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    Black liquid stool question (pic)

    For the past two days my dogs stool has been black liquidy style. His diet did change a bit, he has been eating a lot more raw muscle meat then usual. When he was a puppy when i used to feed him muscle meat (example raw steak) his stool used to resemble this but since i started feeding him more...
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    Question about White Tripe

    I've been looking for green tripe but haven't been able to find any yet. I did find white tripe at the super market. Now i know it doesn't have as much nutritional value as green tripe but is it still good for my dog? I gave him some today and he seemed to like it a lot. But then I through it...
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    Food that will help my dog digest

    I think I finally came up with a theory to my dogs problem. I posted earlier about how my dog has been puking recently. I also posted about how I believe my dog which is on a RAW diet isn't getting all his nutrition. Now I think the both are connected. I think my dog is lacking something...
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    This is what I feed my dog, what am I doing wrong? (RAW)

    I posted in another thread that I will be moving from a RAW food diet to a kibble diet because I don't believe I am doing it right and my dog isn't gaining any weight or eating much. Some readers suggest I post what I feed him and maybe you guys can help me fix whats wrong. Basically this is...
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    Foamy puke (pic)

    Hi, my dog every now and then pukes what looks like foamy saliva. Today though it has a yellowish color. I am taking him to the vet now but I would still like to hear users opinions here on what this might be and if its normal or something is majorly wrong. here is a picture...
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    Purina, Nutra Gold or Pedigree?

    Hi, my dog's been on a barf diet since he was a puppy but its been over a year now and I don't think I am doing it right. My dog is skinny, and every once in a while is puking what looks like saliva, mostly transparent/white in color or today for example yellow. I think he isn't getting...
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    Green Poo

    Hi, does anyone know what green poo means? My dog hasn't been eating well the past 3 days and his poo is green. He is on a raw diet and we have been feeding him beef mostly but also some chicken. thanks
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    Is it ok for my dog to stand on 2 legs?

    i thought my dog a new trick which is how to stand on his two hind legs. he has been getting pretty good at it and can last 2-3 seconds so far, i am aiming for longer. my wife thinks it might not be good for his back. is she right?
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    can i bath my dog every week?

    summer is here and every friday morning i take my dog to the dog beach. basically its a strip of beach where other dog owners bring their dogs to socialize. as you can expect my dog gets wet and sandy so when he comes home i bath him. is that a problem? i know its recommended to bath a dog...
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    My dog figured out how to open doors...

    Yesterday I came back home to find our bedrooms bathroom door open and my dog had taken some stuff out to play with. At first I thought he had opened the door but then after I couldnt get him to replicate it i figured i must have left the door open by mistake. Today I came back home and found...
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    My dog lost his appetite? Is it possible?

    I don't know if this is weird or not but my dog hasnt been eating much lately. Could he be bored of his food? Since February he has been pretty much on the same diet. Raw meat and raw chicken. I get him the best meat, boneless and just feed it to him like that. He used to eat around 1KG of cow...
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    New pictures of my beligian shepherd Geo

    Here are pictures I took of Geo over the weekend. He is nearly 6 months old now.
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    How trust worthy is

    Yesterday I found out about the site and I was wondering how accurate the information on it is? The reason I am asking is because the site says I do not need to feed my dog fruits or vegetables although some people recommend some vegetables in my dogs diet. But the biggest...
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    Dog taking me for a walk?

    I don't know why but sometimes my dog decides to take the leesh in his mouth and start pulling me. I haven't figured out a pattern in his actions but its annoying. How can I stop him from taking the leesh? Any tips? thanks
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    Do baby teeth all fall out at same time?

    Yesterday I noticed one of my dogs tennis balls was covered in blood. He like around 5 and half months old and when I looked at his teeth I noticed one of the front canine teeth had a bit of blood around it. The day before he had one of his side teeth fall out so I figured the canine was next...
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    Is eating too much heart ok?

    My dog seems to have found a new favorite food, lamb hearts. I feed it to him raw (he is on raw meat diet) and he really loves it. I am wondering, is it ok to feed him lamb hearts a couple of times a week? I have heard that its not good to feed dogs to many organs. thanks
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    My dog wakes me up at 5AM, how can I stop this?

    Hi, my 5 month old dog sleeps in the same room as me and my wife. everyday at 7am he comes and wakes me up so i could take him for his morning walk. the timing is nice because my alarm usually wakes me at 7:15 so i dont mind waking up 15 minutes earlier. The problem is a week after he started...
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    My dog is tooooo friendly, will that cause me problems?

    My puppy is extremely friendly with other dogs and people. When I took him to a dog show last weekend he was the most friendliest puppy there. he even wanted to play with some dogs that were trying to bite him, he didnt care he just wanted to play. With people he is also very friendly. he loves...
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    My dog is foaming around the mouth

    My nearly 5 month old Belgian Shepherd started foaming around the mouth today. To me it looks like excess saliva and its happening only when I take him outside. The weather is kinda hot today so I am guessing that might be the reason. But I want to be safe and thought I would check here for your...
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    From raw to dry food, need advice

    Hi, I have a nearly 5 month old Belgian Shepherd who has been on a mostly raw food diet. His current diet is one day raw meat and one day cooked chicken. Twice a week I give him raw eggs and yogurt. The problem is that he is eating around half a kilogram of meat per meal and 3 meals a day at...