Your worst fears?


New Member
May 23, 2012
Exactly what the title says.
What are you most afraid of? What is something you SHOULD be afraid of, but aren't?

For me, it's four things.

1. Storms.
When big thunder storms come through, especially ones with wind, I sit in my bathtub and cry like a baby. I am terrified of tornadoes. I live in the worst state for hurricanes, too. ):

2. Heights.
I get sweaty palms just seeing pictures from high things. My sister convinced me to get on the free fall with her at the fair this year... On the way up I couldn't breathe and the second we came down I burst into tears.

3. Spiders.
If I see one in the house, I have to kill it. I got trapped with one in my car once, and I almost crashed. I had to pull over and kill it and throw it out. I've also been bit by one and almost lost my arm.

4. Being stuck somewhere.
Part of the reason I don't like high places is the idea of being stuck in that high place. Or going out into the wilderness worries me because if something happened to me, it would be a long way to help. I also get worried going out on boats. I don't panic, but it makes me uncomfortable.

As far as something I should be afraid of... I've never been afraid of being cut. If that makes sense. A lot of people are afraid to touch sharp things or be near sharp things because it might cut them. I'm not all that worried. I'm also not very afraid of lightning... My dad is terrified of lightning, but I don't really care. Lol.


Resident fainting goat
Oct 12, 2008
1. Heights.
The stomach drop feeling, looking down from high places. This includes roller coasters, high parking lots etc.. I'm fine with balconies strangely enough.

2. Insects.
All of them. Disgusting creepy crawly creatures but especially spiders.

3. What my therapist describes as "The unknown".
This includes open water, things I can't see, the dark, questions I can't answer.. it's an anxiety thing. I need to understand things, to have things have limits, rules, boundaries.

4. Failure.
Being a failure, failing..I'd say this is the one that hits me with the most anxiety. I've always been that way.. I used to have panic attacks around report card time. A C+ puts me into a tail spin, answering a question out loud in class and getting in wrong makes me so embarrassed,

5. Health problems, germs, brain tumors..
I scare easily. I research too much. I see something weird or my vision gets blurry I assume brain tumor. I touch my mouth after getting off the subway I think I'm going to catch something disgusting

6 Car accidents
I've never liked driving. Never liked being in cars. The whole idea of letting a bunch of people drive giant metal tanks.. every time I go through an intersection, I hold my breath. I'm so scared of car accidents.

7. Break-ins
This is the one where I get kind of paranoid.
I can't live on the ground level, I can't live in an apartment with a fire escape. I am comfortable 3rd floor +.. I wake up in the middle of the night to check my locks.

8. Being forced into social situations
If my friends force to go out when I don't want to, or leave me alone with people I don't know.. it makes me want to crawl into a hole.
When my family threw big parties, they would stick me in a group with people my age with the instruction to "make friends!".. that kind of thing just makes me want to run away.


Love My Mutt
May 16, 2009
Guelph, Ontario
Thunder storms. I can't do thunder OR lightning.

Social situations. Needs to be on my time, by my choice.

Finding one of my pets has passed away in their sleep. I just can't do it. I have to have that time to say goodbye. (We say see ya later, cause goodbye is too final).

Getting hit by a car. This got worse when my sister got hit in February, cause it made it such a real possibility.

Large trucks, public transportation and school buses. I can't cross the street in front of one. I can't be standing on the edge of the curb if one drives by. If I'm driving and one is coming towards me, I pull over if its safe to do so. I can be inside them, though.

I'm sure there's tons more but I'll stop there...


Active Member
Mar 11, 2009
I don't really have any fears of typical things like heights, animals, dying, cutting myself, whatever.

1.) Speaking in front of a crowd. Speaking in front of 30 people is scary. I don't ever want to know what it feels like to speak in front of more than that.

2.) Social situations I've never been in/don't know how to handle.

3.) Doing something I consider "wrong" One time all my cousins directed me, the foot passenger, to save an entire seating section for them. As in chase away people from a section of like 10 seats. Oh my jesus my stomach was in all kinds of knots. Or today, I was an hour late for lab, the lab instructor said I couldn't start, I asked if I could as long as I didn't finish last, she agreed but was somewhat pissed. Wasn't that uncomfortable at the time, but now this evening I'm feeling worse about it. lol God only knows why, I didn't inconvenience her at all...

