Recent content by lucyloo2

  1. lucyloo2

    Animal Activist Nutjob

    Unfortunately actions like that are pretty common among the AR world :( I have a friend who is active in dog showing and she has seen activists at shows before and knows of a few times where dogs have been released from kennels, etc...Growing up in 4-H and around rodeos I have seen activists...
  2. lucyloo2

    Marley and Me

    I haven't seen it yet, but the book was soooo good and made me cry! I just loved it. I'll have to rent the movie :)
  3. lucyloo2

    Diesel, the newcomer.

    Awww look at that face! Cuuutie!!!
  4. lucyloo2

    Evil comes in many forms... even fluffy puppies

    Oooh he is the cutest thing!!!
  5. lucyloo2

    Name/Breed Ideas?

    She's so cute! I think I can see some BC in her, not sure about the GSD :)
  6. lucyloo2

    Animal Rights?

    I don't have anything against vegetarians, to be honest I don't care what anybody else wants to eat ;) Just as long as they don't push it on me. I like being an omnivore, I enjoy eating both meat and plants! LOL! We eat mostly wild meat (my fiance hunts), which is a lot leaner than beef...
  7. lucyloo2

    Animal Rights?

    I am 100% for animal WELFARE, not animal rights. I agree with most of what has been said here. PETA has a much darker agenda than what is apparent at first glance. Did anybody hear about their protest of the Westminster Dog Show? They were comparing the AKC to the KKK. It was quite offensive...
  8. lucyloo2

    So Frustrated. Potty trained dog decided to start Pottying inside again

    I'm not sure if you've tried this yet or not, but I found that vinegar will get rid of that urine smell. :)
  9. lucyloo2

    Show me your hover dogs (or other levitating pets)

    Great pics everybody!! Here's Lucy...
  10. lucyloo2

    Joey's new friend Pugsley

    What a cute dog!!! I love him!
  11. lucyloo2

    Cute Lucy!

    Thanks! She is very happy, all the time LOL!! And yes, loves cuddles! She is half Shih tzu and half Bichon Frise :) She loves playing with the big dogs! LOL! Well, any dog really LOL!
  12. lucyloo2

    Cute Lucy!

    Thank you! Most people are freaked out by her blue eye LOL I think it's cute though :)
  13. lucyloo2

    Cute Lucy!

    Well, I think she's cute anyways LOL I haven't really shared very many pics of here so I thought I'd show you guys a few! Lucy is my 11 month old Shih tzu/Bichon Frise. We just finished obedience school and we are signed up to start agility lessons after Christmas! I'm very excited for that...
  14. lucyloo2

    The Under Thread

    LOL "none" for both me and my fiance.
  15. lucyloo2

    Buy this and we'll throw in a puppy!

    Wow! I have never seen anything like that before. Poor pups :(