The Cure for Cancer


New Member
Jul 30, 2005
The South
Got your attention??? :) :) :)

The following is a post that I placed on the Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Disease forum of BrainTalk Communities and a number of pet forums as well as sent to a number of colleagues in medicine, both human and veterinary...both allopathic and holistic.

I hope you find it interesting.


John B. Symes, D.V.M. ("Dogtor J")
Read- "Food Intolerance- Man and Animals versus Gluten, Casein, Soy, and Corn OR How We Won the Battle of Helm's Deep"

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Hi K and K.

This understanding of viruses is actually the culmination of my 6 years of study.... and the reason why my book has not been written...yet. I have been waiting for the "punch line" and this is we actually reap what we sow in our physical lives.

All it takes is a brief review of virology and what these little guys do in nature...which is vital to the creation and its moment-by-moment operation...and then we can see the truth about why it has all gone wrong. Am I over-dramatizing? I don't think so.

Simply put, viruses were made to adapt. They also are integral in the variation we see in nature. The other essential piece of information you need is how they incorporate their genetic information into ours. Once again, it is a scientific FACT that we have more viral information in our double stranded DNA than we do genes. Wow! Does that answer much.

So, do the genes that code for your eye color or the fact that you have two arms, two legs, one liver, and one nose suddenly mutate and give you a "genetic" disease? No, it is the viruses embedded in that DNA that do this. They have been there for generations and new ones are added with each generation. The acquisition of viruses was meant for help us to adapt to our ever-changing environment. So, we should really thank someone who gives us a virus, shouldn't we? If we were optimally healthy, we would acquire the guy and get on with our healthy lives.

BUT, because of what we have done to ourselves, the environment, and the animals that harbor many of these viruses, some of the viruses have become "virulent". Yes, they have been FORCED into adapting into something stronger because of what we have done. Once again, we reap what we sow.

Then, as we become more and more unhealthy while continuing to challenge our viral inhabitants with lectins, chemicals, pollution and "carcinogens", we reach critical mass. Our immune system IS the governor of this situation and is constantly trying to control this situation. We have all heard it said that we are fighting cancer at every moment of every day. Yep. So, what happens when we "assassinate our governor" by doing what we do??? Yes, the poor nutrition, malabsorption syndromes caused by the "big 4" food intolerances, the lack of sleep, the chemicals, and more are ALL bullets that were firing away at our governor. Once again, we reap what we sow.

With an ineffective, bullet-riddled governor and the continuation of the virus-challenging process, we lose our grip while the viruses are forced to adapt into something more powerful just to survive (which again is what they were charged with from the all costs...even to our detriment if it came to that).

Think of them as little robots. Well hey...look at them. Most of them LOOK like little robots. Have you seen them? They have a head that looks like the geodesic dome of the Epcot center. They have legs like a lunar lander and are very mechanical looking. So, the analogy is most accurate. Are they living or not? A great debate rages on about this. I think they have to be, just not by the standards that we normally use for "living". Think of them as androids. Yeah, that's it.

And yes, once backed into a corner, they play their ultimate card- to induce a tumor that protects them and the cells in which they reside....a fortress that walls itself off from these continued challenges. I used to think they were trying to escape the immune system. Now I know better.

And, does a single tumor in a lung lobe or lymph node kill anyone? Hmmm... How about the drugs and radiation designed to kill that tumor? Hmmm...again. Oh oh. And what's more, what does a virus feel forced into doing if its new cocoon is threatened? MOVE, right? Yes, that is called metastasis. So simple, so clear...right?

Question: Would cancer resolve IF we did enough right by stopping what we are doing that is driving these viruses crazy? We know we can prevent cancer by doing these things, right? (Unfortunately, it is more appropriately put that we can accelerate cancer by doing enough bad things. )

But could we take a person who has cancer (or any chronic viral disease), move them to a pristine location, feed them perfectly, give them unpolluted water, and alter their lifestyle so that they sleep well and get plenty of exercise and have that cancer or condition resolve? I believe the answer is a resounding YES, YES, YES. There is plenty of evidence of this. We hear stories of people curing themselves of cancer, MS, and other serious conditions and dismiss them because we simply don't believe that we can recover from such things. What an attitude, eh? Where did that come from anyway? When did we lose faith in this miraculous body? And when did we start the process of literally handcuffing its attempts to heal itself by taking all of this symptomatic medication (e.g NSAIDS to reduce fevers caused by viruses)??? I know when and it fits like a glove into man's history.

