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  1. Z

    Pudges cut his foot.

    Hey everyone. I was taking my dog for a walk in the woods today and he sorta cut his foot. Not sure what he cut it on, but it's a little gash half-way between his ankle and his paws on the back/underside of his foot/lower leg area. It's basically a slice along the surface, exposing a...
  2. Z

    Pudges cut his foot.

    Hey everyone. I was taking my dog for a walk in the woods today and he sorta cut his foot. Not sure what he cut it on, but it's a little gash half-way between his ankle and his paws on the back/underside of his foot/lower leg area. It's basically a slice along the surface, exposing a...
  3. Z

    Nighting barking problem

    Okay, everyone... I've got a serious problem, and I know you're all going to hate me for this, but I really need your help. I have a dog that I have to keep outside at night. He has a cage/kennel that's fairly large so he's safe and he's not chained up or anything. However, the problem...
  4. Z

    Dog-Human relationship twists.

    Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've been here, but I'm back and I still have my dog that I had previously owned, Pudges. I'll probably be posting pics of him soon. However, I'm actually making this post to get help with something else. I'm currently a student at an online animation...
  5. Z

    Neighbor's dog bites me....who cares!

    I swear some people's irresponsibilitie's irk me! I mean, I know I'm not the most responsible person in the world, I make mistakes...but at least I can admit I'm wrong and apologize for them. Ok, here's what happened. I was at my parent's house and was about to take my puppy and my sister's...
  6. Z

    Going on vacation for 2 wks...what should I do with Pudges

    Hello everyone, In less than a week, I'm going on vacation to Texas (from Ohio) for about 2 wks. My whole family is going (all 9 of us) in 2 vehicles. Originally, I figured I would leave him at the family house with Zephyr, since I assumed they had already planned for someone to come over and...
  7. Z

    Fun and games for growing puppies.

    Hello everyone, Does anyone have any ideas of what games/activities that I can play with my 7 month old puppy? He's a very energetic, lab mix...he likes to play fetch, chase leashes as I run around with it or make me chase him with his tennis ball or favorite toy. I used to play Hide and Seek...
  8. Z

    Striking Fear into the heart of a puppy.

    Ok, I know this is normally not a good thing to do, and I don't nessecarily want to make my puppy deadly afraid of anything, but right now he's pretty much not afraid of anything (except vaccuumers and hairdryers, or other noisy electronic things) and I'm afraid he's going to endanger his life...
  9. Z

    Playing Poop detective

    In the past few months I've noticed some things turn up in Pudges stool that has really started to scare me and make me realize I need to be more careful about what I leave within his "access range" and keep a better eye on him. Fortunately most of those things have "passed" a while ago, and he...
  10. Z

    What makes a good Vet?

    This thought was triggered in my mind when I took my puppy to the vet yesteray because he was shaking his head a lot. Certain things my vet was saying made me wonder if he really knew all of his stuff. Another thing that bothered me was the way he has his shot schedule set up. Not that's it bad...
  11. Z

    Puppy shaking his head.

    Hey everyone, I came home tonight and started playing with my puppy and he started doing the strangest thing. He's continually shaking his head vigorously for a second or two, so his ears flop around real fast, he only shakes it once or twice real quick then goes about his business for awhile...
  12. Z

    My Roomate Nightmare p2

    As many of you mave have read in previous posts, I have a pair of roommates, a man and his wife (who happens to be a dwarf/midget), whom I've been having some troubles with, mostly in not paying me rent for 3.5 months and not being able to follow simple instructions like letting my dog outside...
  13. Z

    Yellow goo coming out of my dog's wiener

    I don't know what it is, but there is some strange yellow goo coming of the tip of my dog's penis, stuck in the hairs that grow off the end. Does anyone have any idea what it is or should I call my vet right away?
  14. Z

    You guys were right, my roommates are IDIOTS!!

    Ok, in case any of you haven't read the post prior to this, I sometimes call home and try to get my roommates to real Easy, simple tasks to help me take care of my puppy. I really hate to leave him in his crate for 8 hours while I'm at work, so I sometimes ask them to let him out so he can...
  15. Z

    Safe Flea bath shampoos?

    OK guys, as you know my Pudges still has a problem with fleas. I was thinking about getting him so flea bath stuff but due to a recent scare involving Hartz, I decided perhaps I should come here and ask what brands are safe and have a good reputation for being effective as opposed to just...
  16. Z

    Finally, I put Pudge to sleep.

    Yeah, I know it sucks. But I think it was for the better. It's a real hassle to try to do things I need to do on the computer and not knowing what he's doing running around the house unsupervised...I really had no choice. Plus if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to be typing this right
  17. Z

    The War on Fleas begins today.

    As I posted earlier, my puppy recently got a case of nasty fleas. I applied Frontline on Mon. afternoon around 530-6pm EST. He's still itching and biting, especially his rear/crotch area. So, I'm not sure if the Frontline is ineffective or if he just got more fleas from the carpet and such in my...
  18. Z

    Pics of Pudge

    Finally, I got my forgetful butt to get some pictures of my puppy. I used Photobucket and insert image, but I was hoping to get the pics to actually show up here
  19. Z

    Dog products that pose health risks

    Due to a lot of recent health scares with products made for "dogs", I'm beginning to worry about anything I buy for my dog being a possible health hazard! Here is a list of things I've been warned about recently 1. Hartz products (and I really do believe this is terrible for pets) 2. Any...
  20. Z

    Who says Dogs can't speak English!?

    If you've ever wanted a parrot but decided to stick with a dog...or wished you could teach your dog to talk like a parrot, here's a video for you. I'm not sure how people got their dogs to do this stuff, but it's pretty amazing, very entertaining and the cuteness of the whole thing is just...