The first time you met your dog


Nov 28, 2004
#21 was an odd story as the owner had come to me for a pup when I had a litter, and I felt she was not ready for a pup yet. Told her she could have the pick of the litter when I bred Bubba the following year to a female who had passed all the tests as that would be my fee. So Chip of Buuba was welped and about 6 months later, was diagnosed with HD. The only one of the many (90 plus) over 45 years of breeding . I offered to take him back, but they loved him and spent over $1600. on him. Then then had many behavioral issues and spent $100s. on training. So sad as they had 2 kids who dearly loved him. Guess she was never ready for a pup. Their loss--- m gain.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Yes deffinately your gain :). Poor kids I bet they were heartbroken to lose their friend. Its a shame that they had to give him up, they must have loved him dearly to spend all that money on him. But it worked out great really, it must be really nice for you to have Chip especially since it was you who bred him.


New Member
Apr 29, 2005
Simba was my first dog. I got him when I was 10 years old, him 8 months. I didn't care what breed of dog, what age, what size, etc. I was going to get. I was just DYING for a dog. I walked my neighborhood dogs daily. Buster the huge wild Chocolate Lab, Norman the Cocker Spaniel, Kovie the Pit Bull, Simon the Schnuazer... I hade a huge long list of dogs that I walked and fed while their owners were at work, FOR FREE. Just because I wanted a dog so bad. So finally, my parents agreed and we went to the Humane Society. My dad wanted a medium sized dog, but like I said I wanted anything. So, I went to every medium sized dog's cage and said "How about this one?" Well.. my dad didn't like any of them. So, we went to the SPCA. There were tons of cute puppies, I wanted one of those so bad. Then I saw Simba. He was 8 months old and he was the only dog laying on the ground, just looking at me with those eyes.THOSE eyes. His cage-mate was jumping all around and landing on him. I told my dad I didn't care what he thought, this dog was ours. Little did I know, if we hadn't adopted him he was going to be put to death very soon. He had "lived" there for 4 months.

I'm going to break into tears because I am so grateful we found him. I couldn't ask for a better dog. He is just amazing to me. I am so glad I had him to grow with. You all know how the teenage years go, where you think everyone and everything is against you. I'm pretty sure I would have come close to taking my life away if I didn't have Simba by my side. To this day, even the slighest change in my emotions, he is right up in my face giving me kisses. Being with him makes me feel so secure and complete.

I first met Nala when she was 8 weeks old. We hadn't planned on getting a dog. We were just going on one of our weekly visits to the Humane Society. Nala was there with her littermates and their cage said adopted, so I didn't really expect to go home with her, but I was attracted to her and went in their kennel to play with her. She was the smallest, lighest colored, skinniest of the bunch. She was the most active one too. I fell in love with her. One of the volunteers noticed how much fun I was having with her and told me she was adoptable. A few minutes later we were in the offices filling out adoption forms.
She hiccuped all the way home. She sat in my lap and barely took up any room. Now when she sits in my lap her head is way over mine.

Kiara was 15 weeks old when I met her. We were doing our weekly visit, again not expecting to get another dog. Looked thru all the kennels and noticed the very back was open (where they usually have it closed off.) Went back there, dad walking in front of me and he said "Uh Oh" as he spotted her. She barked, growled, and went to the back of her kennel when anyone walked by, except for us. She came to the front for us and cried, chewing at the gate trying to get to us. She chose us.

Simba & Kiara were strays and Nala was dropped off in a box. WHY. Why were Simba and Kiara, at 4 months of age, just left to roam the streets alone? Why didn't anyone want Simba for FOUR whole months? Why!?!?!

These dogs amaze me more and more everyday. I really don't know how I'd function without them and I hope I won't have to find out for a long, long while.


