Another pregnancy/baby thread


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?

I didn't have any big plans for a career and such. I could never find anything I REALLY wanted to do for the rest of my life... now I know why lol. the one thing I never considered was being a stay at home mom and it turns out that is what I am good at and what makes me happiest.

We had a good marriage, a stable home, Brian had a good, stable job and I wasn't allowed to work in this country anyway lol and everything I like to do can easily include a child. So i don't feel like I didn't do anything I really wanted to do before Hannah.

- Was your child/ren planned?

not really. We hadn't planned on having a child exactly when we did but we were in a good position for a child so we got "lax" on precautions.

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?

Everything was pretty much planned out. I'm not a big, over the top planner so we painted the nursery and got all the STUFF and that was pretty much all I needed lol. I've been around babies and children my whole life so I felt pretty prepared to handle a child of my own.

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).

Oh man, a complete 180. My family can't even BELIEVE the person I've become. When Brian married me I didn't clean, I didn't know how to cook, I was a sleep until afternoon and stay up till 3 am kind of person, I didn't think I had any desire to be a stay at home mom or even for sure be a mom and I just sort of wandered through life aimlessly flying by the seat of my pants and I was LAZY.

Now I am a stay at home mom, a homeschooler, I enjoy cooking (I realized I never liked cooking because my dad has the most boring palate on the planet), I am organized and on the ball, busy and while I still enjoy sleeping in I don't mind getting up early anymore lol.

I've learned so much and grown so much and matured so much since having Hannah.

- Do you plan on having anymore?

we don't really plan on having more children ourselves but we are very interested in adopting a child (not an infant, a slightly older child)

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?

I complained a lot LOL but other than some morning sickness the first trimester it was easy peasy

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?

Take everything in stride. There will be days where you forget to bring a diaper out with you or forget a change of clothes, or forget a bottle or go out with your pants on backwards (yeah... I totally did that lol) but don't sweat the small stuff. You will NOT be a perfect mother... there is no such thing. Accept it and accept your failings, your flaws and your perceived shortcomings. Learn from them and move on, tomorrow is another day and your child will not end up in therapy because you lost your temper once or let them eat junk one day.

and YOUR HAPPINESS MATTERS TOO. If you are doing something for your child that just isn't working out or is causing you so much stress that you are about to crack, it's OK to try something else. It's ok to abandon the original plan and start over.

DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP. Ask yourself one question "In 5 years is this moment, this failure going to matter?"If the answer is no (and a lot of times it is) try to let it go.
- Pictures will be added bonus'

Everyone has seen a million pictures LOL I won't clog up the thread hahaha


Dec 2, 2006
Olympia, WA
I can't help it lol

You don't have to answer all questions. Also, if you are not a mom, share whatever you would like :)

- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?

I didn't finish school and stuff, and always wanted to travel but it's not kids that got in the way. Kids are portable. lol. I really kind of wanted to wait to travel internationally so I could take my kids along and they could see some of the awesome stuff in the world. I'd definitely do it again with similar timing, but then again I'm a kid person. Children are teh awesome.

- Was your child/ren planned?

We'd planned to have children, but they weren't planned with that timing. I needed dental work the first time, and the second was just not how I would have timed it. Things worked out the way they are supposed to though, and it's all good now.

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?

I felt pretty good about it. I'd already had tons of experience with babies and kids of all ages from being a teacher and a nanny, and was looking forward to raising my own. :)

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).

I don't get to sleep a full 8 hour stretch anymore. That's the biggest thing I miss. It's my one birthday wish. A night of uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep. <3 lol

My life is full of awesome kid loveyness though. Yesterday my daughter said, "Mama Mama! My hair is getting so long it's almost down to where my heart lives!" And I pretty much melted. lol

There's a lot of worries as a parent. Worry about whether you're teaching them everything they need to learn. Whether they're getting enough experiences, whether you're balancing school/fun/extracurricular stuff like music lessons so they're getting to have a carefree childhood and still have lots of opportunities. Whether someone might try to nab them, etc. etc.

- Do you plan on having anymore?

I'm pretty much done. Kinda sucks because I'd always imagined having maybe 3-5, but I'm really grateful for the two I have.

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?

It was really hard. The second time around I almost lost him several times, and that was really hard/nervewracking.

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?

Don't have them because you feel obligated. Have them because you love the idea of being a parent and are prepared to devote the time and resources to doing right by them.

- Pictures will be added bonus'
Sam likes his avocado

He also adores Emperor Trajan. I have NO idea why, but this little marble bust is totally his most favorite thing ever. Think Linus and his blue blanket. :rofl1:

His sister is pretty dang awesome too. ;)

ROFL! She made this birthday cake sculpture out of giant legos and crayons. I said I wanted to take a picture of it, and she got all excited and said she was going to put on an outfit and pose with it. That's what she came up with.



Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Awww the babies! :D

Tanya I love hearing about you and Hannah, y'all are like the perfect mother-daughter :)

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