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  1. Specsy

    Dry Kibble: Need Ingredient Input

    Living in SA it is almost impossible to find an affordable grain free food. Orijen here cost about $90 for a 6kg bag. I have found a South African made food which is much more reasonably priced and appears to have no grains. The ingredients are as follows: Dried potato, ostrich meat and bone...
  2. Specsy

    Employment Contract

    I need help writing out a contract. Basically I am being employed by 2 partners opening a business doing pet sitting, their problem is they do not have all the knowledge needed, so they needed to employ someone who has the knowledge that I do. So basically I need to write out a contract for my...
  3. Specsy

    Rottweiler Attack

    Remember James Lech? The dog shayman? Of South Africa? Whose Rottweiler "service dog" attacked a child in a restaurant? Well the same dog attacked a 2year old on a beach in this last week. I would post links but I'm on my mobile. Will post later.
  4. Specsy


    I think Bella has it :( I can't even begin to explain just how sad I am about this. Bella is bombproof on house training, and she lies on my bed all the time in the day. Yesterday, she was lying on the bed as usual and I went about my day, when I came back into my room, there was a large wet...
  5. Specsy

    Pack Dynamics

    Does anyone have any good article on how to identify, manipulate, and control the pack dynamics in a large pack of dogs. I been looking for sled dog trainers info as I think they probably understand pack dynamics the best, but I have not been successful in my search. Basically I am trying to...
  6. Specsy

    Rescued a Sharpei mix...

    My dad rescued a sharpei mix last night. He was stopped at a traffic light and saw people across the road beating the dog with a stick. So he pulled over and approached them. He didn't want conflict and the guys didn't want the dog so my dad put the dog in the car and came home. The dogs name...
  7. Specsy

    Vote mongering! Please vote for Leo.

    Hey all, Please can you do me the huge favour of voting for Leo. All you have to do is click on this link and "like" Leo's photo. Nothing else. We want to win a pretty bowl. It will look nice being...
  8. Specsy

    Suggestions for a cheap/cost free date?

    So, on the 25th of November, it will be 3 years that my boyfriend and I have been dating. We are both incredibly short on money (actually I literally have no money to spend right now and he has VERY little). Regardless of it we still want to do something special for our anniversary. For our...
  9. Specsy

    Remember Rex?

    To those who don't remember, I posted some time ago about my cousin's Rottweiler Rex, who was quite a handful for them. He ripped everything he could apart, he stole washing off the line, he used to jump on and push and trip my cousins wife over when she tried to feed him etc. Well Rex was...
  10. Specsy

    Henna dye safe for dogs??

    Like the title says, is henna dye safe for dogs? It is a natural product so I can't imagine it as unsafe and I can't vegetable based dyes. I want to dye Bella's brown, black. Just for fun... and one of our adopted dogs has a HUGE white spot on her I want to dye black also for fun. Would the...
  11. Specsy

    blue, an answer to your question to puppydog

    Hi blue! Being South African too, I can answer this question about "firing" the maid. Here in South Africa, being a maid, is an actual job. You sign a contract, pay minimum wage, pension fund, unemployment fund, the entire package! So by saying it would be illegal to tell the maid not to come...
  12. Specsy

    Just when things were getting better...

    Bella had started becoming a lot more manageable on walks. She was JUST beginning to ignore SOME dogs barking at the fence. Until today... Some idiot left their chow chow loose... And it came to attack Bella and I. Of course Bella went crazy and I think if she didn't go crazy one of us would...
  13. Specsy

    Where to from here

    So, at the end of this year I need to drop out of my studies, for reasons I don't really want to mention, but nothing like money problems or anything. The thing is it is so hard to find a job, if at all in SA without any qualification/degree/diploma of sorts. How are things in other countries...
  14. Specsy

    Bella may be ill?

    So, usually when I pet Bella, it isn't just a stroke, it's usually really rough scratching and petting, to get her tickle spot so I see leg action. I know I am mean, but yeah. So I DO NOT know how long this has been going on but here goes... Yesterday my boyfriend lightly touched Bella sort...
  15. Specsy

    Failing so badly at life (slight rant)

    So, lately I have been training at a club on a VOLUNTARY basis. I take a basic obedience class. I have been giving this class for the last 5 maybe 6 months. Just basic training (sit, down, stay, heel). I did it all for free and get NOTHING in return, nothing at all. I have been there EVERY...
  16. Specsy

    Dogs a danger in emergencies.

    So on the 25th of July, our fence line and trees caught on fire because our idiotic neighbours set a fire to burn their grass without making sure they had a proper fire breaker. The fire moved incredibly fast however my dad and I managed to JUST keep it away from the house by about a metre...
  17. Specsy

    Have any of you vaccinated your own pet?

    One of the breeders I know here, seems to vaccinate her own pets, I don't know all the details but she usually orders the vaccinations from somewhere and injects all her own pets. She is not a veterinarian, nor does she have any qualifications to that extent. Is it normal? Have any of you...
  18. Specsy

    Just bought my first KONG, ever...

    Not sure why I didn't do it sooner but seriously LOVE this toy, it is a KONG Tails. Leo LOVES it to the end of the world, I will have to attempt to get photos. But...yeah that is all. Wish I could get 100 more KONG stuff. It's just so darned expensive in South Africa!
  19. Specsy

    What info is important on a tag?

    Personally I only have my dog's name and my cellphone number on it. There is not much space on my dog tags to write much more. HOWEVER my dogs are microchipped and they have tags saying they are microchipped and if found please take them to a vet/space/animal shelter/rescue center to get...
  20. Specsy

    Potty on leash.

    I need to teach Bella how to do this. I have a command to it (I simply say toilet) but it ONLY works off leash. She just will NOT go on leash. I think part of the problem is that when we started dog school and walking around at parks etc, I made a point of teaching her NOT to go while she was...