Recent content by PAWZ

  1. P

    Buying the first RMB *PlEaSe read!

    I get my chicken fresh and feed as soon as I get home with no effects. I then process the remaining weight usually 40-50lbs into 2 meal servings and freeze
  2. P

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    Lets see Official: Wyndhorse Dust in the Wind Call: Ashe - dont know why and this was well before Ash Catchum and Pokemon Official Tanglewoods Trade Secret Call Riley - named by his breeder, I at the time liked the name River for a blue merle but when he arrived he definately was not a...
  3. P

    Favorite color in your breed?

    BC's - deep reds are absolutley beautiful but I have a very handsome tri (I freely admit with great pride I am a biased mom) and I love the traditional blk/wht, Aussies - the blue merle or black tri but over all its the dog not the color for me
  4. P

    Border Collies

    Two here both rescues one female 8yrs old and my 14 yr old daughters 2nd agility partner for 5 of them, and Whim my 2 yr old male debuting in agility in 2 wks after a 2 yr dry spell for me ...gods has it been that long? No wonder Im suffering from withdraw![/IMG] [/IMG] The picture of Brea...
  5. P

    Herding breeds people?

    My bc's went as many places as I did so were not unders socialized and never met a stranger. My two now will bend themselves in half with wiggles at the sight of someone new. My aussie is more reserved and more likely to bark and be protective but will allow strangers to pet and greet with...
  6. P

    Border Collies....

    I have 3 border collies, ranging in ages 2yr -15yr each one owned since puppyhood. The first was very laid back as a mature dog but as a pup was a hellion, the second a rescue at 3 mos, she was bouncy and drivey turning into my daughters 2nd agility partner, The third also a rescue at 3 mos is...
  7. P

    Football season!! WOOHOO!!

    I Love football strangely enough I didnt really start watching it until my folks moved to FLA in '05 my father use to referee HS. and Jr.HS football prior to that, so I know more than I really ever had a desire to. On the Fantasy side this will be the 3rd year for me. This time I got an QB...
  8. P

    Border Collie really shedding

    Hundchen is for puppies I would change him the the regular Hundenflocken which I also feed to my bc's. If your pup is a rough coat get use to it I have 3 bc's 1 rough, 2 semi rough and I have to ride herd on the dust bunnies every other day, worse in the summer though. Hundchen has alot of...
  9. P

    Natural Balance?

    I use their rolls for training treats, dogs and cats alike love them.
  10. P

    I got kicked out of class, but not for misbehaving...

    :mad: The last sentence of this statement makes me so mad. I am a Navy veteran, my husband is a Navy veteran, my father was a Navy veteran, my father in law a WWII vet, and my grandfather a WWI vet, my son considering the Marines. Has the ability to show respect for ones country fallen so low...
  11. P

    Internet meat suppliers?

    I dont use internet suppliers but have you tried the yellow pages for meat wholesalers or farmers markets in your area?
  12. P

    I can't believe they bred this dog!

    I'll post this to the border collie board Im on theres a PNW BCR contact there
  13. P

    How many here are raw feeders?

    Raw since 2000, 3 of the 4 remain on raw my senior is now a good quality sr kibble,
  14. P

    Aussie Shepherd heat tolerance

    My aussie from conf/working lines came originally from Minnesota, low humidity, occasional 80's. He has loads of coat, does not really enjoy the regular 80's -90's and higher humidity here in SE Pennsylvania. Although he did compete at those temps in agility and did it well I made extra sure...
  15. P

    Am I killing my dog?

    I would however drop the bell pepper, anything in the nightshade family like the pepper can be toxic to dogs