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
my first dog shiner my family had before i was born

my second dog lady, my friends gave to my family

i got yoshi when i finally moved out on my own. i searched forever until i went to the animal shelter. i found a puppy i fell in love with. well i went back the next day and they wanted to know if i wanted info on any puppies so i said yea that one. well turns out another layd was there looking at the one i wanted. and they had a little white one that was jumping around and asked if we wanted it, said they were going to put it down that day. the lady was like 'i don't want the ugly white dog' and so i took her lol :p she turned out blonde and not white too btw


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
We had been planning on a dog for a few months but since we had a roommate we couldn't get a dog. Then one day he told us that he was being deployed to Iraq and was obviously moving out. We decided that it was time to get a dog and went to look at some dogs at the shelter. We found a beagle mix pup that we liked and we filled out an application. However, they took so long with the application and were jerking us around we finally said forget it give the dog to other family that wants it. We looked in the paper for some "uh oh" ads (you know the dogs the sell for like $50 bucks because their dog got out and found a b/f ;) ) We found Lab mix pups for $50. It was way out in amish country. So we found the amish farm FINALLY and they brought out the two males for us to see. They were kept in the barn with the cows and fed nothing but people food scraps. The other pups were black and Teddy was the only red one. He didn't really pay us much attention when he first came out because he was too busy sniffing the new area. But the first thing the other pup did when he got in the house was pee lol Teddy didn't so I chose him. I liked that he was red and had a bit of white on the tips of each paw. The car ride home was torture. He threw up all over the car twice. He peed in the car twice, he had the runs in the car TWICE. It took us almost 2 hours to get him home because we had to keep stopping. We finally got him home and got some good food in his system and he came and laid down with me on the floor and went to sleep pressed up against me. I can't imagine a better feeling


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Muttlies3, Simba sounds like such a special dog, I'm so glad you rescued him in time. I know what you mean about helping you through your teenage years, Casey has helped me so much through these last 8 years. I don't know what I'd do without her. Poor Nala, I can't believe someone would just drop her of in a box, at least you have her now. As for Kiara, your right she chose you.

Yoko, why would no one want a little white dog? :). I'm glad you rescued her before she was put down.
Nov 28, 2004
Meant to be...

I lost my Yogi (rescue lab) due to lymphoma, and Eli was suddenly alone. 4 months later, I got a wild hair to surf Petfinder for labs. I saw a listing for a young yella at our humane society -- NO pic. We slept on it with me talking to Eli about possibly just "fostering". The next night I got on Petfinder and the listing was gone. I called the humane society to enquire and was told he'd been taken off the adoption floor due to STRESS and was scheduled to be pts!! That's when I kicked into action and called the lab rescue I've volunteered with for TEN years to no avail... saying, "oh, he'll get placed... the purebreds always do". I said I'd foster and they acted like no interest was there to help!!! Meanwhile, I contacted another lab rescue group not far from Indy and told them the situation. They said "OMG, you've GOT to get him OUT of there!" They knew of his situation and were so glad I had called them. Meanwhile, Grammy goes to see him... I just couldn't... that place makes me break down and cry. She went to his little quarantined area and sat on his little cot and talked to him. She said he had the sweetest eyes and she could see straight to his soul. That was it... I was springing him from that place! It was a Thursday evening -- the day before his scheduled euthanasia. I went to get him. I was standing there in the "drop off/pick up" area FOREVER. Only to see the most horrible people dropping off their beloved "pets" because they just "didn't have time", etc. It made me sick to my stomach. One STUPID couple with their bratty little kid brought in their neurotic dog who just slinked around and was very unsocialized. They kept talking to the little kid in their little "coo-ing" voices "Go say bye bye to (insert name here, I don't remember)". It was disgusting. And I was hating being there and just wanted to meet my new dog I've never even laid eyes on and get the hell out.