I no longer put any limitations on what this body can do, only one what WE can do for our body. Does that pristine environment exist? Can we eat perfectly with what we have done to our food supply? The good news is that we don't necessarily have to be perfect. The absolute worst of the worst do, unfortunately. But everything I have learned about medicine in the past 6 years screams at me that we are made to recover. We just start too late and rarely do enough right? But once we see that disease is a "spectrum disorder", with its victims ranging from the "best of the best" to the "worst of the worst", we can easily see why some people get better with "holistic" treatment and others do not. Have those that don't done enough right...yet???

So, what IS the cure for cancer? Does the answer lie in the laboratory? Is it hidden in the jungles of South America? OR does it lie within us all? I think we all really know the answer to this one now, don't we? And once again.....................How cool is that?

I hope this helps,
Dogtor J.
[email protected]


"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." 1 Corinthians 13: 9,10


New Member
Jul 30, 2005
The South
One reader's reply

Here was one reply-

"Are you saying that our lifestyles can dictate whether or not we get cancer? I take offense, and have a good friend who was the healthiest living person I know, ate right, lived right, and died at a young age from cancer. Where's the evidence to your theory?"


New Member
Jul 30, 2005
The South
My reply

Here was my reply:

I am very sorry to hear about your friend. But why would you take offense? Do you think I am saying that we deserve to die of cancer, especially at an early age? Absolutely not. I am saying that it happens for explainable reasons. I am angered by the fact that we are subjected to carcinogens that we don't even know about and led to believe such lies that cow's milk is "natures perfect food", we need more grains in our diet, and that soy is a health food. I am on this mission because I know that these things are UNTRUE and that our friends are dying too young because they THINK they are eating healthy and living right when in fact the very staples of their diet, the fluoride asnd other chemicals in their water, and the air we breath are killing millions of people prematurely.

And, the evidence for my "theory" is everywhere you look IF you start looking under the right rocks. It is a fact that viruses cause cancer. It has been held by high level researches for quite some time that ALL cancer is viral. That's what viruses do. So why are we just now hearing about it...ust in time for the vaccines they have made???

So, if viruses cause cancer (fact) and these viruses (retroviruses) are embedded in our very genome (fact), then why do they "wait" years to show up as cancer? What triggers them out of hiding (e.g. carcinogens)? Where do the carcinogens come from? Where are the estrogens that set the stage for virus that causes breast cancer come from? (Put "breast cancer virus" in your search.)

Why do celiacs like myself have a 50 times higher rate of some cancers than the general public? The official number of people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance is 1:120 people in the USA. Wow! (The unofficial estimate by researchers is 1:30. Wow...WOW!) And yet 98% of celiacs are undiagnosed in this country. NOW, put all of that together and you will start to see how people who are "the healthiest people you know" can die of cancer.

The sad fact is that the healthiest people you know do not die of cancer early
in life unless one of two things happens- They either get exposed to an overwhelming dose of carcinogens or they have a cataclysmic immune system failure...or both. It takes both carcinogens and a failure in the immune system for cancer to occur.

Believe me. I have seen and heard of more than my share of medical tragedies, especially since I have been doing consult work. But there is rarely a case that cannot be explained in restrospect once we take into account the diet (which is complex), environment (e.g the city they live in and the water they drink), and lifestyle. And when I say "lifestyle", I am not suggesting that people have to be doing things that would be considered socially unacceptable to get cancer. I am talking about simple things like not getting enough sleep (which is HUGE and extremely common), not getting enough exercise (which is very common), and enduring too much stress, which is commonplace in today's world.

If your friend lived in one of two areas of my city (Mobille, AL), that ALONE would practically explain why they developed cancer. Erin Brockovich could have a field day in my and many of the reader's cities. If they were a women who developed breast, cervical or ovarian cancer then the pollution added to the phenomenal estrogen and trans fat overload in the Standard American Diet is more than enough to explain it, especially when we understand that millions of people have at least one of the "big 4" food intolerances, including celiac disease, which can wreak havoc on the competency of the immune system.

