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  1. B

    New bathroom spot

    Hi, School's about to start so the bathroom situation I setup for Flash (he's about 6 months old now) is going to be way different. I usually take him outside to go but now we're going to have him on the balcony with his crate and a potty pad (toys and water too). The problem is, he won't...
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    How much walking is too much?

    I have a fox terrier mix that's about 5 months old now and a little over 9lbs. Since we've been able to go on walks (after he got all his shots) we've gone twice a day at 8am and 6pm. Each walk lasts at least an hour. Lately he's seems pretty tired and today at around 5:15 I noticed that he...
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    Puppy Socialization Window

    Hi, I adopted my pup when he was 4 1/2 months old so according to what I've read, he's past the socialization window. I'm trying to socialize him but i'm afraid it's too late. Am I just out of luck or is there something I can do to make up for the lost time? Thanks.
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    House Training Relapse

    Last night I went out for a few hours and asked my father to look after my 4 1/2 month old puppy. All he was supposed to do was take him out every couple of hours (I was only gone for about 4 or 5) and then put him back in his crate). Well he decided to let him roam around in the house and he...
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    Quick question about bark...

    I take my 4 1/2 month old puppy to a spot with a lot of tree bark on the ground to use the bathroom. Whenever he doesn't have to go, he'll just sniff around and start trying to eat the bark. Sometimes I think he swallows the really small pieces. I try to stop him but sometimes it's too late...
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    What just happened to my pup?!

    My 4 1/2 month pup just woke up and started making weird gargling noises. It sounded kind of like when you burp with your mouth closed but it happened over and over for around 15 seconds. Then he vomited some white mucusy stuff. Does anyone know what's going on?!
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    Separation Anxiety or Abandonment?

    My fox terrier Flash is about 4 1/2 months old. I adopted him 3 days ago and I have a question. Whenever he's in his crate and I leave the room, he starts to whine (sometimes very loudly). Is he developing separation anxiety already or does he think I'm adandoning him (since he's still...
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    He Only Pees On The Carpet

    I have a Fox Terrier mix, he's about 4 and a half months old. I adopted him yesterday. He pooped outside for the 1st time when we jogged this morning. But he never peed so I waited outside for about 5-7 minutes to see if he would and I got nothing. Then about a minute after he came inside he was...
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    Chihuahua/Mini Dachshund Mix

    Hi, I'm considering buy a Chihuahua/Mini Dachshund Mix. Does anyone have any experience with these dogs? Any tips on behavior, health problems, etc. would be appreciated. Thanks.