Then I hear major BARKING and SCUFFLING and CHAOS coming down the pike... (have you read Marley and me, yet? ;) . And HERE COMES HUNTER. TOTALLY a spazoid FREAK wanting the hell outta there!!!! I was reviewing our paperwork while Grammy was "trying" to hold on to him while he was yanking her to and fro and barking and screaming. I noticed they hadn't tested him for heartworm, and they were supposed to. I pointed it out, and they took him back and said they'd do it right now. In the meantime, we'd put Chip's leash on him and they took him back to draw blood. Well, I guess they just tie them up wherever they can until a tech can draw blood. Meanwhile, they bring him back with the leash totally chewed in 1/2. It took a whole 1 minute (or less, I'm sure... I've witnessed the power of those incissors on a leash or briefcase strap!).

Now that I've scared the crap out of most of you, just know Hunter was the sweetest, level-headed (yet hyper) dog immediately when he got sprung from that place. It just took a bit of gentle training, and an obedience class, and he was a perfectly normal, WONDERFUL dog within months. I always planned on putting the time and energy into a foster dog... but at that point, I'm like heck, I'm KEEPING HIM! He's my best friend and the sweetest baby and just keeps getting better winning my heart every day. Lesson to be learned: It takes work to make it work... sometimes a LOT of work, sometimes minimal. But if your heart is in it, it will work. I love my baby...


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Sparks19, poor teddy been stuck in a barn full of cows, I bet your glad you eventually found the farm. Sounds like you had a fun journey home though :D.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
EliNHunter, poor, poor Hunter he must have been so stressed out. You got to him just in time and I'm so glad. You've done a great job training him and you can tell from that pic that he is so content and happy. I love his blanket :D.
Nov 28, 2004
Kase said:
EliNHunter, poor, poor Hunter he must have been so stressed out. You got to him just in time and I'm so glad. You've done a great job training him and you can tell from that pic that he is so content and happy. I love his blanket :D.
Awww, Kase... thanks. And now poor, poor Hunter and I are going to that couch to snuggle and watch tv. Notice his own lab embroidered pillow, too? :D


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
No I didn't notice, thats so cute :D. I hope you both have a nice evening snuggled up watching TV.


Athletic Labs. They Exist
Dec 21, 2005
Mishka my dad got from a Siberian Husky breeder. He bought her to my dog and my dog alone. She was given to me on my birthday 10 years ago to be my responsibility. I remember it was summer (thats when my birthday is) and my mom and I got hoem from the store or something. Well I remember my dad walked out the door trailing a hyper active little female husky puppy bounding towards me. She ran right to me and was my shadow for years until 3 years ago when the divorce happened. Out of spite my dad took Mishka with him when he moved away because I would not follow him. He still has her but she isn't doing so well health wise just old and arthritic.

Pixie I found by chance in September 2005. We were visiting this vet clinic that also doubled as a animal shelter. We were talking out kittens there for shots and just by chance my mom asked if they had any dogs for adoption. The vet told us that they didn't there but they did have two dogs with a foster family that were older and mother and daughter. We made a phone call and visited them that evening. First they brought out Jenny (Pixies daughter) who was so dang cute and I almost picked her (my sister ended up adopting her). But then he asked if we would like to see Sam (Pixies old name) and we said sure. He then walked in with this big beautiful golden girl with the face of an angel. She walking right over and leaned her head into my thigh and let out a sigh. I was sold and told my mom she was the one.

Dozer (changed his name from Homer to Dozer) is my dads newest addition. My dad got a phone call from a friend who asked if he was still looking for a puppy. My dad told him yes and his friend told him that he knew of a puppy thats life depended on a new home. The puppy was a farm born and bred puppy a Rottie/GSD mix who wasent being cared for correctly but his new owners. The puppy was kept gated in the kitchen and they didn't work with him at all in house breaking or anything. He was sad and needing attention and so he barked alot. The owners were friends of my dads friend and they told him they needed to find the pup a new home or he would end up with a bullet in his head. So when my dad got the offer he went out and picked up Dozer and brought him home. He has had him for three weeks and he is alrady almost completely housebroken. I have not yet met Dozer but will be tomarow!!!

And I will post one in the future out my moms future puppy we will be getting in a couple weeks!!!


