Another pregnancy/baby thread


Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
I can't help it lol

You don't have to answer all questions. Also, if you are not a mom, share whatever you would like :)

- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
- Was your child/ren planned?
- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
- Do you plan on having anymore?
- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?
- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
- Pictures will be added bonus' :)


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
hmm...yes and no. I don't have my dream job, and I haven't finished college, but I wasn't on a regular education track anyway, and I always figured I'd have a kid during grad school if I didn't before I finished undergrad. But I did A LOT of things I wanted to do beforehand. The only thing I would have liked to do was travel more, but that was a regret I had even before I got pregnant.
- Was your child/ren planned?
Not really, but I guess if you're not using protection regularly, it's not unplanned, either :p
- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
not even close to that yet, but I don't think I'll feel prepared no matter what, I never do. I'm sure I'll have my birth plan, baby necessities, etc. all set before the baby is born, already working on that and there's plenty of time, but I'll still FEEL unprepared.
- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
N/A, but I'm already more neurotic about things being clean, what I eat, etc.
- Do you plan on having anymore?
I hope so! But not until the first one is school-age
- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?
so far, not so easy...but I'm hoping within a few weeks it will get better. I had to go on medical leave from school because of blood pressure/heart issues and am having terrible morning sickness.
- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
N/A, but my advice already would be don't go crazy over everything you read/hear. so far I've heard everything from "don't eat sesame seeds, like a sesame bagel or anything..." "don't take a bath" "don't go outside in the rain" "don't eat honey" "don't touch the cats" Well let me just wrap myself in some bubble wrap and spray it down with disinfectant, you nutjobs.


Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Milo - that last sentence in the last question made me LOL. Trying to picture you in a bubble.

I think you will be a great mommy :) I am over the moon happy for you!


Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Definitely lol
I am all excited for everyone having kids now.
I have a friend of mine who is having her baby shower for her 2nd baby, a boy YAY!, and I bought him the CUTEST clothes. I *almost* kept them for me when I have kids LOL


We are Home.
Oct 22, 2004
Tallahassee Florida
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
Nope not even close but i dont miss it. Ive changed so much since having my kids that the new road I want to take would have never been a thought without them

- Was your child/ren planned? we planned on HAVING Morgan just not when we did same with Savannah

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
Savannah I was rushing but we never could decide on anything
Bev I was pretty set
Morgan we were more then set

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
I have no me time which doesnt bother me because my kids make me happier then me time.

- Do you plan on having anymore?
nope my body does not handle pregnancy well

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?
as you know all were difficult

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
dont set your self up to be heartbroken if something doesnt work out how you want. Its not a fun feeling :(


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?

Nope, i got pregnant with my 1st son when I was 16 and had him when I was 17. I am getting my GED now, I would never go back and not have my son, but i really wished I would have stayed in high school. I think being a mom was my perfect "job" now my kids are getting older and I am starting to work on my career :)

- Was your child/ren planned?

Nope, not really. Some were not prevented, it was kind of if it happens then it happens, my 1st one was totally not planned!

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?

As soon as I knew I was pregnant I started preparing, and by the time my babies came I had everything I needed.

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).

I don't really think my life has changed, but being so young I think it just became a way of life. I am busy all the time, and everything I do revolves around schedules of the kids, making sure that we can stick to our routines ect. But they are pretty involved in whatever I do so its not a huge issue.
- Do you plan on having anymore?

Nope :)
- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?

My pregnancies were amazing. I loved being pregnant. I was never sick, never had swelling or anything. I stayed active till the day i went in labor. All of my kids were born around 38 weeks and all around 7lbs except my biggest who was almost 9. My twins were my most trying pregnancy due to so much weight gain it was painful and hard to sleep.

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?

