Recent content by Dragoneyes

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    Buying First Dog, What Do You Think About A (Shiba Inu)

    The Japanese Inu here in Misawa are not what I would call a friendly breed to strangers. I don`t mean that in a bad way just they are very stand offish and can even snap at your friends. They are fiercly loyal to their owners but have been known to bite them at times. That I think is normal for...
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    City bans pit bulls

    Ignorance is definately growing within America! Myirishwolfie just wanted to tell you my mother shows Irish Wolf Hounds. I believe her smallest one is 42 inches at the shoulder!!
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    Incenced at this rubbish in the Times newspaper

    Wow thats all I can say and pathetic. When are people going to learn that dogs are not items, they are living, breathing, animals with the ability to show emotion! I am sorry your baby is consuming to much protein Mr. Smith I am gonna have to put it down!!
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    U.S. Abandons Animals in Lebanon Chaos

    First off I am in the military and second I have zero tolerance for STUPID people. I know that seeing the world is on everyones agenda but when you put yourself and your pets in that area you are stupid. I cannot stand for the public outcry to get Americans out when they knew that the area...
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    Are the dogs responsible?

    If you have the dogs in a fence or on a leash in YOUR yard then they are secure stay out of said individuals yard when they are not home. Americans yes I said Americans (I am one) need to own up to their irresponsibility. Who in their right mind lets their 4y/o wonder off on their own? I am...
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    Buying First Dog, What Do You Think About A (Shiba Inu)

    Hehehe The American version of the Shiba and Japanese version seem to be very different in build and attitude. Have you looked into an Akita, they really are wonderful dogs my neighbor has one and its nothing but a huge teddy bear.
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    Chaz's I Want This Dog Thread

    Bull Terrier or Minature Bull terrier, thats my dream dog.
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    Pressed Rawhide???

    My mother used to be a Vet and has since retired. She now has her own kennel where she raises Irish Wolf Hounds. She has told me time and time again do not get any rawhide at all. The blockage and digestive problems with it are true.
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    Hello from Japan

    Hi my name is Mike, I currently live in Japan at the moment. I love dogs, I think they are such wonderful animals and companions. With that being said here are my kids. Edit: The Corgi is named Vikki and the Mini Dach is named Piko`lin.