Razor's Edge pitties?


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
Hello to all I am new to the board. I currently have 2 dogs 1 bird. I have a pitbull named bam bam and a chi named tator tot. I really enjoy showing my dog. I am not at all interested in breeding, money or anything eles other then showing my dog. He is a razorsedge dog, however he is nothing like the overdone, wide chest, unable to run type of dog he is very active and in perfect health. I pay for his regular Vet checks and work with him all the time. I understand where everyone might think that this is a bad type of dog but I stongly believe that the people who breed them give them a bad name. There are alot of legitiment breeders who care about their dogs and try to breed out the health problems. BUT there are plenty who are in it to get rich and create puppymills. I for one consider my dog a pet and part of my family. I am happy that he looks alot cleaner then some of the other dogs I have seen. I recently competed in a UKC show and he did place, The judge told me he was still a puppy and needed to grow alittle more in order to be able to judge him. I have encountered many problems for speaking out on all the puppymills and money makers. However I strongly believe that you should breed to better the breed not to put money in your wallet. I agree with alot of what I read on this board I really wish that others whould see it that way as well. At the end of the day even if my dog does not fit into the american bully world or the APBT world... at least I can say he is my dog and he will always be apart of my world.

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