Prepare in advance, and make sure that you are ready for it! Kids are not for everyone, but if you make the decision to have a baby. It is amazing how much we can love another person <3. And remember, when your kids stress you out, they are just kids, little people who don't know how to express themselves like we do, so don't be too hard on them :)

- Pictures will be added bonus'

my 1st son when he was around 14 mnths

my 2nd son around 6-8 weeks

my 3rd son around 2

and my twins around 9 mnths old

and my kids and I summer of 2012



Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
New Jersey
I can't help it lol

You don't have to answer all questions. Also, if you are not a mom, share whatever you would like :)

- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
Yes and no. I couldn't find a job anyway, so we figured we'd just try and I'd be a SAHM. Not really any regret, I can't really see what I could have done differently here anyway...
- Was your child/ren planned?
It took us almost 4 years to have kids. One year of trying, months of fertility treatments, then we waited over 2 years with an agency. So I guess it was pretty much planned
- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
Not prepared at all LOL. I had bought things for *one* kid, and really not enough, because I didn't know when it would happen. Then we got that call that we had twins... had to rush and buy more stuff. We still waited until the last minute in case the birthparents changed their mind, then bought all the other stuff we needed after they signed... The nursery wasn't finished until they were 4 months.
- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
Quite a bit obviously. They take a lot of time and money. No more sleeping in in the morning. No more impromptu outings (well, not the same kind). Different kinds of vacations. Every day life is honestly not THAT different though, because twins entertain each other a lot. So I still get time to do my own things while they play.
- Do you plan on having anymore?
Hell no LOL
- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
Tough one. Try and follow recommendations, if possible. Don't drive yourself crazy if you can't.
So apparently if I add to a quote, it doesn't count and my message is too short lol


Active Member
Jan 13, 2005
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
I never had a specific career that I wanted. I did (and do) have a stable job though.

- Was your child/ren planned?

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
We had pretty much everything we needed, basics wise

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
A lot less sleep. Still. We live 1600 miles from family, so no set babysitter, so we go to movies way less. We don't eat in restaurants as often, since a certain cute toddler can't quietly sit for long periods and we're not the types to disturb others.

- Do you plan on having anymore?
Right now I'm good with one. I'll reevaluate when he's in school. With the costs of births, though, it's doubtful.

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?
Really easy. No ill effects other than a sciatic issue the entire time. (couldn't feel my upper legs. The whole time)

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
There's always someone willing to offer their two cents. Take it with a grain of salt and ultimately do what you feel comfortable with.


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
I can't help it lol

You don't have to answer all questions. Also, if you are not a mom, share whatever you would like :)

- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?

For me, yes. I graduated high school, went on to play soccer in college, graduated with my BS, am thisclose to a Master's (that I doubt I finish...just 16 hours left!), went the other direction with my job career, got an AA degree, worked a few years as a VT, then got pregnant and put on bed rest, to which the rest is history. I don't think there's anything I regret not doing/getting done.

- Was your child/ren planned?

#1 and #2 were fertility babies. #3 was a SURPRISE!!!!! :eek:

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?

Since #1 was born 2 months early, I was lucky in that I had bothered to finish getting the nursery painted, and I literally badgered hubby to pick up the furniture, which was in boxes, on a Sunday. I went to a doctor's appointment the next day, and didn't come home until over a week later. My hubby and mother-in-law set the room up for me the best they could, and one of the vets I worked with rushed to make baby blankets and burp cloths, and went out and bought him many preemie outfits. To this day, she will forever hold a piece of my heart for doing all that for me, especially since she worked full time and had 3 young boys of her own!

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).

Oh geez, honey. I don't have the time or the space. LOL All I can say is to read my facebook posts. For example, I was pretty irritated tonight with the boys' resistance at going to bed (which is new for them...and for me!), yet after it was all said and done, I thought of the little things that said that just made me :rofl1: . That's what it's all about. There's going to be frustration. There's going to be aggravation. There's going to be sadness. In my case, there's been some despair thrown in as well. But at the end of it all, there's more love than I ever could've known, and the laughter I've had from them and with them more than makes up for it all.

