Hyia is learning


Dec 16, 2004
Dressed and ready to go. Just need tag information from new owner. Dont' see why I should waste the money putting mine on.

Nobody is fussing a couple minutes after being put on so that is good.

GG got Ressie her first harness so she can start visitng. I just put it on her, she took to it better than I expected her to. We will start the leash a couple minutes at a time, many times a day.

I took them off for now. I don't like collars on anyone in the house when I am not home.

Tomorrow we do nails and get all ready to go again.
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Dec 16, 2004
Haha poor Neccy. THey have challenged her bluff and found it wanting. Now they keep her company.

I LOVE Neccy;s chair.

And my Pepper Mommy

And my castle.

WHat I would like to know is when did that dry feral rough critter from a hole in the ground coat become this? Very pretty.

Ressie sent this to Auntie Barb this morning. vid


Dec 16, 2004
First walk. Not bad. Once in a whil she would begin to back up but I would ease tension and encourage. SHe would stop, then come forward. AFter our little walk around the building i carried her to the mail box and back. Lesson one. YAY not bad.

I do not like the harness..it wants to slip around but it is easy to get on and off. THere is a soft one i am looking at for when she is bigger, that looks more comfortable for her.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
Pay close attention, Huck, this is what I'm expecting out of you soon!

Tell Hyia that Huck sleeps in bed with us every night, has used his litterbox without fail, even though it was a covered one with a swinging door that he had to figure out. I found a couple shooter marbles and have put them in his play box. He played with those for nearly an two hours straight this morning.


Dec 16, 2004
Today was the day. My son was to pick them up if they weren't adopted because I was unavailable at that time. He told me that Ninja was the one adopted. I thought no way...I just coudln't see someone choosing wild Ninja over Mr buttermint melt in your hands, purr on contact Mr. Clean, I was relieved, because Ninja is a stinkerbutt and hard to catch. When I got to my son's house however there was Ninja. THey got them mixed up, and sent the wrong pictures, and bio with the wrong kitten. It's such a shame because Hyia wrote such a sweet sweet bio for Mr. Clean. I almost had her rewrite Ninja's, because she wrote that he does not like to be cuddled, but does like to sleep on pillows. And to not pick him up because he doesnt' like it very much but if your patient he will come and be with you and be very loving. I thought maybe someone would read that and change their minds, and then I thought, it's the truth, and maybe the right person woudlnt' want a lap cat, but a fun one that plays and is so darn fun to watch. So I stayed out of it, and let her bios stand as they were. Tomorrow I will find out if he went to the shelter to be neutered. IF so, maybe I can send them to the my friend at the shelter and she can forward it to the new owner or maybe it is not any kind of a big deal and I should jsut forget it. Whoever they are, did get the baby pics of all of them together. I so wish I had a baby pic of Victor and Pepper and NEccy and Sancho. I would have loved to know what they looked like, and what kind of baby they were. At 5 months, VIctor looked like a mostly grown dog. He was the youngest out of my present day crew. Anyway, 3 down, 2 to go. i think that Anya will be catching a ride to Denver if all goes as it is trying to be planned on Wednesday morning at 8 am. Maybe with less competition for attention, Ninja might settle down a bit, or maybe not. I have said from the beginning that this is the closest to an undomesticated creature I have ever worked with but watching him play is better than just about anything on tv and he will do it by himself for hours on end.

Waiting to drop them off and saying good bye again.

Anya's bio letter.

her anime portrait to go with the letter

be afraid she says. I am going to get you.

Ressie has found her a new favorite sleepy place. Whatch think?

This goes on many times a day. After that you will find them asleep together somewhere. Usually under the sofa. He doens't fit in her hat. That's just her nappy place.
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Dec 16, 2004
YOu would think he was hurting her because she will lay so still, but as soon as he pulls his foot back, she jumps up and clasps his face with both paws and starts playing all over again. I have stopped worrying about it. It's just he is sooo big and she is so little.



Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Hope Anya gets her ride to Denver this week. The right person would love Ninja. I got a kitten once from a breeder who acted more like a feral cat since it was handled much by people. He took things slowly and became my best buddy after awhile, but only me. I know Ninja will find the right person.


Behavior Nerd
Jun 13, 2009
Random I know, but I love, love, love my Come With Me Kitty harness for Pi. I think it's a PetSafe branded product now. It's so much more secure than the regular cat harnesses and it seems to be super easy to get a comfy fit with. :)


Dec 16, 2004
THank you thank you~~~:):):) I am so grateful for information like this. THe leash and harness were the only ones I could find tiny enough to fit her 2 lb body for now but I don't like it. It is easy to get on and off, but it doesnt' like to stay in place and tho it is not uncomfortable for her to walk in, I would still prefer something more substantial. She is taking to this far better than I ever expected. WE went half a block this morning. She started to back up about half a dozen times. I would raise the leash up until it was vertical above her, instead of letting her fight it, walking toward her while she backed up (about 3 ft_) and then reach down and pick her up. I would carry her about 5 or so fee touching her feet which is our game, and then put her back down. The trip back was fabulous. We went the distance of about 10 driveways with no backing up, her toddling beside me and we made it all the way to my front door. So this is trip two. I wasn't able to do this during the weekend because I had a heavy duty obligation to take care of. Now tho we are back on track and will be doing this twice a day, eacn time a little further, during low traffic and people hours until I feel she is confident. After that we will start visiting hardware stores and anywhere else I can take her that is public, but not vet offices or groomers, people places. That is my plan anyway. I have never trained a cat before for this, so if anyone knows tips about what we should know I am all ears and totally grateful. I want this for Hyia, who is very excited, for Ressie, and for myself.
I am not having Hyia do the training because she is not experienced and leash work does not come naturally to her, even growing up with the dogs. She has difficulty with spacial awareness. Once they are leash trained however she is all good. She handled a very difficult situation yesterday. At an art fair she had Victor on the leash, across the street to let him potty on a tree. A golden came up and for whatever reason tho he was leashed, the owner either had it whipped out of his hand or let go. The dog attacked Victor puncturing his lip and two places on his leg. If Victor had fought back, it would have been ugly, but he did not, he was in shade and probably coudlnt' even see the dang dog. Hyia did not turn loose of his leash, tho i have told her if she was ever in this situation to do so so she would not be pulled into the fight, Victor headed out of the situation quickly. She thought the dog was going to attack her as well, and it really put a scare into her. The owner did not come to me, or her and say anything, he just went on his way. I wish I would have been there because I am still angry. I know things happen, and if you take your dog in public you have to understand the risks, but he should have inquired as to Victor's well being and Hyia's as well. So you know what I think of him. That is why I am doing the training, but once Ressie is ready, Hyia will be the one to go into the nursing homes. Being raised by my Mother for her first years has given Hyia a deep and compassionate love for all seniors. She has gone with Victor and me for most of our 4 yrs in service so she knows exactly what to do, and what to not do. When she is older, maybe she will train one of her own, just not quite yet she can watch and listen and learn with Ressie.


Big Mutts
Mar 16, 2005
Thought about ya'll all this weekend,wondering who would find homes. I agree the right person is out there for Ninja. Hyia will be great, she seems like such a sweetie. Reminds me of our Maggie. But Maggie is still a little shy talking with people. The man with the unruly dog should be ashamed of himself:mad:
Really love Hyia's bios for them, such a great idea! I know I would treasure such a thing.