4.) Embarrassing myself. So often I will be having some total innocuous fantasy/daydream/memory and then my brain interjects with something horribly embarrassing and I'll feel bad, and it's like "HA! got you!" like an annoying little kid and then it keeps shoving the totally ficticious embarrassing moment at me.

ETA 5.) I'm going to add getting hit by a car. You know those commercials where they put you off your guard and then SMASH. Well, they've traumatized me (more than being in an actual accident did lol). Sometimes I get a little hint of heebee jeebies going through an intersection as a pedestrian or in a car. The suddenness of accidents is very vivid in my head.
May 19, 2012
No fixed abode.
What are you most afraid of?

Friends, pets, & loved ones going away/dying
My relatives

What is something you SHOULD be afraid of, but aren't?

Dangerous & or wild animals
High-risk situations (mountain climbing alone with no equipment, bungee jumping, hiking on unregulated trails etc).


Dec 2, 2006
Olympia, WA
Number 1:

Something awful happening to the people I love.

That's about the only real deep fear I have. The ocean gives me chills because I look at it and think of its vastness and great depth, and all the deadly strong currents and strange intelligent creatures in it and the fact that you can't see any of that by looking, but those are more whoa chills vs. fear chills.

Something I should be afraid of? A lot of stuff. lol

Getting in car accidents is probably something I should worry about considering how common it is. But I just don't.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2005
My worst fears:

1. Being alone or rejected, or left by my husband when I get old.

2. Needles.

3. Zombies/the infected (28 weeks later...) :rofl1:


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
Snakebite - I love snakes but I'm so worried about one of the dogs getting bitten
Car accidents - It took me like 5 years longer than it should have because I was such a nervous driver
Large bodies of water - the ocean, rivers, dams etc. I can't handle them.
Boats -due to the water.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
Storms. I've always hated them and still do and always will.

Flying. this is a recent development. I've flown many times in my life with no issue. I don't know if having a child changed my body chemistry or just something in my brain or maybe it could have something to do with actually seeing a plane fall out of the sky and crash (yeah that was horrible) but I can't do it. If we have to fly somewhere I have nightmares about it for weeks beforehand and after the fact and on the flight I am a wreck and need copious amounts of alcohol just to keep me in my seat.

Sharks/open water. I don't know how this fear developed. I don't even live near an ocean lol. If I am in a boat, fine but you will NEVER catch me IN the ocean more than thigh deep. that movie Open Water is probably the scariest movie ever. That scene where they are floating in the water at night and everytime lightning flashes you can see they are surrounded by shark fins... panic attack inducing.


Are you dead yet?
Aug 1, 2004
Death/undeath spooks me so much that I've developed a sort of masochistic fascination with it. I love scaring myself with zombies.

Strangers scare me. Social situations in which I have to interact with strangers scare me. One or two strangers amongst a group of friends or acquaintances is doable; a large group of strangers with only one or two friends or acquaintances makes me a nervous wreck.

Driving. I am okay with being a passenger, but just the thought of driving on high-speed, high-traffic roads or highways freaks me out. Even as a passenger, I need to squeeze my eyes shut as we pass a semi truck or I find myself envisioning it swerving into our lane and crushing the car I'm in.

Also, crowds. Large, inescapable groups of people push me into cold sweats and nausea.

I'm not afraid of germs, viruses etc.. even though I really should be, considering my immune system is trash and one cold can knock me out for a month.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
Wind- It's mostly a fear of big branches falling out of the trees and killing/maiming me, but it's now conditioned me to feel waves of panic whenever there are large gusts of wind while I'm outside, even if there are no trees around. In that case I can usually logic myself out of it, but there is still that initial feeling of terror caused by whatever hormones get released. But if there are trees around I'm terrified and there is no logic that can convince me I am safe.

Something bad happening to Tucker- The main concerns are my parents getting rid of him while I'm at school, him biting someone, him biting someone and then getting euthanized as a result, and him getting loose and not being found/caught because people terrify him. Him biting someone is probably the biggest one because it's most realistic, I do not trust my parents' aggression management skills.

Heights- I'm not terrified just of being up high, it's more the prospect of falling. If i feel secure I'm alright. And it doesn't really need to be HIGH, it just needs to be somewhere I can fall from and know I won't land on my feet. For example one of the more embarrassing fears is that I can't walk out on a jetti. My legs lock completely if there is any gap whatsoever in the rocks, I feel complete panic. I do not trust my ability to navigate the rocks without falling. If someone gives me so much as their pinky finger to hold onto I can usually do it fine though lol.