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
i don't know! i love yoshi so much i can't imagine having picked another dog :) i do have to admit the lighting in that horrible concrete building made all the dogs look different than they really did


bullie lover
Nov 1, 2005
Madison, wi
A long reply - i hope no one minds.

The long story is - back in 2002 my then bf (different from my current bf of now) adopted a dog for me. It was an austrailian cattledog mix that I named MrKodeen (Kody), because he was going to help me sleep safely. He was a red/blue patchwork of a dog full of the typical Aussie spots.

I knew nothing about Australian Cattledogs when J brought him home to me for Valentine's day. And while I loved Kody very, very much, I learned with time that he was not a kind of dog I could cope with well. (I know my limits!) Plus at the time the relationship I was in was very abusive. I also found out later that my bf was torturing/abusing Kody when I was at work or any time I was out of the house.

I ended up breaking up with the boyfriend six months after Kody was adopted, and driving Kody out to MI to stay with my family, while I got myself together. Kody lived with my family for a month, and he had to stay in the barn because he wasn't completely housebroken (another long story *hangs head in shame*).

My family also didn't understand that Kody had been my shadow for the 6 months I had him plus he also had severe seperation anxiety that I hadn't been able to "fix" yet. So being out in the barn away from humans, drove him absolutely nuts...

Kody ended up attacking my dad's horses and goats. So without telling me my dad drove Kody to the humane society claiming he was a stray that he had found on the farm. My dad didn't tell me about what happened to Kody until I called a week later - too late to try and rescue my dog.

I was heart broken. I felt like I had failed... I had promised this dog I hadn't even picked out that he would have a forever home with me... and instead?

Well, I put away all of my books, my toys, my blankets, everything. I have lived, breathed and been obsessed with dogs since I was 4... and for 3 months I turned my back on what made up who I am.

After that time, I looked realistically at what I wanted in a dog. I listed all the characterists I wanted, and what I wouldn't be able to handle. I started to do research on different breeds. Then I started to scour Petfinder and every shelter within a 2 hr driving distance of my apartment in Chicago to find the dog that would fit that list.

It took me a year.

In February of 2004, I went up to visit my family in Madison. My sister in law worked for the tech college that also had a vet tech school with a kennel of dogs needing adoption at the end of the school year. I went to visit to see if there were any small dogs available ...

To quote my journal at the time - Cutter was Mojo's kennel name.

The one i am most interested in is named Cutter. He is a rather "small" pit bull, his back is definately below my knee. He is a beautiful shiney chestnut color, and has a very thin white stripe down his chest. He has a few other snippets of white on his face and paws. His nose is a rosey brown color, with golden eyes. Just so pretty. Certain dog communities have spoiled me on the bully dog look, so now i find their faces just very endearing.

I didn't get to interact with him outside of his cage (there had been a biting incident with one of the students and a cocker spaniel mix, the student got bit in the face. ouch. from the sounds of it though the student put her ownself at risk by sitting on the floor of the kennel and playing a rough game with the dog. due to this they weren't allowing the dogs out of their kennels until the students were better about how to properly handle a dog) but from what little bit i did see he seemed very sweet. He is a lickey face boy - i put my fingers about an inch outside of the bars on his cage and he started trying to lick my fingers and wagging his tail.

I thought of Mojo for a week after and then submitted my application to adopt him. I was accepted three weeks later, but I wouldn't be able to bring him home until 3 months later in May. So, I did what has become even more of a passion - I researched pit bulls and learned everything I could about them so I would be prepared. I also researched proper nutrition by today's standards, and found a local trainer that would be willing to accept a pit mix into her class.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake that had occured with Kody. So, far I think I've done okay. :)

PS: I'm sorry this is long - it's the only way i can tell the story really.


F150 and a .30-06
Feb 12, 2006
I was holding Emma, who was the only girl in the litter, with 2 boys. I was 99% positive I wanted a girl.

She was sniffing/licking. John put his hand forward for her to lick, and she just sniffed it, and turned her head away from him. She gave me one lick on the chin then sniggled into my arms. That was it, she was mine!

