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  1. P

    Fat Tumour?

    I recently noticed a lump on my dog and immediately took him to the vet the following day. The lump was aspirated and it was determined that it was fat. The vet said that it was nothing to worry about for the time being but just keep an eye on it. Has anyone else gone through this before?
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    Antisocial dog...

    Hey guys and gals, I need a little advice. I'll be taking Milou and myself to be trained shortly but I'd like to know of any advice and tips before I go to training with him. He has become so anti-social lately. When we first got Milou, we socialized him well and he was friendly, shook...
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    Extra Red tongue & fur??

    I've noticed recently that my dog's tongue is redder than usual and some of the fur around his eyes has turned to a reddish/brownish color. Is this something that I should be concerned about? He's over 1 year old and a malte/pom mix.
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    Swollen Penis??

    Hey guys and gals, I have a weird question. My dog humps his doll and whatever. When he's done the tip of his penis doesn't retract fully into the skin even after an hour has passed. I looked at the tip of his penis and it looks a bit swollen. I believe that it only looks swollen after...
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    Dogs and Anesthesia

    Hi guys I have a question. My dog is 8months old now and he still has some baby teeth left. I called the vet to set up an appointment to have them removed and she asked me if I wanted to have him neutered at the same time. I said that i'll have neutered at a later time but she said that's...
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    Bleeding penis??

    I have a question, my dog just reached his sexual maturity. So anyways, he was humping his stuff animal and his penis came out. I checked his tummy afterwards and saw the hair around his penis had some red spots, it looked like blood spots. Is this normal or not? Thanx
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    Milou is teething at the moment and lost about 4 lower teeth and 1 upper tooth. What products/remedies do you recommend to help him aloing with teething? I currently own the classic Kong rubber toy and also I heard about carrots, is that good as well? Thanx everyone :p
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    Vaccination question

    Total newb question. After your dog has all his vaccinations, does he get a tag from the vetenary clinic?
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    How often to bathe?

    About how often is it ok to bathe a 3 month old puppy? I know that they are prone to getting a cold but was just wondering. He's starting to get stinky if you know what i mean lol :p
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    Brushing hassles

    Hey guys, I'm having troubles burshing my doggy. Sometimes as soon as he sees the brush he runs away. Any tips on how to get him to enjoy being brushed? Thanx :p
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    Milou has tracheobronchitis :-\

    When I first bought him he had a bit of a sneeze and a bit of hacking. Sunday was the worst I saw him hacking and sneezing constantly for a couple of hours straight. Took him to to the vet yesterday and was prescribed a stronger antibiotics from what he had before. Hopefully he'll be well...
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    Too young to walk a dog??

    I have a question. My Milou is 2 months old. I was walking him outside and a lady stopped by and said that he's still too young to be walking outside. I know that he shouldn't be around other dogs till he's had all his shot but I didn't know that he couldn't be outside. Is this legit or was...
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    Sleeps too much

    Hi guys I have a question. I have a new puppy, 11 week old Pomeranian/Maltese mix. I'm just curious do puppies sleep a lot? My puppy wakes up around 7am, plays for a while and is knocked out for most of the afternoon until his next feeding time. I took him to the vet as soon as I got him and...
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    Hello Everyone. Name is Kenny from NYC and I just recently have an addition to the household. His name is Milou and he's a Pomeranian/Maltese Mix. One of the cutest things you've ever seen. It'll be a pleasure chatting with you all ;)