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  1. Miss Marley

    I need some cheering up please and thank you

    This is kind of a long story, It all started in May/June this year. My friend James and I were talking about taking our friendship to the next level... but I was really busy with exams and studying and eventually said no because I wouldn't want to be the girlfriend who neglected her...
  2. Miss Marley

    Bad Puppy? (long - sorry)

    I'm trying to teach Marley and emergency recall command. She comes when called, but she's a generally lazy animal when it comes to that, walking slow or you call her and she will come, but on her time. I've tried to have my mom hold her, while I let her taste the highpaycheck treat...
  3. Miss Marley

    Saddest song

    is Johnny Cash's "Hurt" in my opinion. Whats your saddes song?
  4. Miss Marley

    Shoooooooooooes <3

    I got new shoes today at Sears. I ♥ Sears. :D Shoes = Love
  5. Miss Marley

    Crate Training

    Why is everyone on here so adamant about crate training. We never used crates with Ceara and Lexus (granted we lived in a bungalo, no stairs). They always slept with us on the beds, or the couches. The only reason we're using a crate with Marley is because during the day, not everyone is...
  6. Miss Marley

    Proud Mama!

    I am so proud of Marley! In the week she's been home I've spent around 30 minutes a day working with her and making her listen to me, and trying to get her prepared for puppy kindergarten (she starts while I am away, so my mom is going to take her for me) I am so proud of her, she can...
  7. Miss Marley


    is it true what they say about the longer puppies sleep the better they hold their bladders? We try to let Marley sleep on average of 5-6 hours a day, and we put her to bed at 9. I actually have a specific routine tbh. 5:30-6:00 - Wake up mommy time, go out for morning pee 6:00-8:00 -...
  8. Miss Marley

    Agressiveness? Or just plain meathead?

    Well, I supposed Miss Marley is well adjusted now having spent almost 5 days with us. She's quite the nibbler. Thing I'm trying to establish is whether or not I'm seeing agression already, or if she is just being a silly meatheaded puppy :P She is sneaky, she'll lick your foot, and...
  9. Miss Marley

    Puppy Video

    I just put this together today. I took some video of Marley playing with her toys and stuff and then put it all together using windows media player, check it out and tell me what you think! Sorry its pixely, but my camera sucks :P TOY TIME! The adventurs of Miss Marley
  10. Miss Marley

    Hello from Canada :)

    Hi there! I've decided to join a forum so that I can chat with other dog lovers. I guess I'll tell you all a little bit about myself. I'm 17 years old, and we just got a brand new boxer puppy. We had a mother and daughter pair (lived with them my entire life almost) and we lost the mother...