Driving- I'm 20 and don't have my license, it's an issue. I just don't trust myself not to kill someone/myself. I don't worry about OTHERS messing up, unless someone is speeding/being an idiot I am not concerned about being in a car with someone, and my main concern isn't someone else hitting me. I don't want to screw up and hurt myself or anyone.

Social Anxiety related- There are several fears directly related to my social anxiety that might seem weird

1. Passing people I know but am not friends with and having to decide whether to wave, say hi, ignore them, pretend I didn't see them, etc. This really stresses me out, especially when passing teachers or people I work with. I'm never sure if they'll know who I am if I wave and then I'll feel like an idiot.

2. People watching me perform a task- I don't need to be alone to do something, but when people are purposely watching me to judge or are watching because they are waiting for me to finish so they can have their turn, I become incapable of completing the task. Like in middle school when teachers would walk around the room and peer over your shoulder to see how you were doing, I'd have to stop completely. I can't do simple addition and have to make a serious effort to make a sentence while they are watching. So usually I'd just stop until they went away. I struggle to do the subtraction on my time sheets if someone is waiting for me to finish so they can fill out theirs. It's probably going to be a problem down the line with work. It's already a problem because I can't really go to someone for extra help in school because they'd be watching me try to do the work and I'd blank entirely, can't guarantee I won't burst into tears either.

3. Being one on one with someone- There is a grand total of two people (beside my parents) who I can eat alone with at the cafeteria/a restaurant. I am now terrified if someone asks me if I want to come to lunch or dinner because I don't know if they mean just with them or with a group. Last year I actually told my roommates boyfriend (who she had been dating for a year and who practically lived with us and is now one of my roommates) that I couldn't go to Panera with him because it would be awkward and uncomfortable. He had asked if I wanted to go with him, my roommate and another friend, so I said yes pretty enthusiastically, but then the other two both backed out for legitimate reasons, so I was sort of trapped and had to tell him the real reason I couldn't go. As terrible and awkward as that made me feel (and still makes me feel) I could not bear to be in a car with him and then eat with him alone. Any sort of silence during the meal would rapidly increase my anxiety because I feel like it's my responsibility to keep the person entertained. They'll think I'm boring and lame if I don't keep up the conversation (and I'm pretty much incapable of that). There was a third person I could eat alone with but I hadn't seen her in a while so now I can't anymore. Same goes with school projects. Give me a partner and I'll panic, throw me in a group of three and I'm perfectly fine.

4. Doing new tasks involving people- I'm afraid of doing anything new, so anything I could run into some sort of trouble/confusion with, if someone is watching or involved. Most notably ordering food (at a register) from somewhere I have not ordered from before. There are two places on campus where you go up to a desk and tell the cashier what you want. I avoided them entirely freshman year. I need to watch other people do it several times, then I can. And even once I do it I tend to limit myself. Like I'll order food but not a smoothie because they might ask me different questions. I'd have to watch people order smoothies before I could. Same with any sort of in person registration, buying movie or other tickets, when I tried using the ATM for the first time and my friends were with me, etc. I cannot stand for someone to watch me struggle, even if I'm not sure that I will struggle, if the possibility is there I can't do it in the presence of someone else.

5. Failing in front of others- Main reason I don't speak in class. I am more than happy to read out loud in class (though I will check to see if there are any numbers I might struggle to say right) but I will not answer questions unless I am 110% sure without a doubt that I am right. Nowadays even if I'm certain I won't offer to answer because there is that little itty bitty chance I'm off, which is something I learned over time. Sometimes I'll even mouth the answer, as if I'm answering it to myself, though I know the teacher can likely see it. I did get called out on that once so stopped for a while. But it's like I want the professor to know that I know, but if I happen to be wrong I don't want the whole class to know I'm an idiot.

6. Looking stupid in my papers/tests I also tend to have a certain "perfectionist" attitude when writing a paper or writing an essay on a test. I would rather get a zero than write something stupid/that has a good chance of being wrong. I'd rather the teacher think I don't know than to to have him see me write something foolish. I want all intelligent answers or no answers. At the same time I will not hand in a half done worksheet even if it will get me partial credit. Leaving half of a worksheet blank makes me look pretty stupid and I don't want the teacher to see it (even though not handing it in makes me look lazy). On a recent AP&P test I left the bonus blank even though it could only help. I knew maybe two small parts, probably only enough for a point or two, but I wrote nothing because I felt stupid writing in two little parts of a large bonus. He mentioned afterwards, after grading them, that it was silly that a few kids left the bonus completely blank, so I likely won't do that again. I just can't stand the comments on papers where I do bad or incomplete work. I got back a test that I got an A (98%) on, but did miss a couple of questions, and looking at the ones I got wrong saw that I had made a really stupid mistake and I felt mortified because the teacher must think I'm incredibly stupid for getting that question wrong, an 8th grader could have gotten it. It didn't occur to me at the time that I got a 98%, he can't think I'm that stupid. But I still feel that he must have thought that while he was grading, and that kills me.