Having what is considered to be a "special needs" child has really changed my outlook on life in general. It really is what you make. Life isn't fair. It's not all rainbow and unicorns. At times it's ugly and it hurts. But it's what you choose to focus on and it's what you choose to do with that ugly and hurt that makes it what it is. It's not easy, but at the end of it all, I want to look back and smile and laugh and know, that while definitely not perfect, it was real....and it was the best time of my life.

- Do you plan on having anymore?

Nope. Tubal ligation here. Having a 4th would've been straight up against medical advice (basically, I could've ended up dead).

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?

1st: Horribly difficult
2nd: difficult, but what would now be considered a "normal" one from my standpoint
3rd: Horribly difficult

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?

"At times when you won't feel like singing....sing anyway."

Kind of what I wrote previously. There's no "guidelines" on how to raise children. I have 3 boys, and I have to do things 3 different ways to fit their 3different personalitites and abilities. I roll with the punches. I cry when no one can see me, but I strive to find the happiness and laughter in it all. I kind of live by the motto: It's not what you take with you when you're gone, but what you leave behind. It's a LOT of trial and error. There's no such thing as perfection. And if it's ok to just pick the pacifier up off the ground and blow it off before sticking it back into the mouth of your 3rd child, it's good enough for the 1st. ;)

- Pictures will be added bonus' :)

I'll put some new ones up tomorrow. :)
My replies in red.


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
I'll answer, but I don't have kids :)

- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?

So far, nope! There's a lot I want to do first. Hubby and I have finished school and have careers, so there's nothing I regret there. I want to do more traveling and just enjoy the life I have with my husband.

- Was your child/ren planned?

Yes. We wanted to both be finished with school, and ideally hubby wanted to have his CPA license (which he does). We wanted to own a house and have a stable life. We also wanted to do some traveling and enjoy each other (which we still are! It makes it SO hard to figure out when to have kids!)

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?

I feel generally prepared at the moment. I already know what my insurance covers and I have my birthing center picked out. We have a spare bed room. lol.

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).

- Do you plan on having anymore?

I plan on having 1 or 2 at the very most

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?


- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?



Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Aw Mia- I saw your FB posts about the boys and their bedtime. Even though they irritate you, some of your FB posts crack me up especially the convo ones.

Jessie- I love how you have everything so planned out. I can't do that, I've tried and have failed miserably. I have to live in the "now" or else, things go to **** and I lose track.

Also, the baby pictures are ADORABLE <3


Member of WHODAT Nation.
Jun 9, 2008
South East Louisiana
- Did you do everything you wanted to do before you got pregnant? Like finish school, find a career, etc etc. & if you didn't, do you regret not doing these things before you got pregnant? Would you do it over again, as in finish school, find that perfect career, etc?
~ I was a high school senior with 1/2 a credit left and dropped at christmas time. I would go back and stay and get my diploma. Right now I am in the process of getting my GED. I would NOT go to college as I planned though , I still dont know what I want to do with my life 13 years later and I would have wasted a lot of money and time in college instead of working and being a mom.

- Was your child/ren planned?
Caleb , No and the dad still thinks I had an abortion. He did not want him , he is not listed on the birth cert and Chris is his dad in all ways important.
Jacob , no not planned
Virginia and Victoria , were kind of planned , as is We wanted one and God laughed and gave us two instead.

- How prepared were you? Was everything planned out for the baby to enter the world or did you feel like you were rushing towards the end?
I had everything ready for all of them. No rush but with the girls I was so nervous of taking care of two at a time.

