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  1. rij73

    More pics of Hudson.

    I may as well have the camera surgically attached to myself at this point. Poor Hudson. New pics on his website at but here are some highlights.
  2. rij73

    Dogs shot... terrible story
  3. rij73

    More Hudson PICS!

    As usual, even more at Hi there! You lookin' at me??? As he says on his blog, this one's for Tosca (his cyber-girlfriend, LOL!) He's so abused... Just waiting under the piano for something to happen... ANYTHING!
  4. rij73

    Hudson's pink nose *Picture*

    Hudson's pink nose *Pictures* Hudson's nose is turning pink!!! I read online all about it. It seems some dogs' noses go pink in the winter in exactly this pattern and back to black in the spring, though some dogs' noses stay pink or striped forever. Anybody know about this?! I love him...
  5. rij73

    Hudson's fun life

    Just thought I would post that it is so cute to watch my dog go through the day. He enjoys every part of his routine SO MUCH! His silly curly tail is all a-wiggle all day. Just now I taught a couple of children in a row (I'm a piano teacher). When kids come over (a daily occurence), Hudson...
  6. rij73

    New Hudson Pics!

    In honor of Hudson's stellar vet appointment this morning. He is mange-free after a full month off the meds! He's a 100% healthy dog for the first time in his life, poor little guy... Bunches of new pics on his blog: Here are 2 of my faves:
  7. rij73

    Funny pic of Hudson

    He saw a squirrel through the window and jumped on the table for a better look! First time he did this...
  8. rij73


    I've run into two Spinonis (on separate occasions) in my neighborhood recently. I didn't know what they were either time until I asked. They were beautiful! But I had never heard of them. Anyone have experience with this breed? Just curious...
  9. rij73

    How much do you walk?

    OK, so I just used this website: to calculate how much Hudson and I walk on a typical day. It came out to 3.5 miles which was much more than I expected! I walk him 5 times per day: 7am, 10:30am, 2pm, 6pm, and 10pm. Of course those time are somewhat approximate, but...
  10. rij73

    Hudson's Rainjacket *PICS*

    Oh my god... ROFL! LMAO! :lol-sign: Check it out: Enjoy!
  11. rij73

    keeping dog tied to you?

    How do you guys feel about keeping your dog tied to you around the house for a couple of days as part of being grounded? Hudson has been giving me a run for my money the last week or so. It's either the change in weather, or that he's finally done fighting mange, or both! He keeps nipping at...
  12. rij73

    My mom's Maltese's

    Here are my mom's dogs... The bad thing is that she was very uneducated about dogs and made some poor decisions. However, these dogs are her life, and she LOVES them, and they LOVE her back. So she's been lucky in spite of the mistakes. Also, they are absolutely adorable and cuddly... Here is...
  13. rij73

    Need a toy recommendation

    Hello all... Hudson is needing some more mental stimulation I think. We do a lot of stuff like: leash walks, playing with dogs at the dog run, playing with a couple of different treat dispensing toys. He loves all these activities. I'm also doing a lot of obedience training with him. There's a...
  14. rij73

    I'm so proud! *video* Isn't he a good boy???
  15. rij73

    Hudson's new harness *pics*

    OK, so as per my other thread, see: Hudson has this new harness called the Sense-ible Harness. He suddenly walks by my side like a perfect gentleman. I'm hoping the harness will teach him to walk this way forever, even if he doesn't have it...
  16. rij73

    Holy Harness!

    OK, so Hudson has been doing extremely well with his obedience commands, but I hadn't been able to get him to stop pulling on the lead! If he pulled I'd stop walking, he'd come back to my side, I'd walk again, and he'd go right back to pulling way out in front. Heeling was not getting anywhere...
  17. rij73

    Hudson at the farm

    Hudson met horses this weekend! Here's the best picture from those two posts... He's daring the horse to try to get him, LOL!
  18. rij73

    So PROUD of my boy!

    OK... excuse this thread, but I just feel like gushing. My Hudson is SUCH A GOOD BOY! Since he got suddenly so much healthier, I decided that it was time to kick the training into high gear about a week ago. Well, in ONE WEEK, he's gotten 100% reliable on "sit" (which he knew before)...
  19. rij73

    Food-dispensing toys

    So, I've gotten in the habit of feeding Hudson a mid-day snack out of a toy. He's usually not hungry enough in the morning to eat half of his daily food intake, so I give him 1/4 in the morning in a dish, 1/4 in the afternoon from a toy, and 1/2 in the evening from a dish. It seems to work...
  20. rij73

    A few new pics

    Hi all... A few new pics of my boy, Hudson! As usual, there's plenty more on his website. Chewing on a stick Sitting for me at the crosswalk (Good boy!) The terrible bath-time trauma An embarrassing pose ENJOY!