What do you LOVE and HATE about your dog?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008

I love :

how easy-going she is
that she doesn't chew what's not hers
that she doesn't counter surf
that she doesn't jump the fence
that if she does get out of the yard, she doesn't have major wanderlust
that she's just soooo FUZZY!
that she will let me brush her teeth and her coat without an issue
that she's fine with the horses at the barn, our cat, other dogs in public, chickens, peacocks, etc.
that she doesn't beg at the table
that she doesn't bark constantly
that she's (all but completely) housetrained - see dislikes
that she likes people and will let strangers into the house without a fuss (or getting overly excited)
her "boo zoomies"
that she'll sleep while we sleep and be ready to go when we are
that she can SLEEP IN!
that she plays like a cat
that she's willing to learn tricks
just how darn cute she is
that she loves the car (and going places with us!)
that she comes running to you when you open the door for her to come in
that she doesn't bolt out of the door before you
no aggression issues
that she's just such a wonderful companion

I dislike:

-that although she's housetrained, every now and again she'll have an accident because she doesn't ask to be let out and wont go out back when it's nighttime.
-that she cries when she sees a bunny in the yard or at the barn. And it takes forever before she forgets about it
-that her fuzzy pants and tail are a pain to keep brushed out
-her phobia of fireworks or any semi-loud 'pop' or 'bang' (she does the whining thing again)
- that she will occasionally bark if someone startles her, which startles me.

But as you can see - there is quite a bit of difference in the numbers (and those were just some of my favorite things about her)! Boo is my wonderful puppy! :)



just call me Nilly
Nov 27, 2005
Peterborough, Ontario
There is really only one thing I *hate* about Sierra and that's her dog issues. She has a few other things I could do without, but that's the only thing that actually bugs me.

As for the loves, well let me start and see where this takes me:
- she LOVES people, all people, especially children
- she has become a great snuggler
- she follows me around from room to room (unless Matt's home, then she stays with him for the most part)
- she is SO eager to learn something new (which I just don't properly take advantage of... tisk tisk)
- she loves car rides and is perfectly quiet and well behaved in a vehicle
- her nervousness around cats, which is pathetically cute
- she gets happy when she sees a collar come out, so excited to "get dressed"
- she gives the BEST kisses
- how happy she gets to RUN and get a good roll in the grass
- everyone who meets her LOVES her
- she's the BEST at giving the "sad-pathetic-woe-is-me" face

I could really go on and on but really, we all know how much we love our dogs here, or we wouldn't BE on Chaz!!


and Fozzie B!
May 14, 2006
Northern California
I hate that Gonzo...
...is so sensitive. To everything. If I make one mistake, or if he senses that I'm nervous or anxious, he shuts down almost instantly.
...I can't take him to the dog park. I wouldn't mind if he ignores other dogs, but he aggressively herds dogs that he percieves as annoying, and although he would never hurt another dog, they don't seem to appreciate being herded.
...is not trustworthy with strangers coming into the house. I have to introduce them. I cannot expect him to just be ok with them... unlike Fozzie.

I hate that Fozzie...
...practically loves everyone the same. It makes me feel like I'm not special.
...has incredibly selective hearing. Sometimes, he just doesn't feel like listening. He's very stubborn.
...is not a high energy dog, by ANY means. While most people wish they had a dog who would be perfectly happy lazing around and eating himself into oblivion, I am not! I don't even mind that he isn't into fetching... but he has very little desire to run around for more than 5 minutes.

I love that Gonzo...
...loves me more than life itself.
...is obsessed with doing whatever I want him to do, whatever it is. He is always waiting for me to tell him to do something, and he always listens.
...has a distinct personality, and distinct preferences, and his love/trust has to be earned, completely. He is a very good judge of character, upon meeting new people and dogs he basically has his mind made up about them.

I love that Fozzie...
...loves everyone/everything. (I also hate this, though.) He is trustworthy with anyone and any other animal. He is unbelievably gentle and tolerant. He really enjoys making everyone around him happy.
...has his sassy moments, and occasionally shocks me with how sharp he really is!
...can be the cuddliest, most lovable little guy, when he wants to.