Here is a Website for you all to see how your county stacks up air pollution-wise. Mine is in the top 90-100% for air pollution related cancer.

Again, I am very sorry that you have a close friend who fell victim to this horrible disease. My brother's best friend just lost a child to leukemia...another virus, which some researchers believe came from the bovine leukemia virus in cow's milk. There is epidemiological evidence to support this. (Read Dr. Frank Oski's book Don't Drink Your Milk, written when he was the Chief of Pediatrics of John's Hopkins University. Wow!) Whose "fault" is it that he died of leukemia? I would never suggest that it was his parents fault. It is the world's fault...our collective failure to see what we have done... and are still ourselves and our environments and change things.

More and more people (and dogs) are dying of cancer...and earlier...than ever before. And, there are reasons for this that are identifiable and preventable. That is the point of this thread. But these reasons are not always grossly obvious. I would have never guessed that wheat and dairy were literally killing me. Now, all I have to do is move.

I sincerely hope this helps,


New Member
Jul 30, 2005
The South


Here is an easy way for those of you who are interested to find some of highlights of what I have found in the 6.5 years I have been researching this topic:


"virus cancer"
"breast cancer virus"
"celiac disease cancer"
"cancer air pollution "
"environment cancer"
"milk cancer"
"soy,cancer" (Yes, you will have to weed through the "benefits" of soy)
"sleep cancer"
"aspartame cancer"
"osteosarcoma virus" (Yes, they KNOW that bone cancer in viral)
"virus adaptation" (for you die-hards)
"Did God Make Pathogenic Viruses" (Life-changing information)

-in your search and read until you fall asleep (if you can afterwards). That's what I did for 6.5 years. I feel certain that (after 4.5 years), you will come many of the same conclusions.

Yes, the evidence is everywhere. You just have to want to know the truth and to know where to find it.

The "odd" thing is that many people who ask me questions about the chronic illness that they desperately want to be free of do not like the answer that they actually have their destiny in their own hands and that the elimination of certain foods, habits, and environments could have a dramatic positive impact on their health.

"I understand what you're saying. Hey, it all makes sense. I think I could do the wheat thing but there is no way you're taking away my cheese!" Hmmm... Is it the lack of understanding, the previous misconceptions, or the unwillingness to sacrifice that prevents them from getting well?

Perhaps they need more evidence. Thank God for the Internet.



Thanks, and Gig 'em.
Oct 29, 2005
Well I think you're nuts.

But that's just me.

Tis funny, though. I was under the impression that cancer wasn't a virus at all, but an unchecked reproduction of cells over and over and over again caused by a malfunction at the G1 checkpoint.

So you're saying that cancer is just the lysogenic form of a virus set off by modern day chemicals and pollutants? I find that somewhat hard to believe. Especially since people have been getting cancer for a long time.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2005
Arlington, VA

thanks for your post!!! Im kinda tired, so i didnt read it thouroughly, but i got the main gist. I too very very much agree that you can dictate whether or not you get cancer. This is why i have switched from crappy fast foods/processed foods to organic foods (as often as possible), and starting eating my fruits and veggies. What you say about people not liking the answer...its cause it is HARD!!!! I KNOW i need to be exercising, but its just hard to get the motivation when me knees start hurting, and im so tired from class, etc. Humans are lazy, plain and simple. It takes soo much willpower and energy to go above and beyond what we want to actually do, lol.

anyways, thanks for your post...and i am glad there are other people out there who think cancer can be stopped without using chemo, and other rediculous drugs they put out there


Sep 15, 2006
Mother Ship
I remember when the press caught C Everette Coop having a breakfast of eggs, homefries and sausage. His answer to them was that he had the genes that make it ok for him to eat this. Mr. Health himself, the man who badgered the entire country about what they should eat.

I had a friend whose father died before age 50 of a heart attack, as did his uncle. He decided he would live a very healthy lifestyle and not go the way of his relatives. He sacrificed everything he wanted to eat, ran many miles daily, was lean and fit and then one day they found him dead in the bushes on his running trail...of a heart attack.

My grandfather died just short of age 97. He literally sucked raw eggs from the shell. He smoked two packs of Camel cigarettes a day and far as I remember, at least two doctors who warned him of his habits died long before he did. At age 89 he helped my brother put a roof on his house. The guy owned every bad habit I can think of that was legal. Yet, he lived to that age and my friend died at age 46. He probably didn't buy himself a minute of life by not eating his french fries.

