Returning a dog to the breeder - Questions/Rant


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
And this is one reason I love you guys. :D

BTW, now I'm glad I haven't posted any pictures of Fable. God forbid someone has a hard keeper that's hard to keep weight on, even though they try like hell to do it.


New Member
Oct 5, 2012
I have avoided posting in this thread, and everyone who knows me from other boards knows that I adore the "line by line" and have no qualms about ripping posts apart. I actually enjoy it quite a bit.

I have lived with two Slougis, and I have two cats that beat up my Pit Bulls; so I've had lots to say, but have been quiet

However, I can not let this comment go.

I know this board is full of animal lovers, as it should be, and I am as well, they have no voice, we have to be their voice, but something that was seemingly resolved over a year ago with a HAPPY ENDING, why rehash it?
I was the victim of abuse as a child. My abuser is a sick individual who never got help for his behavior. I am now a healthy adult who is dealing with that abuse. But that doesn't make the abuser not responsible for their actions just because there is a "happy ending" 30 years later, let alone one year later.

Why rehash it? Because what she did was horrible. It was criminal, and it was clearly proven through photos and vet records. According to her, the dog was "fine" when it left her care, but the same day the dog went to the vet emaciated and quite frankly, not all that far from death. The most disturbing part of that, for me, is that she insists that the dog was "fine" which means that she thinks what she did was ok.

Whether the evidence came up a year later, or five years later, she still did it. And unless she has received psychiatric help, she is likely to do it again. She should not have pets unless she is being closely supervised by people who have the ability and intestinal fortitude to remove the pets for any reason at any time.

And I have some experience with a dog that someone did the same thing to. This is Connor on the day I started fostering him, he was one week out of the dumpster, and had spent that week in a vets office on IV's because his body couldn't process food when they found him in the dumpster. He's 34 pounds in this photo, and was 29 when he was found by a garbage man.

Red Chrome

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Just so everyone knows. I had contacted the breeder a year ago via FB asking how Bullseye was doing. She contacted me a week ago AFTER Jairi had called her inquiring about the puppy. I asked some questions after she told me about how he was returned to her and then I asked for proof. I didn't initiate the contact with the breeder last week.

Also, as far as my credibility goes, I posted my vet's name and the name of where I train in this thread. Some people here have already contacted them and asked questions. Which is fine. The only things out there about me are some bad choices/accusations made from when I was younger and they have NOTHING to do with DOGs. The ONLY thing about my dogs is heresay from an old roommate/friend who I no longer talk to at all. My dogs have NEVER been abused, neglected or anything of the sort. My GSDs breeder sees him every week at training. I have numerous references and people who will more than vouch for me and the way my dogs are kept.

Yvette-Dachsunds4me- has stalked me from forum to forum for YEARS now. Trying to trash my reputation because we don't like each other and do NOT get along. This harassment has been going on for years. She is good friends with my old roommate/ex-friend mentioned above. It doesn't surprise me that she is sticking up for Jairi since she herself is a large revolving door for PERSONAL dogs that are placed under the guise of being fosters in her rescue once they don't fit in anymore. Lamby-who came from Jairi(disappeared), Luke-Dutch/GSDX(disappeared),Savannah-Basset Hound-rehomed after her issues became too much. There are more. She dislikes pit bulls and is a very vile woman.

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