Recent content by Jordz

  1. Jordz

    Siggy Please?

    Thanks you guys! I love all three! I'll probably switch off using them too! Thanks soooo much!
  2. Jordz

    Siggy Please?

    Oh, and the second one on my first post is my absolute favorite. You can choose the ones you want to use!
  3. Jordz

    Siggy Please?

    Everyone on here is probably so annoyed with all of the signature requests, but I have to, everyone's signatures are amazing! If anybody wants to try, here are my fav pics of Max:
  4. Jordz

    Winners of Picture Contest!

    Tied for Third Place are: Dr2Little's Sophie! And PuppyLuv2004's Tony Hawk in the Making! Our honorable mentions are: BabyBlue5290's Valentine Lucas! And Roxy's CD's Baby Roxy! Everybody did an excellent job, your dogs are way too cute!
  5. Jordz

    Picture Contest!

    It end this friday
  6. Jordz

    Lucas Update

    I'm glad he is ok and the surgery went well :)
  7. Jordz

    Pictures from our trip **dialup users beware**

    Dakota is a beautiful dog! He looks like he had a great time there! Ha ha, the one of him and the log is priceless. The sunset one is gorgeous!
  8. Jordz

    Horse lovers?

    Boston is gorgeous! He looks like he loves to jump :) I just got back from a lesson and rode a Thoroughbred named Blossom. We rode outside since it was so nice, and she was a brat! I had to circle her constantly while we were cantering to keep her under control. And on the way up to the barn...
  9. Jordz

    Horse lovers?

    Everyone is so lucky *stares longingly* Someday...someday. I just love jumping, and hope to try dressage someday. Any form of riding I can get I'll do :)
  10. Jordz

    See how fast you can do it type the alphabet.

    5.219 for me... How in the world to you get below one?!
  11. Jordz

    My First Dog Drawing

    Do you have any tips for improving? On the shading for example...
  12. Jordz

    my cartoon dog lol

    Aww Tay he's so cute! I remember when you had it on your door :)
  13. Jordz

    Charlie camping! lots of pictures!!!!

    Awww he is adorable!!!
  14. Jordz

    Horse lovers?

    Lol Tucker! BostonBaker, he is gorgeous! I might take him too, but you can keep paying the bills ;)
  15. Jordz

    Mapping of a Cat Brain

    Ha ha, thats funny and true!