Recent content by hsnepp

  1. H

    When to put a dog down?

    this is a very serious, personal decision.. one not to take likely. you need to do what you need to do in your situation. our companions don't speak, therefore, we must speak for them. speak from your heart and do what's best .
  2. H

    [B]White dobermans[/B]

    This is NOT to melissa... people here just want to fight.
  3. H

    Don't you think there are enough...

    i have read several messages. so correct me if i am wrong... #1: there are needs for certain breeds. #2: there are bad breeders out there, #3: there are very good breeders out there. #4: we want to keep bloodlines out there for an obvious reasons. from reading so many posts, a lot that I do...
  4. H

    docked tail

    just talking in general, not to make anyone mad. haley:)
  5. H

    docked tail

    nope, not starting any just didn't know about the quote before you mentioned it. i just saw a lot of fighting and disagrements, i don't see the point of posting them all. wether i disagree or not.
  6. H

    docked tail

    too many arguments about so many subjects. cant quote them all, it would be waste of time. just talking now.
  7. H

    Don't you think there are enough...

    well there are rescue organizations, that are not breeders, but "shelter" certain purebreds, would you think of gong there and saving them?
  8. H

    docked tail

    don't know about the quote button, but now i do... still couldn't, too many to name.
  9. H

    big dogs....little dogs...

    i have always had big dogs in my life, pet's that is.... my boyfriend wants a big dog, but i am now considering a small or smaller dog. what are your opionions, pros and cons?
  10. H

    docked tail

    oh, just didn't understand. i am active, but no pup, just kidding. was confused when i saw that, going to chase my tail now for awhile.
  11. H

    docked tail

    what does active pup mean?
  12. H

    docked tail

    k, just saw some stuff that was bad.
  13. H

    My dogs smell like cow poop

    boy, and i thought it was just my man!
  14. H

    docked tail

    from what i have seen, you are about to be attacked.... if the docking never took place, this person would not have this problem. now, there are more complications. i have been reading posts here, and if you are as new as me then you have some real problems with people disagreeing with you. i...
  15. H

    Stop euthanization

    get your dog spayed or neuered. Don't breed.... I saw a post earlier, 2 days ago, until there is no need for shelters, then breed again. I wish their was a licence to breed. there is way too many pets out their, purebred and mutts, cats that need homes now.