Recent content by mwelling757

  1. M

    Good vibes for Juno's vet appt, please?

    Oh, sorry to hear that... I hope there's nothing really serious, but let's hear from your vets.. So, hugs for your dogs Southpaw...
  2. M

    Post crimbo depression

    Haven't had much fun this Christmas but I'm still okay...:cheers: Hugs for you puppydog...
  3. M

    New Years Resolutions.... Whats yours?

    WORLD PEACE!!! lol I'm always breaking my New Year's resolution so I won't make any for this year... But I'll stick to my diet and keep the good health.. ;)
  4. M

    I'm crying

    Sad to know about it... Well I heard a news also that there's such place in Asia where adults(human) who were wasted or some beggars would be place at a certain Lost and Found and without further notice to the family they will be put to death and their ashes will be used as fertilizer to the...
  5. M

    Brittany murphy dies at age 32

    She's really going to be missed... We love Happy feet and it won't be complete without her... But it's her time to rest... from Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Stephen Gately, who else... and Now she's next... :'(
  6. M

    I'm just so tired of all the crap

    Hugs for you Tessa... Time can heal wounds... well, I had a good mother but I don't think my father had been good to me... But before he passed away, God has given him time to realize how much I loved him no matter he had hurt me so badly that I have to leave home at a very young age... But it's...
  7. M

    She's just getting weirder..

    Lol, when I saw the title it made me think of a dog getting weirder...:rofl1: and the first thing i thought of saying is, "bring her to a dog behavior training class... " oopps... sorry okay so it's your mother-n-law getting weirder... :yikes: mmm... I got a friend like her, she would...
  8. M

    Hannah is a clepto...

    LOL, so it seems like, Main lesson:: "If Grammy won't give it then STEAL it..." hahaha:rofl1:
  9. M

    Hannah is a clepto...

    OMG:yikes: bunch of Christmas stolen gifts from Grammy's House of Souvenir!!! :rofl1: Get-all-you-can-handle baby...
  10. M

    I'm just so tired of all the crap

    Oh too bad you have to experience that from your own mother... She's really sick... My sister is a bit psycho :mad: ... But we just let go of the things she is claiming hers, it's really going nowhere... Among us, God knows everything, those are just material things... I know you love your...
  11. M

    Happy Birthday Dogsarebetter

    Happy Birthday!!! May you have more years to come!!! :cheers:
  12. M

    Fruits and Veggies a Dog Can't Eat

    I have no problem with my dog he ate anything from fish to veggies to meat, but one time I gave him a lot of pork meat and as a results he got some red marks on his body, and keep scratching it all over again. I think pork is not good to feed on dogs! Take a look at this article contains...
  13. M

    toxic plants

    Hi josephine, If we really do love our dogs we should be cautious in everything, especially of what they eat. With this information about toxic plants a big help for us dog owners so that we can prevent our dogs to eat those plants. Thanks a lot Josephine.