like... Blody Hell Or in hows it going mate? I just feel like everyone (who knows me) would be like wtf?
  20. SarahFair

    Myspacin it up

    Ok so Ive had one for a couple of years.. If ya wanna be my friend... Itttsss meeee! Just drop me a note saying youre a chazzer and Ill add ya!! (I just dont add ppl I dont know..)