Recent content by adamnaubry

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    Yeah, I use Interceptor and then Advantage for fleas. I would recommend both products.
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    I have been giving her two treatments of bleach a day. Today is the second day, and she has stopped losing hair. When I gave her the first two treatments yesterday, I was still pulling out gobs of hair when I was running my fingers through it. Today barely any hair came out. Now if the hair...
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    when we can get Innova we do, but the closest store is 300 miles away. So she usually eats Iams because that's the best food that's in this area.
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    Yeah she was on ivermectin twice a day for 3 months. We slowly upped the doses until she hit a certain amount and that was the amount she got continually after that until she stopped eating altogether. We tried it with bread and any other treat that we could inject the medicine into and she...
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    They've not done any blood work but they know that her immune system is not controlling them because she has too many mites on her body. They do a skin scraping and determine when they are out of control by how many mites are in the skin. Thanks for your suggestions.
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    Nasal discharge

    whenever verbena gets excited or scared, it's like she's foaming out of the sides of her nose. I'm not too concerned about it. I think it may just be a reaction for some dogs who get worked up over something.
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    Verbena has now gotten demodectic mange for the third time. The first time the vet put her on amoxycillin, which she was allergic to so they switched her to ivermectin. She stayed clear for a couple of months. Then when she got it the second time, they put her back on the ivermectin, but she...
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    excessive sneezing

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    excessive sneezing

    Verbena has been sneezing excessively. Usually once she starts, she won't stop for 10 minutes and then in just a few minutes she starts all over again. Do dogs have allergies or is this something I should look into more?
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    Hi, What dog is this?.

    I agree with the beagle, possibly... though at that young of an age it is difficult to tell. My vet wouldn't give me a guess on my dog until she was 9 months old for fear of him not being accurate. People do mean things--we were told ours was boston terrier and chihuahua only to find out that...
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    best of the best

    I saw that they didn't have Innova... in fact I can't find Innova in many online food stores which is sad because I think it's the one I want to switch Verbena to most. Luckily I think there's a store in my hometown (200 miles away) that sells it... just a matter of going there to buy it.
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    Your dream breed...

    I would pick out of these: boston terrier, french bulldog, or italian greyhound
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    best of the best

    If you guys had to pick out of the better dog foods, which one brand would you choose for the price (for a puppy)? And is a reliable online store?
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    I've been using peanut butter it was working wonders until she started turning her nose up at it.. lol :) Thanks for your help.
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    I know she takes dairy fine, so should I maybe do a sugar-free plain yogurt instead?