So my question is, how much does it all mean in the end with respect to family genes????? And my second question is, given the growing scare regarding fresh vegetables and E Coli and the other wonderous things we have done to our environment by turning our backs on regulation for the sake of profit, how smart are we to be eating fresh vegetables any longer as well? If we continue at this rate of irresponsible stewardship, we eventually won't be able to eat much of anything.

I think the answer is in large part genetics and that is what we should be focusing on. Well, that and our lack of intervention regarding the stewardship of our environment. I think it can become very easy to obsess over everyone's expert opinion and let what is left of our lives pass us by as well. I think medical science often pulls our chain and doesn't know what it says it knows, and it has gotten so out of hand that it wouldn't surprise me if ten years from now they tell us we are all suffering from cholestoral deficiency. Look at the Food Pyramid, the gospel they have always given us. After decades of shoving it down our throats as-is, they have now tipped it upside down. So much for trusting those experts.

But then again, what do I know.


BOy dogterJ is making the rounds, I"ve seen this on a few boards lately by the same guy, but he never comes back for discussion. BTW some of what he says makes more sense than a lot of people want to believe.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
There are others out there who back this up. I'm a big fan of Dr. Schulze and he says many of the same things, that with the proper diet and elimination of certain foods and habits, we can really cure ourselves of cancer without first almost killing ourselves with the treatment. I'm willing to believe it and have started to wean myself off of a number of things that I know are stacking the deck against me.


Sep 15, 2006
Mother Ship
I'll believe in him or anyone else just as soon as the Nobel Prize is picked up and placed next to Jonas Salk's. There's a guy who quietly earned his nibs and proved it first.

In the meantime, there are so many people who say they have a 'cure' that it can be maddening to follow and preoccupy a person's entire life.


I think the jonas saulk thing is a farce. Polio was declining rapidly, had a spike when the vaccine was introduced, and then suddenly they changed the diagnosis criteria from being something like 24 hours with symptoms to must be 6 months of symptoms to be called polio. In addition to that if you look at the numbers at the time which I don't have with me right now, but in one year there were lets say 1000 cases of polio and 35 cases of aseptic meningitis. the next year after the vaccine was introduced there were 35 cases of polio and 1000 cases of aseptic meningitis???

Look the two up, they're are pretty much the same thing, seems more like a numbers game to me. But this could go onto a whole new topic of discussion.

ANyway, I think Genes get way too much credit for things. They have to be triggered by something. Genes are a nice way for people to pass things off as not their fault, "I've got bad genes" that's why I have heart disease, never mind the fact that I've eaten crap for 50 years, sat on my butt at least 10 hours a day for the past 40 years and chose to take on as much stress as I can handle so I look hardworking to the nieghbors.

Health is mostly about lifestyle choices. You can't escape everything in this world, but you can make better choices, and those choices will have a much bigger impact on you than any pill or shot you can get at the Dr's office.


Evil Kitty taco eater
Apr 25, 2006
Well I think you're nuts.

But that's just me.

Tis funny, though. I was under the impression that cancer wasn't a virus at all, but an unchecked reproduction of cells over and over and over again caused by a malfunction at the G1 checkpoint.

So you're saying that cancer is just the lysogenic form of a virus set off by modern day chemicals and pollutants? I find that somewhat hard to believe. Especially since people have been getting cancer for a long time.
I have read and heard of the fact that they are considering cancer to be a virus or starts out like a virus that mutates cells. To me this kinda makes sense. Look at the virus they found in women that is the cause to ovarian and cervical cancer. What a break through it would be to find that most cancers start like this. A simple virus.


Well I think you're nuts.

But that's just me.

Tis funny, though. I was under the impression that cancer wasn't a virus at all, but an unchecked reproduction of cells over and over and over again caused by a malfunction at the G1 checkpoint.

So you're saying that cancer is just the lysogenic form of a virus set off by modern day chemicals and pollutants? I find that somewhat hard to believe. Especially since people have been getting cancer for a long time.
cancer isn't a virus, but a set of foreign DNA that takes up residency in our genes via a lysogenic virus is a good way to cause a malfunction don't you think?? I mean a lytic virus would just kill them itself.

