Recent content by DreamDoby

  1. DreamDoby

    Vit B and Vit E

    The research is always going and out there. When it comes to supplements, I don't think you will find two agreeing sides. One year they have results of the greatest and the next it is the worse. Do what works for you and you feel comfortable with. The Whole Dog Journal in 2007 the last time...
  2. DreamDoby

    Vit B and Vit E

    The main reason I supplement the vitamin E is because I do fish oil. As far as I am aware, the fish oil depletes the system with oxidating results so the added supplementation is recommended. There is a natural (d–alpha-tocopherol) and synthetic(dl-alpha-tocopherol) version. The synthetic...
  3. DreamDoby


    Those are really neat. I love the turtle.
  4. DreamDoby

    Christmas music

    I love Christmas and listening to Christmas music. I have to make it past Halloween first. Barely able to make it past Thanksgiving and then it is on. :D The station that I used to listen to at work would change over to 24/7 Christmas music somewhere like right after Halloween. Fine with me...
  5. DreamDoby

    Chazzers... it's my turn now!

    Good luck! I have made it since January and still going strong.
  6. DreamDoby

    Have You Seen This?

    Everytime I see this I crack up.
  7. DreamDoby

    My grandson

    He is a handsome little guy. Great pictures of him. That elephant ear is huge!
  8. DreamDoby

    We all love pics right?

    You have a cute bunch.
  9. DreamDoby

    Darcy Pictures

    She does have a very cute face.
  10. DreamDoby

    New Pictures

    Thanks Doberluv. They enjoy eachother's company the best. Their usually are up for photo-ops. Not this time.
  11. DreamDoby

    NEW Pictures of Kai! Yay!

    He is so handsome. With that type of money and pictures like that, I have to keep a certain away from my computer.
  12. DreamDoby

    just a sprinking of some reacent pics

    Very cute crew. Ruby looks adorable in her new cut.
  13. DreamDoby

    New Pictures

    Thanks everyone. Noludoru-I have two windows that *were* the favorites that I do that to. I picked wrong last night and they decided they have a new favorite. So they will have the bottom up of this one to look out of too. Thanks for the pointer though. It does help them and usually saves my...
  14. DreamDoby

    I dont think I have

    He is a handsome guy.
  15. DreamDoby

    A girls best friend? Her dog of course. **PICS**

    Those are great pictures.