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    I had heard about that one Australian guy who made that euthanasia machine, so I decided to look it up. One of the sites I came across had very detailed instructions about how to euthanize your pet at home. I almost threw up! That was so sickening! How could anyone euthanize their pet at home...
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    Air Sickness

    This week I going to visit my aunt and have to take a plane. The flight's 2 hours long, and I usually get pretty air sick. The last time I wore an acupressure bracelet, which helped a lot, but I still got kinda air sick. Do any of you guys know any way to combat air sickness, or at least how to...
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    Too much free time

    Now that it's summer, I almost feel like I have too much free time. I have some things to do, but they aren't very time consuming. What should I do with all this extra time! I'm getting so bored. School can be hard, but it's nice to have a schedule and stuff to do. What do teens who can't drive...
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    Collared Shirts

    I need to wear collared shirts for the school I go to, and even though school doesn't start for a couple of months, I still want to buy some new clothes soon. I have some collared shirts that look good untucked, but when I tuck them in, they don't look very flattering. I was wondering, does...
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    Wisdom Teeth Removal

    I have to get my wisdom teeth (all 4 of them) removed this summer. They are all under the gums. The top ones are starting to go backwards some and the bottom ones are practically horizontal. So, I know I need to get it done. I'm really nervous about it though. I think I'm going to have to "go...
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    Tail Language

    Sometimes my dogs (whippets) have their tail in a position where it looks just like a candy cane. It's hanging down, but curled, like a candy cane. I've always thought that it meant that they were happy since they usually do it on walks or when we get home, but I thought maybe it was a way...
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    Fish Oil

    I was considering adding fish oil to my two dogs' diets. Is this safe to do? How much should I give every day and do I need to give anything else to "balance" the omega 3's?
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    Is there a search box that I can use to search the forum for posts?
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    K9 Advantix Questions

    We've never used K9 Advantix before and I was wondering, is it OK for my cats to come in contact with my dogs after my dogs have had the Advantix put on them? Also, is Advantix better than Frontline (Petmeds said it was)? And is it OK to use Advantix every 2 weeks (my vet said it was, but I was...
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    Why does he do this?

    One of my dogs likes to go through the trash can and take out anything in it and scatter it across the room. It's very nasty and he only seems to do it when he's alone in a room (someone might be in a room near him though). Why might he do this? Is he bored or just likes trash?
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    Coming and Heeling

    My dog is generally well behaved, but on a leash, he will pull when he sees something he wants, and also sometimes when I call him while he's outside, he ignores me. How can I teach him to heel properly and to come to me even if he's outside?
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    Gentle Leader

    One of my dogs can be really bad (pulls, barks, etc.) on walks. He's 7 and hasn't had any obedience training classes. It's not possible for him to take any right now either. Is the gentle leader collar something that I can use that is good and that I don't need a dog trainer for?
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    Innova Senior

    My mom just bought some Innova Senior dry food because one of our dogs has become very picky. We're trying to find something she'll like. On the bag it states that it has the highest amount of vitamin E that the AAFCO allows. Is that necessarily a good thing? Could that hurt my dogs in any way?
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    Brushing Cat's Teeth

    Does anyone here brush their cat's teeth? I was looking up dog tooth brushing and found articles about brushing a cat's teeth. I never knew that was possible! Cats are usually so difficult about those kinds of things.
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    Teeth Brushing

    When I brush my dogs' teeth, how do I effectively get the farther back teeth brushed? Do I just pull the cheek back to get at them?
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    Weight Loss/Nutrients

    My dog Andrew needs to lose weight. Currently he gets canned food twice a day and access to dry food 24/7. Since he always has access to dry food, could we give him less canned food without him suffering from a lack of nutrients?
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    Arguing with Mom

    I sometimes tell my mom that I don't agree with how she feeds the dogs because I don't like the brands or I don't think that the dogs are doing well on them. She then gets all defensive. She can never stand to be wrong. She tells me that all of my information is wrong and the vet told her that...
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    Rough Coat & Dandruff

    One of my dogs has dandruff and the other one has a really coarse/ruff coat. The one with the coarse coat is overweight and seems to have pancreatitis, but we aren't entirely sure. His coat has been this way for a long time though. What might cause his coat to be like this? Also, what could...
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    Mixing Canned Foods

    My mom seems to think that it's OK to mix canned foods. She currently mixes two different brands of canned foods for the dogs in the morning and then gives them another brand in the evening. Does anyone have any really reliable sites (preferably veterinarian sites) that state that this is not...
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    What else to do?

    My mom thinks that I spend too much time on the computer. I do spent a lot of time just looking through message boards and whatnot, but what else is there to do? I do all my homework and when I get home, it's usually dark out, so I can't do anything outside. My mom said I was "wasting my time...