Recent content by boxerbaby

  1. B

    Another mutt breeder in s.dakota

    Some one needs to get these people some help! The name "Dakota winds ranch" is just a fancy way of saying PUPPY MILL!!!! If that isn't bad enough, they are raising the next generation of back yard breeders. I am completely shocked by these people, and they think they are doing good, and raising...
  2. B

    Tail Docking ?

    There is two reasons. I like it. I have a right to, until people like you have every thing they don't like out lawed, I will continue to. If I so choose. I think it looks good on some of them (some times, I will admitt, I would get a rescued boxer already done, instead of cropping my own again)...
  3. B

    Tail Docking ?

    Hm. So what? I don't care if you are blind to dogs getting happy tail or not, doesn't make it that I haven't seen many dogs that have gotten it while in our shelters. Are you incinuating that I haven't or some thing? I am curious how my statement sounds like I would dock all dogs tails. I guess...
  4. B

    Please ID this dog ... GSD??

    HMM. Interesting! Than-you for pointing out their differences. I wasn't sure about the belgians size copared to GSD. I am wrong though, it isn't a belgian or a wolf hybrid, right? It is an ill-portioned GSD?
  5. B

    big yard = no walks?

    I think this really depends on the yard and the owners. If some one is out playing with their dog in the yard is fine, but just leaving them out is different. I didn't have a fenced yard. We did have a big yard and I played with him constantly. We did by one of those under ground fences to teach...
  6. B

    Please ID this dog ... GSD??

    Are Shilohs ears smaller? I think the ears are too small and the muzzle to short/Square? The eyes look to have a different shape and aren't set right. I think (and that doesn't mean much, LOL! I don't breed or have much (any) expirience to make a ecucated guess) it could be a wolf hybred/ shep...
  7. B

    Tail Docking ?

    I noticed the ;) Did you notice my:rolleyes: I couldn't care less if it doesn't fly with you, who are you are you so special I should care? I am glad you are happy with the way they look great I'm shallow and your not, yippy, you win the award of the day:rolleyes: If you don't like it don't...
  8. B

    Tail Docking ?

    I agree with ya! They should worry about some puupy mill dogs living in filth having more puppies before the last ones are weaned, not worry about a dog having a tail docked. Some people have nothing better to do then worry about other peoples busines and try and force their beliefs and...
  9. B

    Tail Docking ?

    I am sure all the "naturalists" will all have a field day with me, every one here seems pretty oppinionated and don't like any ones oppionion that doesn't fall with theirs. I don't like an undocked tail, I can live with natural ears, but not the tail, they look like mutts! If I wanted a mutt I...
  10. B

    How dare they!!

    I don't really need you to remind me any thing. You don't need to tell me what catatgory I fall into either. My eyes aren't closed to any thing, I know there are a lot of words and you might not have all night to try and figure them all out, but if you did, all I was saying was blanket...
  11. B

    How dare they!!

    That is just as much a blanket statement as them people saying all cops suck. I have never been in any trouble, (other then a few minor traffic violations like speeding or tail light out) I have NEVER been arrested, or had them called on me for some thing, or any thing else. I have never had any...
  12. B

    How dare they!!

    :popcorn: At least this site has an entertainment section:rolleyes:
  13. B

    Matted kitty

    I have Ragdoll cats, so I do shave them some times in the summer so they stay cooler, ect, not because of matts. I brush my cats and handle them often so I don't have cats with massive matts. I have noticed my older seal point grows her hair back the same, but it does seem to be getting darker...
  14. B

    Some people! GRRRRRRRRRRR

    Hello, I wanted to comment on having the dogs spayed. I am new here and not aware of your dogs and situation, (rescued, from puppymill/petstore, bought from a breeder, ect) But, if they are strong and healthy and your vet ok's it, I would recomend spaying them now. I know pediatric alter is...