Recent content by Miss Marley

  1. Miss Marley

    I need some cheering up please and thank you

    Thanks Her happy place is actually on my pillow lol. She sleeps there every night. I didn't put her in the crate, my mom did. And I'll let her out for now, but If I value my life I'll put her back for the night.
  2. Miss Marley

    I need some cheering up please and thank you

    This is kind of a long story, It all started in May/June this year. My friend James and I were talking about taking our friendship to the next level... but I was really busy with exams and studying and eventually said no because I wouldn't want to be the girlfriend who neglected her...
  3. Miss Marley

    Steve Irwin (the Crododile hunter) is dead!

    Oh my gosh! I have a handwritten letter from him. I wrote to him when I was like 12, and told him how much I loved his zoo, and all his shows and just how cool I thought he was. I got a letter back, handwritten with TWO free passes to his zoo "if I could ever get to Australia"... Oh, I think...
  4. Miss Marley

    Bad Puppy? (long - sorry)

    Doesn't anyone have any ideas?
  5. Miss Marley

    Bad Puppy? (long - sorry)

    I'm trying to teach Marley and emergency recall command. She comes when called, but she's a generally lazy animal when it comes to that, walking slow or you call her and she will come, but on her time. I've tried to have my mom hold her, while I let her taste the highpaycheck treat...
  6. Miss Marley

    Yummy!!!! (favourite food?)

    Rattatouie its french full of veggies and so effin delish
  7. Miss Marley

    Is it dog acne

    Puppy Acne Puppy Acne Puppy acne is very common and you normally see it from 3 - 18 months of age especially in the giant breeds. It shows up on the chin and lips, sometimes the vulva area, and in chronic cases you will see pimples along the back and rump. Normally it is treated with an...
  8. Miss Marley

    Dog Breeding as a Profession

    Ok, now I have a question. We got Marley from an extremly highly reputable boxer breeder in our city. Now they don't show their dogs anymore, they've been breeders for almost 35 years now. They have around 15 adult dogs, and in the spring, they have at least 2 puppy pools (children swimming...
  9. Miss Marley

    Dog breeds you would never own

    I couldn't own any breed I didn't feel comfortable with. I'd be open to any dog... but before I buy a dog of any kind I'd spend time with it and see if it was compatible. If I don't feel the connection its not going to happen. The only breed I cannot own is a pitbull. I was attacked by one...
  10. Miss Marley

    Most Popular Family Dog?

    I <3 boxers, and I am so glad they're becoming more mainstream. I'd never seen anyone else owning boxers in my neighbourhood, and in the last 3 years we've met 5-6 couples with them!
  11. Miss Marley

    Saddest song

    is Johnny Cash's "Hurt" in my opinion. Whats your saddes song?
  12. Miss Marley

    Special Markings

    Marley has a funny looking star (no picture yet)
  13. Miss Marley

    Most Popular Family Dog?

    sure the labs are great, and retrievers are awesome (who can't love Shadow in the movie, the title escapes me right now, and i feel silly for it) but if you want Loyalty and a real pal, get a boxer SO much personality for the punch
  14. Miss Marley

    Most Popular Family Dog?

    Boxers, through and through. You don't know loyalty until you've had a Boxer. They're almost human, they talk, and are protective in a good way. They're menacing, but sweet natured. I know my breeder (who has like 20 dogs) lent her key to the neighbour so that she could hang her laundry...
  15. Miss Marley

    9 songs with in the past 3 days

    I hear you, I have chronic insomnia, and that helps a TON