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Sniper dislikes:
the insane, demanding barking when he wants something or thinks he "needs" something
the jumping he still does when someone new comes into the house
the food obsession he's a complete chow hound
the food aggression with other dogs!
the fact that he cannot be out with my cocker or my female springer without starting a fight!

that he gives the most wonderful kisses
he's smart as a whip and learns so fast, when he wants to!
that he is so good with my grandsons
that he loves to chase butterflies, it's just too cute!
his gorgeous eyes

Sienna dislikes:
That she is so neurotic
she whines, and whines, and whines when she can't see you
that she does not like other dogs
that she's developed "selective hearing" issues lately!

she's a super duper snuggler
a great tear licker
a wonderful, devoted dog for my daughter as they grew up together
absolutely silly even in her old age

Jeep dislikes:
bark, bark, bark, bark, and bark! Need I say more?
he is totally, completely obsessed with food and will raid my pantry, my trash, the bread drawer, you name it if it's food related he's gonna eat it
he will bite if he doesn't like what you are doing

he likes to snuggle
he can be silly

Louie dislikes:
he is horrible to take to the vets office, he turns into Cujo!
he has OCD and constantly licks his feet, his tail, your leg, your face, your hand, the pillow, the couch.........
his epilepsy
his heart condition

Louie is probably the best dog in the house over all. Lou loves his humans, loves other animals (except Sniper!), is the most gentle thing ever with children, loves to play and run, is silly as all get out. He will quiet down when told, he will go lay down when told, he never begs, he is just a really really nice dog!


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
I love that Gonzo...
...has a distinct personality, and distinct preferences, and his love/trust has to be earned, completely. He is a very good judge of character, upon meeting new people and dogs he basically has his mind made up about them.
This describes Millie, too. There used to be this man I would regularly see jogging around as I would walk Millie (this was before Lucy was born). I couldn't understand why she was fine with every other walker- men, women, children, other dogs, etc., but had such a negative reaction to him; tensing up, putting herself between me and him, not letting him out of her sight for a second, barking if he came anywhere near us. He later got arrested for domestic violence and I learned from a friend that he would throw rocks at the neighbor's dog in their yard and when they weren't home shot her with a bb gun.
We had a similar situation with an aquaintance we let stay with us for a while. He later robbed us when we were gone.


and Fozzie B!
May 14, 2006
Northern California
This describes Millie, too. There used to be this man I would regularly see jogging around as I would walk Millie (this was before Lucy was born). I couldn't understand why she was fine with every other walker- men, women, children, other dogs, etc., but had such a negative reaction to him; tensing up, putting herself between me and him, not letting him out of her sight for a second, barking if he came anywhere near us. He later got arrested for domestic violence and I learned from a friend that he would throw rocks at the neighbor's dog in their yard and when they weren't home shot her with a bb gun.
We had a similar situation with an aquaintance we let stay with us for a while. He later robbed us when we were gone.
I think Millie and Gonzo would be like two peas in a pod. They seem very similar. : )

Having a dog who is very perceptive of others is really eye-opening... but it can be very inconvenient, too. Even if I feel the same vibes from some one, and I can usually tell a lot about a person right off the bat as well, I just can't be unfriendly to them, and I don't want him to be, either. It's hard to both trust his judgement and balance that with TRYING to get him to accept that person into our house. If I had to pick between a dog who loves everyone and was way more convenient, and a dog who judges the individual rather than the "whole" of mankind, and whose judgement is trustworthy, I prefer the latter. When a dog like that really loves you, it makes you feel special.


Dec 2, 2006
Olympia, WA
I forgot something about Reggin that I really really hate, and its really gross. Sometimes he will pee on his front legs while urinating. He lifts his leg and his angle is off. And the fact that he pees like a pressure washer. The streem goes way out there. All over his front legs. GROSS. Yes, that I HATE! LOL. And there is no way of training a dog how to pee correctly, unfortunately.
At least Reggin has short fur! Those dumb feathers on Strider's leg would get all peeish. We taught him to straddle a bush while peeing, that way the leaves catch it before it hits his front legs. Unless it's the yucca in my mom's yard.....then it funnels the pee directly to his front leg. :mad: Sword ferns are just about perfect pee bushes though. Anyway, once in a while when he's off leash he will forget and pee somewhere without a bush and then needs cleaning, but most of the time if there is a bush the right height he will use that instead.


Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Jet- Fat, happy and sleeps all day if God allows it. Honestly, there is not one thing I don't like about Jet.

Hate- that he eats way to fast. NO matter how hard I try to teach him that no one is gonna get his food, he stills eats like the devil is gonna get him.

Love- Everything. For a Terrior (even a puppy for that matter) he listens amazingly. I know this might change but PLEASE don't let it. LOL
He has an awesome recall for a 4 month old pup. He walks amazingly on a leash, can sit when I tell him to and he doesn't even have to see me, he knows my voice and listens. (still working on down and stay commands. But doing better).
Also, how snuggly and intuned he is with my emotions, how much he loves Peanut even though he is a cat, and how much he LOOOOOVVVEEESSSSS kids. I swear if he could, HE would adopt kids. LOL

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