Recent content by doberkim

  1. D

    Okay Dober people...

    its not their breeder, its their breed. its the structure - dobermans are notorious for it, and its a lifetime that you need to work on it. once a rock back sitter, always a rock back sitter unless you keep on top of them forever and work it. only two of my dobes will naturally tuck. and even...
  2. D

    Contacts and Names

    i agree, i dont think creeping has anything to do with verbals and everything to do with unclear contact criterion. i know i am unclear with berlin because she gets quick released in trials and full stops in training, so she sometimes creeps when she's asked to repeat contacts because she's not...
  3. D

    cherry blossom cluster results (timonium MD)

    well, the dogs and i are back from the cherry blossom cluster... pretty good results if i do say so myself!!! would have been nice, but unrealistic to have the ultimate trifecta to finish all 4 titles! instead, we had 2 titles, and 2 other legs towards the titles, which was enough...
  4. D

    Obedience trainers - some ideas please?

    i dont think many of this has to do with the leash at all. and if you plan on showing in 3 months, then im not sure that there's going to be a ton of time for you to break it down to basics with a clicker - but there are some things that a dog with a solid foundation could easily be fixed in one...
  5. D

    cute little obedience videos

    did some doodling with berlin last night before rah's utility class -- im pleased with how she is coming and she's made huge strides in the past few months! hoepfully she will debut in AKC this year. first working some finishes. still need to work on the head drop. YouTube -...
  6. D

    rah rah in utility...

    rah does everything to own it - so for rah, its just avoiding giving up his prize. its why i throw short - the more he runs, the more he gets into "wait, i CAN own this, she DOESNT need it back!" mindset and he starts chomping down, his eyes glaze, and he's done - his fronts are slow and...
  7. D

    rah rah in utility...

    oh rah tries to kill the gloves constantly. i cant post the other video out of respect to the judge - rah NQd and she let me train go outs in the ring :)
  8. D

    rah rah in utility...

    his articles were trained with the around the clock method. he always loses points for mouthing, but he gets one free typically. we lose more points when he doesn't want to out the article (wish i could share his most recent video... where i have to physically rip them out of his mouth...
  9. D

    what really belongs here?

    well, it only occurred to me when i went to post rah's stuff, i couldnt find a section - i scrapped my post, tried to find an appropriate section, then realized that this WAS the section :) i just like the all encompassing "dog sports" :)
  10. D

    My Motley Crew (warning: picture heavy!)

    very cute - does his harness say "it wasnt me!" ??? berlins says "little bitch"!
  11. D

    How many things do you train at once?

    i always work on multiple things at once - the way i train, often in the small session (3-5 minutes) i will only ask for one behavior since many times im shaping or capturing, so i dont want confusion since my dogs are WAY too quick to offer alternates - but at any given moment we can be working...
  12. D

    rah rah in utility...

    this is rah at back mountain this past november. DARN SIGNALS> im not sure how to embed here - so YouTube - Rah Utility B Back Mt 2010
  13. D

    what really belongs here?

    the name of this section is agility and dog sports - and mentions agility again. what about those of us that do obedience? flyball? tracking? nosework? is it possible that the section is renamed something that is more inclusive - maybe it will encourage other people who do...
  14. D

    How often do you talk to/see your parents?

    both my parents live about an hour or so north of me (but separate). i speak to my dad probably 4-5 times a week - but he emails, texts, and leaves phone for last. my mom - we talk on the phone maybe 2 times a week. id talk to her more if she texted, etc :) i see them probably about once a...
  15. D

    Lets see your doggies parents!

    berlin's mom, katie - cara's katarina, schA BSA1A BH STT LC-10 (HOT) this is her breed survey at 9.5 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! berlin got all her natural aggression from this bitch. the sharpest bitch i ever met! berlin's daddy, augustus UDC CH bell'lavoros augustus...