Recent content by mwood322

  1. M

    Mice.. some questions! good pets for kids?

    Another vote for mice. And another person advocating NOT getting whatever animal from a chain pet store. This could be related to a dwarf hamster jumping 6 inches straight up to latch onto my thumb this morning. I had a mouse around 5th grade, and it was the most handleable of my small...
  2. M

    DVR, tivo and stuff

    Tivo is a DVR recorder, it's just a brand name one. It works best with broadcast tv, and some cable companies. Most cable and satellite providers have their own DVR machines, which can vary widely in how their controls and such work. Depending on company some want you to buy the box, others...
  3. M

    Leaving fish for a few days

    I'd just leave them and feed when you get back. Unless the fish are babies they should all be just fine. Vacation feeders are all rubbish and screw up the water a lot. --Mia
  4. M

    New TSA logo

    Schneier on Security: TSA Logo Contest I think these are the submissions. --Mia
  5. M

    so all these aquarium threads got me wondering....

    If you're in an area they are allowed, dojo loaches would work, sometimes they're called weather loaches (they're not allowed in MA). Cold water is no issue for them. They aren't particularly attractive though. They should leave the goldfish alone. --Mia
  6. M

    Hehe, why is this on CNN?

    Me and my mother both instantly thought, "It's Disney's Pocahontas." I've seen it compared online to Dances With Wolves as well. I mean it was still entertaining, but groundbreaking, really??? --Mia
  7. M

    Hehe, why is this on CNN?

    The effects were awesome, but the plot was kind of standard and predictable. There are actually a bunch of funny discussions online about that if you search for them. To me it was a lot like Cameron's other movies, predictable with some lucky main characters and a few others killed off to...
  8. M

    Wierd food combo's

    Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin Pizzas, preferably with sharp cheese. I have to find a new tomato sauce though. All the ones I like get discontinued. Peanut butter and cheese sandwiches. Whole wheat bread, thin amount of peanut butter on both sides, slices of sharp chedder cheese in the...
  9. M

    Could a dog have SA when their canine companion is at the vet?

    I have one dog that goes to pieces without the other. If there's a human around he is manageable, but leave him completely alone and get ready for some howling and desperate behavior. The other dog likes him, but isn't anywhere near as needy about it. --Mia
  10. M

    Light fixation

    It's even more fun to deal with once they start chasing shadows. One of my dogs will literally run herself to exhaustion in the backyard chasing the shadows of birds flying by and her own tail rather than a frisbee. I have it so she will mostly refocus when I call her, but sometimes it just...
  11. M

    I am SO mad! *camera people*

    My sister's camera, an old powershot had the same error from her husband dropping it. We brought it to a camera shop, and they turned it on and messed with the lens until it popped back into alignment. It still works as far as I know. You can google lens error and canon powershot and see...
  12. M

    Ok, this gave me a smile

    Most constrictors bite then wrap around their prey rather than the other way around. They grab food and coil tightly around it, which would be why he is worried about the biting, which can lead to the squeezing. :p My corn snakes would likely starve out in nature. They are several...
  13. M

    Ok, this gave me a smile

    Well I personally have only been bitten by one of my snakes, once, it certainly taught me to make very sure I washed my hands between handling him and handling food. Being bitten means you did something wrong by either making the snake think you were food, or making it very uncomfortable. Most...
  14. M

    So much for no behavior problems

    I had to put a piece of wood behind all the knobs after one of my dogs managed to turn on the gas twice on me. The second time the house reeked and I had to do the airing out thing. The non-guilty dog spent the next two days throwing up due to the gas. Thankfully there was no lasting damage...
  15. M

    Senior Cat Tips?

    So far no fleas or any really noticeable parasites. He is keeping himself and my attic clean, and was more animated today. He even bopped around the toys a bit. :D overall he's a very nice lap type cat. Wants you petting and will just sit there trying to purr. He sort of snorts purrs...