Your dog(s) and other dogs -- what has changed over time?


Ferret Keeper
May 17, 2010
Pax has always been very good with other dogs, but he was socialized in holland where they all play off leash in the parks together from a young age... when we walk and someone growls or gets pushy all i have to do is tell him foie... and he keeps walking and ignores them... Jack on the other hand has no social skills at all... he is a bit agressive but we are working on it.:)
Jun 18, 2010
I've noticed my Pitt is changing as he gets older too. As a puppy he was always submissive and happy-go-lucky. I never had any problems with him at all. but now at 10 months there have been some changes. Last week a person brought a great dane "in heat" and he actually tried to mount her. he's been neutered since 3 months old mind you. So I told him "no" but he would just not leave her alone, intense sniffing and attempted mounting again *sigh*. None of the other pitts were misbehaving, so I'm hoping as he gets older he will act more like them.

Then just yesterday we ran into a strange acting Siberian Husky. The owner was very forthright saving her dog was super aggressive. But since my dog is awesome with all dogs I volunteered to let them play. It was early and no one else was there for him to play with either. So I was very careful when they first met and everything seemed ok. But the second time my pitt came up to her, the dog just sat down. My dog started to turn away and the second he turned his face the dog attacked him (from the side) with no provocation and actually pierced his lip! My dog was in complete shock for a good 2 seconds then went into aggro mode. I have never seen him that pissed off. When he has been attacked before he goes into defense mode. Her dog actually SAT there the whole time. usually you see the dog stand up, tail up, hair on back up, etc. It was really weird.

Mostly though he is still the playful pup he's only been. I'm sure he will change more in the years to come, but hopefully he stay the happy dude he is now.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
Nothing yet. I don't see it ever changing. Jackson will be 2yrs old in October. He's a 16lb Yorkie and/or Silky Terrier, don't know. Anyways, he's the most go-with-the-flow dog. He prefers canine company rather than humans. We try to get to the dog park once a week (usually Saturday) and he really enjoys. He has certain days where he runsrunsrunsruns like a mad man, but other days he is more content to chill, sniff everyone, walk around, lay in the baby pool, etc. It all depends on weather and his mood really. He's never ever once shown aggression for another dog or anybody. I've never seen him growl, curl a lip, or anything. He barks playfully in a bow position to see if a dog will chase him, and usually it works. If not, he just walks away.

Any dog can come into our house, our car, our space, etc and he greets them with a warm welcome. He can go into anybody's elses home with a dog and fit right in.

I feel really blessed to have been granted a dog like Jackson. He literally has no behavioral problems. Besides the fact that he turns into somewhat of a spazz at my dads home (where we visit 1-3x per week, 2 other dogs, 2 cats, and 3 other humans, plus big fenced in yard with big pool, hot tub, etc) so he just gets excited. That's the only thing I can think of 'bad' about him and it's not even bad, lol. Oh and he's shy with strangers. Never aggressive, or really 'fearful' per say, he just prefers for humans (that he doesn't know) to ignore him. He will go up and sniff to say hey, but once they come to pet him, he backs away lol. We've been working on this though and he's gotten sooo much better at human greetings.

Anyways longer post than I wanted.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2006
Argon is 95% less reactive then he used to be a year and a half ago. He used to need a 10 foot bubble around him or he would just snap. Apparently the previous home popped him for growling.
Now he lays happily with most other dogs, and will look to me or give a growl when someone is too pushy, until I can remove him from the situation. He does sometimes try to engage them in play, though he is so socially confused that they don't really understand what he wants.
Of course, the downside of him getting closer to other dogs is he does sometimes try to mount them. He has a thing for large females of all types, especially Newfies. If they are overweight in addition to being large, he's in heaven.

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