Recent content by RobHedrick

  1. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    Oh, I'm gunna try. I just hope something gets done. :popcorn:
  2. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    Oh I have a ton, but I don't know where to post them...
  3. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    Yes those are great! But the problem is, this is my companies truck. I don't own it.. good try though. ;)
  4. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    yep it will be exciting to see how it plays out. And thanks for the kudos, but apparently not enough drivers care, because it seems I am the only trucker bringing it up. :confused: If I ever get a ticket for idling my semi, I am going to bring someone from the ASPCA to help me fight the...
  5. R

    newest clicker trainer

    I bought one and I haven't had time to work with my dogs much with it.. though I can definitely say it does work well.
  6. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    Hey, anything you or anyone can do is MUCH appreciated! :)
  7. R

    Leave your dog in the car???

    Maybe someone here can help me. I'm lost and the humane society doesn't know... I'm a truck driver that drives through all 48 states and parts of Canada, all while my two pups navagate lol. Now my problem is, sometimes I have to let my truck idle while I sleep, especially overnight on cold...
  8. R

    food aggression but only with dogs

    Oh I know what you meant. But what I was saying is, is if / when Oreo sees 'you' as the Pack Leader she won't ever feel the need to control the other dog/s or anything / anyone else. Because you will be the one in constant control. It's pretty difficult to give proper advice in a forum.. This...
  9. R

    food aggression but only with dogs

    First, what is your reaction when she shows aggression? What do you do? I think the main problem is, is that you see her as "The Lead Dog". You need to make it very clear to her that you are "The Pack Leader" or "Lead Dog" in your house - or anywhere you may visit. As the human, it's your...
  10. R

    Mojo and the Laser Pointer Idea

    I always recommend a treadmill for exercising indoors (always supervised of course). But if you don't have one / or can't afford one, you could always play ball (if you have the space), because the ball will keep their mind active just like a laser pointer, without the side effects of possible...
  11. R

    Protective instinct... when ?

    As already mentioned it all depends on the age / breed.. I have an 8 month old German Shepherd / Chow mix, and a 5 month old Black Lab. Both are protective, but my Shepherd is more-so. My Lab will bark when he hears a different voice in our house, and he gets pretty alert when cars pull...
  12. R

    I'm fed up!!!

    Not fed up anymore.. Why thank you. :) A Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2006 to you and your loved ones too! Ozzy is doing much better!! He's (we're) so happy now. He isn't nearly as submissive as he was. And he hasn't had any accidents in over a week - which is amazing from...
  13. R

    Roy is ruining my house ... any ideas

    How much exercise is he getting? Dogs tend to get frustrated when they can't release pent up energy. I suggest you walk him for at least an hour every day, and some running / sprinting involved as well. If you simply don't have enough time to walk him that long, I'd suggest getting a...
  14. R

    HOUSETRAINING: How to teach your pup to go on command

    I loved that last part! :D