Talking on the Phone- Absolutely terrifying, can't talk to my friends, still get butterflies in my stomach when I call my parents. Can't order food, the only time I tried calling for pizza the guy had an accent that I couldn't understand well so I hung up on him. It's going to make getting a job VERY difficult.

Oddly enough I don't think I get as worried as some when it comes to giving presentations. So long as I've prepared adequately and feel confident in my knowledge I'm pretty good. Yes my heart pounds and races, I get sweaty palms, my mouth goes dry, my voice starts to shake (which is a bit of a problem as that can cause me anxiety if I think everyone can hear it shaking), etc. but I don't get that pit of your stomach panic and then lingering feeling of shame and embarrassment afterwards like I do when I'm in an informal social situation. I do take some time to "come down" afterwards, I sort of have to zone out following a presentation, it's like I went numb and cannot think for a little while, like 10-15 minutes. I might completely miss the next person's presentation for instance. But I'd rather give a (prepared for) presentation than go out to lunch with someone I'm not 100% comfortable with.


Dec 16, 2004
Not being able to care for the ones I care for because obviously after my last surgery, no one is willing to step up and help. That is my greatest number one fear for Victor, for Pepper, for Neccy, Sancho would probalby be fine, everyone loves Sancho, and specially for Hyia. Finally my MOther, because she doesnt' know how to ask for help, and my family seem to have no insticts for what it is like to be visually impaired according to the convection oven my brother just got for her. WHat was he thinking? I could hardly see the thin black lines on a grey background. Who designs this stuff????? Who would care for my garden, or the trees I have had for 20 years?

Anything bad happening to my animals.

Finally house fire, I never want to go through that again, ever. never.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
I don't really have very many typical fears. Also, a lot of my fears depend on how I'm feeling, half the time I don't think twice about it or care if I do think about it, but if I'm not feeling well it terrifies me.

1 - checking my email or voicemail. I sometimes assume there's going to be bad news on the other end, and it will take me hours or even days to get up the courage to do that.

2 - doctors. I'm not so much afraid of them telling me something is wrong with me, as much as I'm afraid they'll put me on a medication just because the pharmaceutical company or insurance company tells them too, which will make me sicker so they can get more money.

it didn't help when I was hospitalized and asked if I was experiencing paranoia and explained this to them, and they said "that's not paranoia, that's a very realistic problem".

3- Same with food. I have EDNOS, manifesting in me being convinced my food is poison, contains poison, or is bad for me. It started out with me being afraid of too much salt or sugar, carbs, then turned into a fear of the hormones and poisons (ammonia and arsenic) put into the meat and's realistic, because it's really there, but I can't NOT eat, and I can't grow all my own food. So, I eat it anyway. Sometimes it doesn't bother me. Usually it does.


New Member
May 23, 2012

I may use your post one day. Lol. It described my social anxiety perfectly.

I also have problems standing around with people. I'd rather be sitting. Probably because I'm 6'2" and everyone LOOKS. Drives me up the wall.

I also don't like doing things in public or with friends that require too much use of your hands... For example, I went to a "Halo 2" party last week and we all, of course, played Halo 2. I have really bad sweating problems on my hands, underarms, and feet. I don't want to hand the controller back to them covered in sweat... So I avoid the games. I also don't like when someone hands me a paper to sign like when getting hired for a job, or the doctor... My hands get the paper wet. My sweating issues are so bad that I can't wear strappy, pretty shoes that require no socks because I will slip around. I can't wear light colored shirts that show sweat on my underarms because then everyone will see it. I've wondered if there's a medication I can take... ):


Member of WHODAT Nation.
Jun 9, 2008
South East Louisiana
Something happening to my kids , the adults are fine , it is the kids i worry over most. especially am afraid Caleb will have a seizure in the night and stop breathing and i will find him dead. i can hardly sleep worring at night.

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