Recent content by Premier

  1. P

    Car sickness?

    Hmm I'm kinda curious abut this too. My pup on occasion barfs when on a long car ride.
  2. P

    Natural Flea repellent?

    I highly recommend this store that I go to in NYC. They are a holistic pet supply store. Check it out
  3. P

    Itchy butt

    Agreed with the anal gland. It's not that hard to do but man don't let it get on you cause it stinks!
  4. P

    Dog Insurance?

    I had VPI for my pup. It paid off for itself the first year since my pup was kinda sickly. Now that's healthy, it really wasn't worth it. I have a savings account that i throw some money in there in case of emergency.
  5. P

    Any Affordable Vet Around the NewYorkCity Area?

    I dunno if this is cheap to your or not but my dog goes to Heart of Chelsea. The staff are really friendly and nice and the consultation fee is $85.
  6. P

    Fat Tumour?

    ah ok. What causes these fat tumour? Did i something wrong on my part, feeding him too much, or it's something that just happens?
  7. P

    Fat Tumour?

    I recently noticed a lump on my dog and immediately took him to the vet the following day. The lump was aspirated and it was determined that it was fat. The vet said that it was nothing to worry about for the time being but just keep an eye on it. Has anyone else gone through this before?
  8. P

    Antisocial dog...

    He's a year and a couple months old. He's been like this for a more than 4 months so far.
  9. P

    Antisocial dog...

    Hey guys and gals, I need a little advice. I'll be taking Milou and myself to be trained shortly but I'd like to know of any advice and tips before I go to training with him. He has become so anti-social lately. When we first got Milou, we socialized him well and he was friendly, shook...
  10. P

    Extra Red tongue & fur??

    I've noticed recently that my dog's tongue is redder than usual and some of the fur around his eyes has turned to a reddish/brownish color. Is this something that I should be concerned about? He's over 1 year old and a malte/pom mix.
  11. P

    Swollen Penis??

    LoL he's been neutered for over 3 months :cool:
  12. P

    wiping your dogs butt after he poops?

    LoL i could only imagine that :D
  13. P

    Swollen Penis??

    Hey guys and gals, I have a weird question. My dog humps his doll and whatever. When he's done the tip of his penis doesn't retract fully into the skin even after an hour has passed. I looked at the tip of his penis and it looks a bit swollen. I believe that it only looks swollen after...
  14. P

    Pet insurance?

    I have that insurance as well but I don't think I'll continue with it when it expires.
  15. P

    wiping your dogs butt after he poops?

    i wipe his butt only when I see that there's something still there. Since he likes being held and relaxing on the sofa, etc.. then i don't want any stains on me or my things =P