Recent content by Mommato2Beasties

  1. M

    Mouthing Issue

    Lynn, thanks for sharing! S and S, glad to hear things are improving! She is so lucky to have you in her life! Ciao! L
  2. M

    animals aren't worthy of our love and attention

    Maybe this person just needs some of God's love for him, and then God's love can be expressed through him? It doesn't sound as if he even understands what God's love even IS! It says in the Bible that a wise man considers his beast... and I agree with all of the other statements made as...
  3. M

    What breed is Oliver?

    What a cutie!!!! If he's not a pure poodle like they say (I have never heard of a party poodle, sorry), I would agree with the jack/poodle mix. I need to put mine up here and get some guesses going, too.... L.
  4. M

    Rolling on belly Q

    Oh, and what are scritches? Scratches and itches?
  5. M

    Rolling on belly Q

    I have to so much as walk near my dog, and he has all fours up in the air! He also does this when I am at my computer, and then "pets" me with his paw until I give him the much desired attention... My dog is a love pimp, so, that's all I can say about that! Have you ever seen the picture...
  6. M

    New whippet pics, and some random JRT shots.

    I had to laugh w/the photo shop comment on the JRT's. I have pet sit some, and OH MY GOSH!!! : ) Is your dog an Italian Whippet? I have only seen one with long hair, and I am pretty sure it was an italian one... but it was a lot smaller... do you know what I'm talking about? L.
  7. M

    To all who lost a pet. it a vid IT A RATED PG

    Because I lost my baby and I think I know what's on that site, I can't even go on there... I am sad with you, though : (*. I was talking to someone about my baby who died a couple of years ago, and it still affects me. Blessings, L. edited to say that my baby was my beastie....
  8. M

    If you haven't had a reason to throw up today

    Wow, thanks for sharing! I was wondering about the pocket bears myself. They didn't too much resemble bears to me! I once had a golden retriever and shar pei mix (we think), that looked like a lion! In fact , when I watched a movie (I can't remember the name) about the lions eating the...
  9. M

    Bodhi and her mates picture

    How Cute!!! If I could figure out how to download my pictures, I'd post some of mine too... I had a friend who had a whippet, and a pug - Go Figure!!! Whenever I was out walking them, they got lots of comments... Your Bodhi is a cutie pie! Lucky one without a leash, that's for sure...
  10. M

    Mouthing Issue

    I agree with Lizzy... About watching what stimulates her, and then curbing those things, moving on slowly from there.... I know that it can be stressful, especially b/c you don't want someone else to say that she bites, and possibly have quite a huge problem on your hands... I also...