Recent content by jowak

  1. J

    My dog, Charlie died

    Well, the worst has happened. Charlie (1 yr. old golden retriever) was a dear, wonderful, crazy dog. He had personality plus and was absolutely beautiful. He was hit by a car and took the full force of the hit in his head. It broke his jaw and he never really did regain consciousness. I...
  2. J

    My dog Charlie -- hit by car!

    Yesterday afternoon, a lady came up our long driveway to tell my husband (who works out of our house) that an injured dog was at the end of our drive by the street. My husband went to see and discovered it was one of our golden retrievers, Charlie. We got Sam and Charlie from a rescue shelter...
  3. J

    How much to feed 9 mo. old Golden?

    I have two 9 mo. old golden retriever mixed and I feed them each 1 1/2 can of dog food per day. I also give them treats (2 strips each) x2 each day and one pig ear after their supper. They always seem REALLY HUNGRY! Am I feeding them enough??
  4. J

    bones from butcher OK?

    Are bones from our butcher OK for 9 mo. old golden retrievers?
  5. J

    Should I clip coat for summer?

    My two golden retrievers (9 mos) have very thick, long coats. Should I clip their coats some for summer? I keep them combed at least 2 x per week and bathe them 1 x week. They are outside dogs and we live in the country. They go swimming in my nearest neighbor's lake almost daily. Should...
  6. J

    Puppies don't like their food!?

    My two golden retriever puppies (7 mos. old) were eating their dog food just fine until 3 days ago. Saturday was their first full day out in the yard (no fence) and they have been really good to stay at home -- except for a few visits two doors down where another dog lives in a pen. I'm...
  7. J

    Stiches not removed

    She said she forgot and now it's been about 3 weeks, so she didn't act like it didn't matter now. Shouldn't she still get the stiches out anyway even this late?
  8. J

    Stiches not removed

    I have a friend you just got her puppy neutered. They told her to bring him back in a few days to get the stiches out, but she never did. Is that going to be a problem for the little guy?
  9. J

    When to let dogs free roam large yard

    I have two 6mo.old Golden Retrievers. I have had them 5 days and have kept them on my enclosed back porch. We have been letting them out to run in the back yard after we first made sure they would come to us (with treats, of course). How should I handle letting them stay out longer and...
  10. J

    Should puppies eat only dog food?

    My two new golden retriever puppes are 6 mos. old. I have only fed them Iams dog food, but wondered if it is OK to give them any "people food" from time to time -- like treats?