Playing Poop detective

Jul 29, 2006
In the past few months I've noticed some things turn up in Pudges stool that has really started to scare me and make me realize I need to be more careful about what I leave within his "access range" and keep a better eye on him.
Fortunately most of those things have "passed" a while ago, and he appears to be fine to this day. I'm still a little worried about something possibley being stuck somewhere in his system so I'm going to list the things I've found in the past few months, just in case.

1. Small thin wires that power taillights on wooden trailer in my parent's backyard. They were concealed under the hitch and he chewed through them when I left him tied up there at my parents house.

2. 1/2 acorn shell. Probably ate it when I was walking him near one of the billion acorn trees in the park I take him too. I bet that hurt coming out. He also seems to like to nibble on acorns a lot when he finds them on the ground. Is there anything wrong with that?

3. Mirror glass. I have no idea where he found this. I don't have any in my hous as far as I know, but there is lots of glass in the alleys outside my house and who knows how many pieces of shattered rearview mirrors are laying in my street from idiots who knock them off driving down our street.

4. Insulation. I stupidely let him wander around the house while I was doing homework on my PC last night. Most of my house is clean but in the basement there is a roll of insulation in the corner and he tore into that. I noticed little something on his tongue but when I took him to a more well-lit area to get a better look, it was gone.

Firstly, before you flame me, I know all this is my fault for the most part, for not realizing he had access to something or keeping an eye on what he was doing. So I take all the blame and I'm really mad at myself for screwing up. What's happened has happened and I'm hoping I can get advice on what to do in an emergency and how to avoid future incidents, so there are a couple of things I want to know.

1. What should I do about the most recent incident? Call a vet or wait and see if he shows any symptoms of something being wrong? Is there a way to check his system or safely get something out of his stomach that won't cost me a fortune?

2. What things should I definelty take him to the vet for if I know he's eaten them? I know toxins like Chocolate, Onions, plants, chemicals, etc...but what about solid objects like the things listed above? Also, what symptons should I watch for if I think he's eaten something bad for him.

3. If he's somehow off leash and he starts to eat something, whats a good way to retrieve it from his mouth without him thinking I want to play a game of "Try and Catch me and prized new chew toy" so I can safely extract it without him chewing or swallowing it.
I've used the treat trade or getting him to open his mouth for something else before, but sometimes he decides he likes the item he has better, or he'll try to keep it and get the treat or eat it before getting the treat.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me. So far he seems fine and all, I just hope I haven't caused any irreversible damage to my beloved Pudges.


Nov 28, 2004
First of all , you really need to know what he gets into ....believe me if you find odds and ends in his stools .... MUCH more has gone in ! Know your pup well ! Any change in eyes, appetite , attitude etc is to be questioned and if you don't know what could be causing it , it's vet time ! After a few costly vet bills for XRays etc ... you'll decide that your watchful eye is much cheaper ! If you have to tie him out ... check out things within his perimeter . There's no excuse for a mirror or glass !
Jul 29, 2006
First of all , you really need to know what he gets into ....believe me if you find odds and ends in his stools .... MUCH more has gone in ! Know your pup well ! Any change in eyes, appetite , attitude etc is to be questioned and if you don't know what could be causing it , it's vet time ! After a few costly vet bills for XRays etc ... you'll decide that your watchful eye is much cheaper ! If you have to tie him out ... check out things within his perimeter . There's no excuse for a mirror or glass !
Actually, I think it was just a small piece of glass from a mirror, not mirrors and glass. But that's the thing that baffles and worries me the most, I have nothing liek that in my house or yard and I've never really seen him pick up something near any glass when I was outside w/ him (which is when I always supervise him.) I have no idea how he ate the Mirror glass. I didn't actually see it myself, but my Mom said she saw it in a cow-pattylike clump of poop that he did on the pillow in his crate. I didn't know about it until a week later when I returned from NC w. Pudges and my brother. I hope it didn't cause any serious damage.

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