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  1. E

    Frusterated with stupid friend

    I need some advice from you to tell my friend so more puppies aren't born again. Here's the story. She has a Great Pyrnese (4yrs old) and a Golden Retriever. Dogs are not fixed. The GP had puppies by the Golden in December. Unplanned pregnancy. Puppies were sold at Walmart, 2 puppies are...
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    Tavish bath pics

    Did you say a bath? I was so dirty I made my bath water brown! Soap does not taste good. What!? Your putting this on Chazhound?
  3. E

    Daylight Savings- Spring Forward

    Was it last night you were supposed to set your clock.. or is it tonight? I always forget.. :lol-sign: I just found out myself so I thought I would post a reminder :)
  4. E

    Tavish pictures

    Tavish is almost a year old, he's 10 months.
  5. E

    12 Dog of Christmas. A must see!

    This is such a good movie. I loved it!
  6. E

    If your going to call in "sick" for work....

    ....don't post the pictures of what you were actually doing online!
  7. E

    My new Myspace page

    I just created a Myspace page. Please add me as a friend if you have one too :)
  8. E

    Update on Little Bit

    I talked to my Mom this morning and she said Little Bit arrived late last night at her house. Mom was awake most of the night making the little dog comfortable as possible. She said he looks terrible. He's extremely overweight, 10 pounds more then a Chi should be. She took him to a 24 hr vet...
  9. E

    Tavish pics

    Silly dog wouldn't sit still for pictures LOL!!. He's 7 months already!
  10. E

    Good News For Little Bit

    My Mom has made some calls and the dog will be transported to my mom's house tonight. My mom is a big dog lover, she LOVES dogs!! She has Shelties of her own and will help Little Bit find a good home and get the medical attention he needs. Not all my family is bad.. just a few people are. My mom...
  11. E

    A Christmas Tree pic

    My Christmas Tree pic I know its a whole month early but I put up my tree this weekend. It's really simple this year, just lights and ribbon. I'm really proud of it :D
  12. E

    So frusterated. Dog has broken leg

    No not Tavish, but a family member of mine has a little dog that has a broken leg and tendon. This weekend I learned that one of my family members was mad at something or someone and took her anger out on her little Chihuahua. The little dog is named Little Bit. When afraid Little Bit will hide...
  13. E

    Why is this board so mean sometimes??

    Apart from people telling everyones dogs they look cute.. this board is kinda harsh sometimes. The person who shared new puppy pics and I guess was a member before and made a new account.. 3 or 4 posts into the thread someone said something mean about the OP... he was just posting pics is...
  14. E

    Fried Green Tomatoes

    I love this movie :D Jessica Tandy and her purple hair :lol-sign: It's on the Lifetime channel right now :)
  15. E

    For the soap opera addicts on the board....

    Today on All My Children, Kassie Depaiva aka Blair Cramer on One Life To Live, her son JQ will be appearing on AMC as a guest on Erica Kane's talk show "New Beginnings" the show will be dedicated to deaf children, as JQ is deaf in real life. The episodes will air Sept 20, 21, and 24. I can't...
  16. E

    OMG! Look what I found stuck on my window!

    I was going upstairs to get my laundry basket and I glanced at the big window over my front door and I saw this... :yikes:
  17. E

    3 Tav pics

    I took these this afternoon. :p
  18. E

    Help! My Mother is difficult!!

    For Thanksgiving my mother is planning to fly down to visit me, and I have agreed to pay for her ticket.. which is not a problem for me. She doesn't do well with changing planes so she has asked if I could find a round trip flight with no layovers and flight changes.. so I said ok.. I will be...
  19. E

    Friends dog needs help but not willing to take him to the vet

    I have a friend, who has a friend that is a Senior in a wheelchair, and she has a German Shep mix who isn't urinating enough for the amount of water he drinks. The dog is around 10yrs old. She said the dog isn't lethargic, eating well, so its puzzling. The owner is on a fix income, so she says...
  20. E

    The President is giving his speech on ABC

    Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :mad: He looks like a turtle...