Yes, I got here from a BYB. I regret it and dont. Emma is an amazing agility dog, but I regret the BYB thing. I was to ignorant and stupid to know what a BYB was.
Jan 10, 2005
Kansas City, Mo
I was given Buffy, my golden from my roomate's parents. I had never seen her before she was brought home. The frist thing she did was run straight to the front door. The door was open but she stop in front of it like she was waiting to be told it was okay to go in. She had always been an outside dog. Bonus she was house broken. She had never been house broken before. Guess she didn't want to risk her new home.We never were able to keep her in the backyard after she was allowed in. She either climbed over the fence, dug under it, or opened the gate.Guess its a good thing I wanted her to be an indoor/outdoor dog, huh?. I know she was a good dog for us when she met my son. I was watching very carefully. I had been told she was good with small kids but you never know. She's great with him.
Jan 10, 2005
Kansas City, Mo
mojozen said:
I thought of Mojo for a week after and then submitted my application to adopt him. I was accepted three weeks later, but I wouldn't be able to bring him home until 3 months later in May.
Sorry to hear about Kody. That was a real mean thing to have happen.
Now this maybe a stupid questin but why three months?


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
I got my Golden Retreiver Zac 3 years ago. He was born on January 7th, 2003 :)

I have always loved Goldens, as a child my family had two which I think were mixed with another dog but were much like a purebred.

I saw an ad in the paper for a golden puppy, which was 4 months old. I really wanted a golden, so I was thrilled! A woman had bred her dog and all the pups went locally to friends of hers and family, and Zac was supposed to be her moms dog but soon after his birth she became sick and had to go to a care home I believe. So they had Zac left over and thought they would keep him, but they already had his Dad as well as 2 other dogs, ferrets, cats etc. (pets) They were a real animal orientated family, hehe.

Anyways, I drove to her house in my city and as soon as I walked in I knew I wanted him. He was jumping all over, so excited, and gave me his belly to rub right away. His dad was a BEAUTIFUL dog, so sweet, and just friendlier than anything. Zac was a fairly big pup already, but i picked him up and hugged him and told the woman I wanted him. Then I took him home!

His first night was rough, he was really sad and missing his old family. But during the next 2 weeks we became best friends. He was a wild puppy, destryoing my house lol... fun to look back on that :) He even ate a few credit cards, and right through the bottom of a chair. I sat on it and it collapsed! hehe. He also ate the floor, the walls, and all my shoes.

Now he is a very good boy, very relaxed, and doesn't bother with my stuff anymore. He is my beautiful boy, I love him so much!!


Loves off-leash training!
Feb 28, 2006
I have five girls here ..

Kylee: I was working at a vet clinic, back in 1991, when this woman walked in with a raggedy chow puppy in her arms that had a huge treble fishhook caught in her mouth. Despite her obvious pain and ill health (eyes matted and runny, her coat dull) - this pup looked at me with a stoic "old soul" expression. The owner looked at me and said she didn't have any money. Her husband had walked in, and he said loudly "we'll just take it home and shoot it, can't sell it anyway!". I went into the back to talk to the vet again, and he said to let them know that if they wanted to sign the pup over to the clinic we'd take it and take care of it. The woman was appreciative and signed the form, and that's the day Kylee came into my life.

We removed the hook immediately, and the vet checked her eyes. She had entropian (eyelids rolled inwards) and so he did the surgery to correct that after work that day. I took Kylee home with me afterwards to care for her until we found her a home .. and that was more than 14 years ago. Today those eyes still hold an old soul, but they're cloudy and she's not going to be with me much longer. Losing her will be one of the hardest things I'll ever do.

