Recent content by nica

  1. nica

    Are Veggies and Fruits good alternatives to store-bought treats?

    Just be careful not to give any human foods that may be toxic for animals. check out the list here.
  2. nica


    yap. good luck on your video tape! Another tip for all doggie parents, make sure u have shringe in your home at all time, in case yur pet has urine that is off coloured (e.g. redish), after their pee on the papers or toilet, pump it up, put in a pastic carrier and off to the vet with your...
  3. nica

    Natural,herbal, flea/tick control?

    ya, not all conventional treatments like frontline works on your pet. a friend of mine used frontline rigorously without much effect on the pests.... best to switch the brands if it shows any side effects on your dogs. I heard the brand "Accurate" is less toxic, not sure. Anyone tried before...
  4. nica


    It's quite common issue with dogs. try not to pull him too hard on the leash or train him to walk without pulling too much. it could also be a cough which will go away with proper nutrition, supplement to boost his immune system to improve his cough. If the occurances increases, pls check with...
  5. nica

    Video of my japanese spitz

    Here they are "begging" for treats and doing "ANYTHING" to get it. Enjoy! Greedy dogs in action
  6. nica

    Natural,herbal, flea/tick control?

    i do not use fleas and ticks conventional treatments like frontline/revolution on my pets for many years now and they stay clear of the pests till today. Here's how I did it ==> Natural fleas & ticks prevention
  7. nica


    Is it some kind of hecking sound? Has she had it all the time or only recently?
  8. nica

    Dog Constipation - Advice or Tips??

    In future, can try a natural means to get your pet to go poo. Good old Vit C! When we give them Vit C above their capacity to absorb, the excess goes out of the system via loose stool.....Vit C in excess do not harm our pets, just get flushed out. Can try it next time.....u can use Vit C...
  9. nica

    Gracie's mange

    mange is a parasite that barrows deep into the skin of your pet. Sometimes, a skin scrap by a vet cannot detect the condition as they have "hidden" deep in the skin. To improve mange condition, i read it in a book which says to boosts your pet's immune system naturally. e.g. natural foods...
  10. nica

    Adult Tail Docking.......

    It's alright to go ahead with the docking, they cut the soft bone area inbetween the actual bone. Just be very careful with her after the operation and do not let her lick her wound and also to ensure she dun hit the tail on surfaces after her operation. dogs are fond of wagging their tails...
  11. nica

    Continuous milkshake stool

    suggest you visit a vet to rule of any infection. Sometimes infection can cause loose stool. another probable cause is diet. some diet reasons includes - Sudden change of diet, since yur dog is on innova for sometime, this probably is not the cause. however, it could be the batch of dog food...
  12. nica

    Torn ligament operation

    Hi, anyone has experience with the above operation on your dog? My dog was injured when he lost his balance when playing catch with another dog in a dog run....visited the vet and he checked and confirmed my dog's ligament is torn.... he says it will not heal naturally and needs an operation to...
  13. nica

    Confused about protein/carb mix

    U might want to register for the free newsletter here. It comes with a free ebook on homecooking for your pet.
  14. nica

    food to gain weight?

    Dog is too thin, u may wish to try making him these meat balls. known to put on weight for dogs really fast. so watch him and not overdo it. Can be given raw or baked. if your dog is not used to raw feeding yet, pls bake it to avoid sudden change in diet. • 500gms beef • 1/10 of a...
  15. nica

    Dogs & Chocolate & How Much is Deadly

    yap. depends on size and resilience of the dogs actually. each and every dog is unique.....smaller dogs surely react more quickly then bigger dogs when given toxic foods.... it's the eye of the potatoes tat is toxic to dogs. tat's why we are advice to remove skin. more accurate is to "dig out"...