Dec 16, 2004
I was standing brushing my hair this morning. Ninja went up my leg, up my back, to my shoulder, bounced off my head 3 ft to the sofa, leaped from that to the cardboard castle even with trimmed nails. I do not trim the back ones for their own safety sake. That is Ninja. funny funny..but not a baby acting tabby. I did pick him up, turn him on his back in my arms, and he purred for a few seconds, then I set him down and off he zipped. He likes to arch his back, bottle brush his tail while sneaking up on a toy bounce bounce bounce, leap in the air and reach down with one paw to whack it across the room, and repeat and repeat. If someone wanted a cat to chase a laser, or a flirt toy this is your boy.
I tell Hyia she is better at drawing then she give herself credit for. Anime anime anime...but at least it isn't goth, or dark. She talks about going to the ARt Institute...but for the cooking dept they opened up. If she keeps up making the jumps she is doing with her drawing, who knows where it will lead. She has notebooks full of characters and you wouldn't have to guess at who she is representing.

Hyia is a sweetie through and through. She helped at a Church fund raiser this weekend. Organizing books, for the book sale, getting the vendors water or watching their booths while they took a quick break, bringing food for them from the food stand. Some of the vendors gave her things for helping, catnip toys, a card and envelope, some free books and Jurassic park 3 dvd she wanted forever, a couple blank journals from the teachers who told her she must write in them every day, but she didnt' ask, or expect. She would have done it no matter what because she likes to help. SHe does like to visit and that is one thing she is working on, assessing the situation before so that if someone is with a customer, or packing up to go home, to help and let them go, not chat. That's all a part of maturing tho, and she is getting better about it. She is not shy with adults, but at school with her peers, she tends to clam up. THat is why her efforts to go out and join social things like the clubs at the library have been a big step for her as well as being in the musical. Oh is she ever excited about that. :) SHe is on a real CHer kick with her singing. I have heard Gypsies tramps and thieves until I about go nuts. I love her voice, just not a Cher fan. I assume that this too shall pass. I never tell her to stop. She can sing whatever she wants to sing as much as she wants to, as long as she is happy. AT least it isn't Christmas songs yet. I do plead that that doesnt' start utnil after Thanksgiving.
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Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
Huck does that every morning, I tell him he's a popcorn kitty in the morning. He pops from spot to spot to spot on the carpet, then shimmies up my leg--thankfully he waits until I have pants on to do that! He will very gently bat and hug my bare legs, but once there is a layer of cloth, it's game on.

He slept draped across my neck all night with his head tucked under my chin. I do need to take him in to get wormed again and now probably the dogs as well, since they've discovered they can fit their heads into the litter box. :rolleyes:


Dec 16, 2004
Pretty sure it's because he misses his mate, I got that treatment off and on all day and he stayed pretty close to Pepper.

Took Ressie to pick up Hyia at choir after we walked to the mail box since she was doing so well. We got there a little early so we sat by the door that opened and banged shut, the flags whipped in the wind above, cars came and cars went. She was a little nervous at first but she relaxed. We went over to the grass where she pottied and came back and sat some more. SHe settled on the truck seat on the way home and dozed. It took a little longer than I had planned on, but she handled it well. Sorry for the wind noise in the vid.

Not worried, not too scary. A few kids came up and touched her, a couple held her for a few, but she really didn't want to be held, she didnt' struggle, but they wanted to cradle her on her back, and she wasnt' in the mood. THat was ok. SHe let them know wihtout struggling and they set her down and stroked her instead. Not bad for her thrid lesson and her second day out in the world.

Missing Mr. Clean.
It will be interesting to see what she thinks if Victor walks with her.
Tomorrow we visit her Sponsor, GG who made all this possible.

My friend Kelly said if I get the letter and pics to her she will mail it to the adopter. She has so much to do, I really appreciate that she offered and that she cares. Hyia has a week to make new ones for Ninja.
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Dec 16, 2004
WE made it to the gas station and back today. So that is as far as the dogs go. WE went slow. She loved watching the monarchs going over. Did not love the lawn mowers, or the machines that were putting new asphalt down on the parking lot. She did like walking along the shops where she could see her reflection in the window glass that went all the way to the ground. I carried her in, got my drink of water, and back. She made 90 percent of the street. Preferred to walk over being carried. So day 4 is done. A spoonful of baby beef as a reward. Last night i woke up to her purring, several times, she was super affection, more than ever before so the experience is not stressing her in the least. Rounding up Anya's things for her transport in the morning.We are going to have to leave super early. THat will leave ninja, who thinks my only purpose is to be a tree to climb. That's just got to stop. He springs on me from all directions every time I walk across the room.


