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  1. Fleera


    Starting off with long fur... Where is my food? Frog Dog In the middle of a shave Shave continued Mohawk More...
  2. Fleera


    My dog hates cameras... With a passion! He seems to think that he's either being punished or acts like he does when there is a thunderstorm (I guess from the flash). Do your dogs hate cameras? Do you have any ideas on how to get him to tolerate a flash when I need to use one?
  3. Fleera

    Life-like Dog Sculptures - INCREDIBLE

    My sister makes teddybears and had posted a link to this site today that had dog creations, so I clicked. WOW! This lady's creations are incredible! I had to look very closely at a few of these to determine that they were not real dogs. Anyway, here is the site if anyone is interested...
  4. Fleera


    Our dog has chronic gingivitis and the vet doesn't know why it seems to be so bad in such a young dog of his breed. Did tooth cleaning, etc. But husband asked if there was anything we should be doing preventatively, like some sort of Listerine for dogs. Vet said that wasn't a bad idea. He...
  5. Fleera

    I'm Curious - Parvo, Puppies, and Socialization

    So, I've been wondering what you are supposed to do for puppy socialization since you aren't supposed to expose them to other dogs because of parvo. By the time they've been vaccinated and their titer is sufficient, they are already older (not very, but enough) that they've been missing out on...
  6. Fleera

    New to clipping fur - help?

    I just bought some Andis clippers today for my Cocker/Cavalier mix. His fur is starting to mat even though I'm brushing him so I wanted to start clipping him. I was doing great at first with the back and sides using the 1/2 inch comb attached to the #10 blade. Then near the neck and upper...
  7. Fleera

    Pix of Jester

    I've enjoyed everyone's pictures so much, I thought I should post some for you all to enjoy right back. This is Jester saying, "Gotta love me!" "Hello up there."
  8. Fleera

    New dog on the block

    Hey everybody. I just got my first dog on April fool's day. He is a 10 week old puppy and I'm trying my best to do the right things the first time, so here I am. My pup is a cocker spaniel/cavalier king charles spaniel mix (cockalier). His name is Jester. Wish me luck!