Search results

  1. M

    Rottie bone cancer

    Hi all, it's been quite some time since I've been here, but I have a decision to make and I'm looking for some input. Last fall my Rottie, Thor, was diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disease in the spine, and given 1 to 2 years to live (I don't know the name of the disease, but the vet said...
  2. M

    This isn't dog related...but...

    I just wanted to show off my new rescue. She's a 10 year old registered AQHA Appendix, her name is Ima Kaycee, and even now she's gorgeous. My wife and I went to the Missoula horse auction yesterday, just to take a day off work and spend some time together around horses. We were walking...
  3. M

    One last post, even I'm getting annoyed

    Okay, 4 Min Pins, one Rottie. The two female Min Pins will eat anything you give them, and overeat if given the chance. The Rottie will eat anything, even if it's not food, put wood in his dish and he'll eat it. Until recently, the Rottie and the 2 girls were on Canidae, but with the...
  4. M

    Confused about Canidae problems

    I've been reading here about people having problems with the "new" Canidae, and at first, I'll admit, when I heard they're changing the formula and having Diamond make it for them, I wasn't too happy. However, I have yet to see any of the new formula available at any of the 5 stores that I...
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    Nice experience today

    I know this goes against most BSL garbage, but I have to tell you all about a good experience I had today. I love GSD's, I've never had one, but friends back in Pennsylvania had them, and I think they're just gorgeous and brilliant dogs. My wife, on the other hand, was attacked by one when...
  6. M

    Temporary heartworm medication

    My wife and I are headed from Montana to Southeast Pennsylvania for the first two weeks of September, and we're taking our 4 Min Pins, (driving cross country.) While going over the trip tonight, trying to figure out things we haven't considered, we came up with the fact that when we lived...
  7. M

    The Honest Kitchen dehydrated raw food?

    I was wondering if anyone has experience with these foods? They're powdered, dehydrated raw food, and I just found them the other day at my local food supplier when I went in for the normal dry food. I got two sample packs, one was "Thrive," one was "Embark." We tried the Embark sample...
  8. M

    Do people get their dogs weighed, or make up a weight to fit their image?

    Hi all, I've been looking at this forum for a long time, I've commented on some things, haven't commented at all on others. Tonight, I was searching for info on Min Pins and saw someone saying they had a 3 year old that was 3 lbs. I have a 1 year old, who was born premature, all of his...
  9. M

    Very skiddish little Min Pin

    Hey all, I've lived with this for over 2 years, and finally I've decided to ask for help. Our one little Min Pin, Maya, is about 2 1/2 years old. We got her from a back yard breeder as payment for a debt he owed us. Anyway, when we got her, my wife joked about her being a little...
  10. M

    Flyball training at home

    Hi everyone, For the most parts, my dogs have just always been pets, but now I find myself with 4 Min Pins that seem to get bored easily. We live in rural western Montana, and we're trying to figure out things to do with them. My wife has seen little bits of flyball on TV and I've caught...
  11. M

    High Protien Food

    One of my Mini pins is probably the most finicky eater ever. We've tried several different foods, and he was eating Canidae for quite awhile, but lately he's decided that he'd rather be skin and bones than to continue it. We went to the store a few weeks back and got several samples of...
  12. M

    Black Widows and small dogs

    Hello all, In the past week, I've killed 3 black widow spiders around the house, and my question is, how harmful are they to small dogs? My wife was bitten a year ago, and it was pretty much like a real bad case of food poisoning, but she's a healthy 30 year old, and weighs just a...
  13. M

    Tiny little Mini Pin

    Hello all, Late last year, we decided to breed our Min Pins, before anyone says anything, they had both shown twice, and one took best of breed once, the other took it once, and they were both runner up when they didn't win. Anyway, it was a once off breeding because we wanted a baby from...
  14. M

    Why do dog haters go to pet stores???

    Sorry all, Just had to vent a bit. Along with 4 Mini Pins, my wife and I have a soon to be 5 year old Rottie. We got him as a puppy, and even though we trained him ourselves, we still took him to puppy kindergarten just for socialization. Also, we lived in the Philly area until he was 6...
  15. M

    Any problems with this?

    Our male Min Pin is an extremely finicky eater, when we first got him we tried many different foods, and he'd eat them for a few days, then he'd starve himself rather than eat. I know many people say to just keep offering the same food and eventually he'll eat it, but at one point he went two...
  16. M

    Hello from Montana!

    Hi Everyone, I just found this forum, and my wife and I are in western Montana. We have 3 Min Pins: Apollo - Black and Tan male, Athena and Maya - both red females, also at the moment, we have 5 three week old pups, a red male, chocolate male, b/t male, tan male, and red female. We also...