I don't think the modern day chemicals and pollutants are helping anything, cause something still has to set off that malfunction, and in addition to that their has to be a depressed immune response as well, cause our bodies create and dispose of 100-10,000 cancer cells everyday, so in reality we all have cancer, we just won't all die from it. There is not singular cause.

and in hunter gather artifacts and in modern hunter gatherer societies if they don't die prematurely from malnutrition or trauma, they rarely die from cancer, its mostly a modernized western thing that has such high cancer rates.


Thanks, and Gig 'em.
Oct 29, 2005
Or is it simply that cancer is more recognized in modern society as opposed to the hunter and gatherer types?

My grandmother died of cancer. She was a vegetarian and would exercise as often as she could. She was very active, even cut her own lawn at the age of 80.

Then she got cancer, and after a year struggle died in the end.

I can see how eating healthy and exercising regularily really helped her. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jul 7, 2005
Arlington, VA
some things people sometimes dont consider...

just cause someone thinks they eat healthy doesnt mean they are...

if people are drinking milk/eating dairy products from cows loaded with antibiotics and hormones, they arent eating healthy

you can be a vegetarian, and eat VERY is A LOT harder to get the proper balance your body needs as a vegetarian. If you are eating salads every day with iceberg lettuce (almost zero nutrients) and loaded with tons of other crap, it is NOT healthy.

also, even if you are eating dark leafy greens, you also need to be consuming the proper amount of fats (like putting some olive oil on it as dressing), so your body can really absorb the nutrients.

If people arent taking time to read the ingredients, and just assume foods are healthy, they most likely arent eating healthy.

My dad was convinced that his breakfast of Corn Flakes and milk was healthy...until i pointed out that they use corn meal as the main ingredient as well as lots of high fructose corn syrup <--- TOTALLY bad for you, found in almost EVERYTHING!. And i've already mentioned what is wrong with the milk.


I'm sorry she died, but she was 80, or older, that's pretty good if you ask me, and very quality years if she was still doing yard work and everything else. But knowing that proper nutrition gives you the building blocks to create a strong and healthy body, how can you deny that its not impt. Knowing that movement of that body is required for they systems of your body to be stimulated, your heart, your brain, your endocrine, your immune system, etc require movement and exercise to be stimulated into working the most efficiently, how can you say its not impt??

When that same immune system that destroys cancer cells as they're made everyday requires the building blocks and movement to stimulate it to work effectively, can you say that eating right and exercising wouldn't help someone?

Do you also know that our absolute life expectancy has not risen. in fact in hunter gatherer societies its the same, except their quality of life goes up into the 70's and 80's ( assuming like I said earlier they don't die from trauma or startvation prematurely) where as western societies have an effective life of 64 which is pretty sorry, meaning that they have to live 13 years existing in a very sorry state.

There are people still studying this populations and they don't find very many cancers at all. Its not like they're asking tribal leader so and so if they've lost any tribe members to cancer, its a little more scientific than that. Cancer does exist everywhere, just like cold's flu, and everything else. But there are many things that will increase your chances of getting it don't you think? and certain things you can do to make yourself stronger. Like I said before 100-10,000 cancer cells made and disposed of every day in your body, and you're not dying of cancer are you? why do you think that is?


Thanks, and Gig 'em.
Oct 29, 2005
No doubt eating healthy and exercise are important. That's common sense.

But it's not the cure for cancer. That's just so your arteries don't clog and you die of a heart attack or some other related affliction.

And yes, cancer rates in polluted areas are higher than non polluted areas. But show me a study where eating meat causes more cancer than not eating meat?

Perhaps it's not the meat, but where the meat is coming from? IE meat coming from a higher polluted area with polluted water/air? Whatever that cow inhales would go to the meat and thus to you.

Also ya'll are talking about carcinogens and viruses as if they're the same thing. Carcinogens cause mutations which throw your system out of wack. Viruses are acquired from vectors and carriers.

I don't doubt that a lysogenic virus could cause the proper mutations to throw your system out of wack but if so why is cancer not a bigger problem? It would seem to me that you would be able to acquire cancer from a mosquito bite just like other vector born diseases if a virus were the case.

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