Recent content by MaxAnderson

  1. MaxAnderson

    Man gets probation after killing neighbor for dog urinating on lawn

    What the...? How on Earth is that possible to happen??
  2. MaxAnderson

    How does your dog act when you're sick?

    The bigger one of the two dogs I have - Bertha - seems to be mourning all day long when I'm sick. She lays her head on me whenever she can and always keep an eye on me, just in case I'm going out of the bed. The other one - Julia - isn't that attentive... Maybe she is too young to be, I don't...
  3. MaxAnderson

    Happy 9th birthday, Millie!

    Happy birthday, Millie! Wish you all the best, as well as your owner ;)
  4. MaxAnderson

    It's so cold...

    Sounds really scary... I can't imagine such cold, here in Florida we are having a quite mild winter and it's no problem to go with my dogs for a pee. Do you dress Psyche to anything?
  5. MaxAnderson

    Do Your Dogs Take Advantage of Certain People?

    Everytime when our family gets together and we eat, our two French bulldogs sit at the feet of my brother... They are used to being feed by him and they never leave him alone when he is eating something... It is pretty fun to watch, indeed :-)
  6. MaxAnderson

    How Many Have Rescued

    The first dog I had, called Dasa, was a shelter dog and if I hadn't got him, he would have been destroyed... Is that considered a rescue?
  7. MaxAnderson

    The most favorite picture of your dog EVER

    How do I add an image?
  8. MaxAnderson

    A rare moment

    Their noses are so cute... And I love the way the snuggle :)
  9. MaxAnderson

    My dog is Smarter then your Kid!

    Haha the second picture reminds me of my high school English teacher :)
  10. MaxAnderson

    First Day of Raw..

    Glad to have another dieter on-board :)
  11. MaxAnderson

    Perfect training treats

    My dog loves to eat anything (literally :) ) and peas are his very favourite.
  12. MaxAnderson

    Handling poisoning in animals.

    Very nice. It is always pleasure to read such an informative article to get info from...
  13. MaxAnderson

    At six, I'm picking up...

    Very cute dog, the ssecond picture rocks :)