- How has your life changed since you had you kid/s? (The good, the bad and the ugly).
I told Chris the main thing I wanted out of life wa a family. I have that and Now I am complete. I was drifting along not really caring and had a one night stand and got prego with caleb in high school. Had him and was in a horrid relationship with this bitch, then was alone for a bit and realized Chris was exactly what I needed. I chased him and we had more kids and life is awesome. I have a purpose and will live forever on thru them and there children. I think becoming the step mom was what really changed me. It is easy to love your own kids , but to take others kids into your heart so fully really changed me and made me want to be better for them. There bio mom walked out and threw them away. They are precious to me because they chose to honor me with the "mom" title and I know how much it means to them.

- Do you plan on having anymore?
NO , cut burned tied and will Hunt down the doc If I get prego again, I Hated Being pregnant . I was a raging lunatic or crying for 9 months.

- How easy/difficult was your pregnancy/s?
Caleb was easy and so was Jacob , was closely monitored with the girls because i am so fat and it was twins. all where born healthy and at good weights , all developed normaly.

- What advice would you, as a mom, give to a new mom (someone with no kids)?
Sleep when they do , do not try and be super woman with a sparkly house and a baby. Do not buy the cute crap they try to sell you. Yeah its cute , but you will be selling it 4 months down the line for a fraction of what it costs.
- Pictures will be added bonus'

Cyle (12) and Nick (10) with 7th month old Jacob

Nick Now at 20

Cyle now at 21

Caleb on way home from last Hospital Visit (I will have to find a baby pic) 13 now

Jacob at 6 , right after girls where born

Right after they cut the girls out of me.

Baby Z (Victoria)

Baby Y (Virginia)
We called them Y and Z because I was never having any more.

Little Girls at 4 , taken last week. Both full of attitude. Torie has grown bigger than her sis , by 2 inches and 10 lbs or so. White shirt is Ginnie and Black is Torie.

Sheen also says HI!



Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
Aww! Love the pictures, especially the ones of them holding the girls up to your head after they were born, and of course the last one lol
Beautiful family :)


Member of WHODAT Nation.
Jun 9, 2008
South East Louisiana
Thank You , I live for them. I know you really want children , and if you are ready , go for it. Nothing will ever be "Perfect" in order to have kids. Waiting is all fine and dandy. Being finacially secure is all fine and dandy also , but what good is it to have money if you die before they reach adulthood?

I dont want to start a **** storm on here , and I will not say another word. But do some soul searching , and if it is the time , you will know. Dont let anyone but you and the father decide it. You and He are going to be the responsible ones , not any of us internet peeps.


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
Being finacially secure is all fine and dandy also , but what good is it to have money if you die before they reach adulthood?
We ideally want to be in our early 30s when we have kids. So if we have a child at 32, that means we'll be 50 when they turn 18.

Generally, at 30 you're more financially secure than you were at age 20, and that's hardly too old to have kids :)


Kotah BEAR
Jan 1, 2008
We ideally want to be in our early 30s when we have kids. So if we have a child at 32, that means we'll be 50 when they turn 18.

Generally, at 30 you're more financially secure than you were at age 20, and that's hardly too old to have kids :)
But I know a lot of people who have had a child at age 19-22 and they are doing just fine. A bunch of the girls I went to middle school with have kids and honestly, they are doing a lot better than most people I know in their 30s with kids. Just sayin' though.
Things can go either way, to be honest.


Member of WHODAT Nation.
Jun 9, 2008
South East Louisiana
We ideally want to be in our early 30s when we have kids. So if we have a child at 32, that means we'll be 50 when they turn 18.

Generally, at 30 you're more financially secure than you were at age 20, and that's hardly too old to have kids :)
Ok , for some and I dont want to cause this thread to become a debate on what is right / wrong. You feel this away and that is ok.

Have a good day.


We are Home.
Oct 22, 2004
Tallahassee Florida
We ideally want to be in our early 30s when we have kids. So if we have a child at 32, that means we'll be 50 when they turn 18.

Generally, at 30 you're more financially secure than you were at age 20, and that's hardly too old to have kids :)
Whats good for one is not good for all. Everyones life is different, everyones wants are different. What might be right for you might not be right for others.

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