Recent content by ShadowCat

  1. S


    Hehe, thanks. The original machine that I was looking up was created by an Australian doctor to euthanize people. An IV was attached to a lethal drug, with a laptop. The laptop would ask you several questions determining whether or not you really wanted to die, then if you were sure, it...
  2. S


    I had heard about that one Australian guy who made that euthanasia machine, so I decided to look it up. One of the sites I came across had very detailed instructions about how to euthanize your pet at home. I almost threw up! That was so sickening! How could anyone euthanize their pet at home...
  3. S

    Air Sickness

    No advice? :( The flight's tomorrow.
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    Air Sickness

    This week I going to visit my aunt and have to take a plane. The flight's 2 hours long, and I usually get pretty air sick. The last time I wore an acupressure bracelet, which helped a lot, but I still got kinda air sick. Do any of you guys know any way to combat air sickness, or at least how to...
  5. S

    Too much free time

    Now that it's summer, I almost feel like I have too much free time. I have some things to do, but they aren't very time consuming. What should I do with all this extra time! I'm getting so bored. School can be hard, but it's nice to have a schedule and stuff to do. What do teens who can't drive...
  6. S

    Collared Shirts

    Really? I thought something like that would be much more expensive. I'll look into that. My current shirts are tommy hilfiger,gap, and copper key. They fit nice, but when I tuck them in they look kind of funny. I guess a tighter fitting shirt would probably look better tucked in, but I'm not...
  7. S

    start running?

    I love running and want to jog more often, but the area that I live in isn't really safe enough to jog without an adult male or a large dog. I try to jog with my dad, but he has long work hours and doesn't get home until the evening :(. Fortunately we're moving to a nice neighborhood soon though! :)
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    Collared Shirts

    I need to wear collared shirts for the school I go to, and even though school doesn't start for a couple of months, I still want to buy some new clothes soon. I have some collared shirts that look good untucked, but when I tuck them in, they don't look very flattering. I was wondering, does...
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    Wisdom Teeth Removal

    I guess I feel a little better now. I'm not sure when the appointment is for, I'm going to try to get it done in August (as late as possible, but still during the summer before school starts again). I'm still kinda nervous about getting put under. I thought I wanted to be conscious, but now I...
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    Wisdom Teeth Removal

    I have to get my wisdom teeth (all 4 of them) removed this summer. They are all under the gums. The top ones are starting to go backwards some and the bottom ones are practically horizontal. So, I know I need to get it done. I'm really nervous about it though. I think I'm going to have to "go...
  11. S

    Tail Language

    Sometimes my dogs (whippets) have their tail in a position where it looks just like a candy cane. It's hanging down, but curled, like a candy cane. I've always thought that it meant that they were happy since they usually do it on walks or when we get home, but I thought maybe it was a way...
  12. S

    Why does he keep yelping

    Most of Andrew's toys are really soft and he swings them around with no problem, but one of the toys has hard eyes, and when he swings that around, he sometimes hits himself with the eyes and yelps.
  13. S

    Why does he keep yelping

    Sometimes when my dog Andrew is swinging a toy around, he hits himself with it, yelps, then drops it. Hopefully that's all it is. Are his toys really soft, or do they have some hard parts?
  14. S

    Fish Oil

    I was considering adding fish oil to my two dogs' diets. Is this safe to do? How much should I give every day and do I need to give anything else to "balance" the omega 3's?
  15. S


    Is there a search box that I can use to search the forum for posts?