Trick: I wanted another German shepherd (I had an older male at the time). I decided I was going to get one from an established breeder this time, and found that a competition male up north had been bred to a dog in New Jersey (Clothier kennels). So I sent an application to the kennels, and it just so happened that they had a pup from that litter - which I didn't expect. Trick was sent to Alaska with another pup to the owner of the stud dog, and I went up to get her the next day. We went out into the pen and Trick came running up to me, looked me in the face and barked as if to say "well THERE you are! I've been waiting!". She's been the most perfect dog and my constant companion.

Tori: Tori was a dog from a litter of German shepherds that just didn't sell. She had exquisite bloodlines (her grandfather was 15 times a SchIII, quite an accomplishment!). I was a member of an email list and the breeder wrote to the list and said she needed to place eight puppies that were already four months old. I pondered it for awhile and then wrote back to her. She wanted to send me a pup and I agreed to it (I paid for shipping).

When Tori showed up she was SO frightened - no socialization, no crate training, completely scared to death. I eventually had to reach in and pull her out of the kennel. As I petted her and talked to her, she looked up at me with this face full of hope and that was it - she decided I was her angel and from that day on was completely bonded to me. I've learned a lot from Tori about dealing with a dog with "issues". She never became the competition dog that I thought she would, but I have no regrets as she has been a true learning experience.

Dora: When Dora was a four month old puppy I went to visit a breeder who had a litter of eight week old pups. She had just purchased Dora and I sat on the floor in the midst of eight little puppies and one big pup (Dora). I really liked her and told the owner if she ever wanted to get rid of Dora to let me know. Fast-forward a year .. the woman decided Dora wouldn't work out in her breeding program, so I brought home this 14 month old chow that had no real training .. *L* .. we had some rough times, but she is truly a clown and is a very sweet girl. She's now 8 years old.

Khana: Ahhh, Khana .. the baby of the group .. two years ago, I decided I needed a younger dog. My girls were all getting older and we needed something to spice up our lives .. *L*. So I went on a quest for a new puppy. I had definite specifications for this chow puppy and it took me a year to find her. I saw a photo of her dam, one of her sire, and one of Khana at just 4-5 weeks old. Not much to go by! But I spoke at length with her breeder and the owner of the stud dog and just had a really good feeling.

Khana was shipped to me from Ontario, Canada on December 30th, 2004. I drove 150 miles to Anchorage to pick her up, and got sent to the wrong terminal before finding out that because she came from Canada she had to go through customs. It was 9:30 at night and customs was all closed up, so I had to call the airport police to get them to go back and get the customs officer. I waited and the door opened .. out walked this custom officer with the CUTEST puppy in her arms .. *LOL*. She handed Khana to me and we went back into the office to sign papers. I put Khana down on the floor in the office and she followed me around as if she knew this was who she was going to live with. We stayed in a motel room that night (didn't want to drive back in the dark through a mountain pass) and Khana acted like she'd always been with us. She played and played with Trick and then slept calmly in her kennel. And she's been the perfect addition to the household.

Whew, takes a long time to talk about five dogs! *L*

Melanie and the gang in Alaska



New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Pixiesticksandtricks, What a great birthday present, I bet that was a suprise. I'm sorry to hear that your dad took Mishka away. Also I'm glad you changed Sams name to Pixie, it's very unusual and its great that your sister adopted Pixies daughter, it's nice to have mother and daughter in the same family. I can't believe they were gonna shoot Dozer, poor guy. At least your dad will give him all the attention and love he needs. And lastly, please do post one about your mums new puppy :D.

Mojozen, I'm so very sorry about what happened to Kody I can see he truly was a great friend of yours. The years wait was deffinately worth it, Mojo is beautiful and I love his colouring. You've done more than okay with him, you did all the research and made sure a trainer would take him, a lot of people wouldn't have done that.

JenSLK, it sounds like Emma deffinately wanted you as her owner :). It's great that you're doing agility with her, I don't know anything about agility but it sure looks fun.

Mypy, Emma is such a good girl, I can't believe she waited at the front door like that. It's great that she got on with your son, I bet they are great friends.

Violet21,I'm glad you eventually got your very own Golden. I have to laugh at the chair story though :D.

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