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  1. L

    EVO question

    I switched my dogs from Innova Adult to Innova Evo a couple weeks ago. Indy is doing well on the kibble, but Jasmine has had very soft stools since the change. People have also been commenting to me recently that she looks thin. Should I give her longer to adjust or just switch them both back...
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    New Monopoly Token

    They just came out with an updated Monopoly edition. All the tokens have been modernized. The Scottish Terrier has now been replaced by a Labradoodle. Ugh! -- Labradoodle - The Scottish Terrier, once a popular...
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    Oozing Carpal Pad

    Jasmine has a carpal pad which is oozing and bleeding. I took her to the vet on Monday, and the cause is unknown. I was given an cream to put on it, but Jasmine licks this off and is constantly licking and chewing the pad. The vet advised not to wrap it because it could become more irritated...
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    Box Tops for Education

    Well, the school year is upon us, and I have a huge favor to ask of those of you who have no kids or whose kids' school does not participate in Box Tops. Our school collects Box Top for Education. They look like this: and are on many labels of products many use every day like Kleenex, Zip...
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    Chessie Info for Grammy

    Hi Grammy~ Following are a few articles about Chessie temperament that I have found to be pretty informative. They are very different form the other retrievers, as I sure you have seen or will see soon. Many dislike them and find them difficult, say they're stubborn. They were originally...
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    Surf Dogs Fundraiser

    Check it out- For those of you in SoCal: CORONADO, Calif. (June 29, 2006) – Can your pup hang 10… errrr 20? If you think so, don Fido in his finest doggie board shorts and head to Loews Coronado Bay Resort & Spa on August 20...
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    Nothing says 4th of July like...

    Fireworks and Hotdogs! Have a safe and happy 4th all!!
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    Does anyone's pup...

    suckle their toys? Jasmine sucks her teddy bear at night and when she naps. She also kneads the bear with her paws. Every now and then she decides that teddy is not her friend, and I awake to find teddy guts (fluff) strewn about the floor. I keep buying her new ones though because she...
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    Chessies in the Surf

    I don't think I've ever posted pics here of my pups before, so here goes...
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    Disturbing find on beach

    I usually run the beach in the direction where not many walk. As I ran, I saw a huge- like 8 foot tall- cross in the distance. I got closer and saw that someone had taken the time to make this giant cross with driftwood and kelp. Under the cross was a body of a sea lion which must have washed...
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    Talking dogs?!?!

    This is hilarious...I laughed until I cried!