Dec 16, 2004
I am going to make a small sign I can hold up that says therapy kitten in training. I am not ready to meet the public yet. Let me learn this leash thing first. People are so loud, and aww and ohhh and CAN I HOLD HER!!!!??????
One step at a time please. SHe's just a little baby.
Why are people so loud?

I still have to remind Hyia, calm, slow movements, low voice, gave space to animals that do not know her. AND Victor specially now. She can come down on hmi like a tidal wave for a hug and he can't see her coming. I have to remind her to give him a verbal first, sit beside him first, touch him lightly first. SHe forgets and it makes him jumpy.

Ressie hopped right up the steps to the strip mall. She had never seen steps before. I want to get as much street work done as possible before the weather turns and my arthritis turns on me like the meanie it is. At that point we should be ready to go into stores with permission. Hardware stores are the best of the best for allowing me to work with Victor the way they did. I noticed in Zona Rosa there was a store that catered home decor that said pets welcome as well.


Big Mutts
Mar 16, 2005
I always have the opposite problem when socializing Gracie....hardly anyone wants to pet her. And the only people who do pounce on her with no introductions. A sign is a great idea.


Dec 16, 2004
When Pepper first came, I couldn't get anyone to hardly look at her, but she wans't looking at them. I think she thought I was going to give her away. So when I tried to introduce her, she would lower her head, ears back, and seem the saddest dog in the universe. No one gave her the time of day. After a year, when she had fully bonded I recieved so many compliments on her, one man told me she was just stunning! and if he could have a dog, he would want it to be just like her. He was the one a year before that wouldnt' even look at her past a quick glance. People are funny like that. People are funny period. If you want them to, they don't if you don't want them to they do.
in general.
Ok..does he look pretty enough for consideration? I wrote the shelter that I would like to give him two more weeks here. If it was possible for him to go up Sat AND SUn I could do that. IF he is not adopted in 2 weeks doing this, he needs to go to the shelter where he would be considered for viewing every day. His time is running out for being a kitten...they seem huge to me now. I don't want him to go, and I will probably back out, but seriously he can't stay here forever. Tho he would like to I am sure.
Anya is packed and ready to go. STill figuring out my driving directions, and making her up some of the little wool balls she likes. Tried to get Hyia to do it, but she says it just won't work for her., sighs...one try is not trying. She did pack up a catnip toy that she earned at the art fair, and a t shirt for something that smells like home for the crate. I put her jars of food in bubble wrap so they woudlnt' break in route. SHe will not get food for 9 hours so I will give her a very moist breakfast, get her up 2 hours before it is time to go so she has play time and pot time. Trying to dot all my i's and cross all the t's. THis is her big chance. After reading what happend to Baby Doe i am so grateful that she is going to a home where Zoom knows the people and can vouch for her future forever life.

AM I pretty enough? The collar has a little sparkle bow with sequins on the top. The tag seems enormous, and he thinks it's a new toy and good to chew on for the first hour but is ignoring it now.
Ninja..who needs a new nickname..dubbed today ONYOU because he won't stay off of me. Climbs me like a tree every time I walk past. He never did that before Mr. Clean left. Hyia wrote Miss Clean in her letter because we we got confused in the beginning. They are both boys.

Oh such love.
HE thinks she smells pretty

He grooms her several times a day.

He is so proud of his baby.

AFter having her nails trimmed. She never moved, made it easy. Not so with ONYOU Ninja. He was a stinkerbutt. THey don't even try to sharpen their nails on anything because they have never had nails that stuck in things.

Some times her eyes look green, sometimes they look gold..one side is one half darker then the other half for sure. I look at her earlier baby pics and wonder whee her mask went and wonder if it will come back.

See you tomorrow my friends. OOps I see I missed one nail. Goes to get clippers.
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