Woman has 23 shih tzus as pets


The dog is never wrong!
Jun 7, 2006
You learn to do alot of the vet work yourself. Shots, HW, and deworming are all things I do. This probably saves us about $400 a year. They do go to the vet for checkups, rabies, and if anything does come up. I also deal with minor things myself, things like small cuts, minor muscle strains, etc. Anything that needs stitches, or are really hurting after a day or so, its vet time! The bill can get high, but food is alot more expensive. (For me anyway)
If you cant afford the vet bill, food bill, then it does become abuse, and that does mean you need to cut down.
Jul 12, 2006
I am a mobile groomer, and I groom for one woman who has 12 dogs...4 shih tzus, 4 maltese, and 4 yorkies. When I first got the call I have to admit I was nervous about what I would find. I was pleasantly surprised. The 12 dogs live in a gorgeous house (she's a vice president of a major clothing line and her husband is a lawyer in New York.). She has a person who was hired specifically to spend all day with the dogs. While there she washes all the bedding (they all have their own beds), plays with them , and cleans up after them. I go to the house every 2 weeks. I groom 6 of them and brush out the other 6, the next 2 weeks I groom the other 6 and brush out the other ones. All the dogs are kept up to date on their shots, and are brought to the vet at the smallest concern (oh...they're all females by the way). The couple don't have any kids and they provide great care (one of the yorkies is 18 years old and still has teeth and an attitude, lol!). These dogs have someone with them almost all the time, and they are such a happy group and so well behaved.

It's easy to say that the law says you can only have so many (which, by the way is an arbitrary number that someone in authority decides upon). But if anyone every told me that I had to get rid of one of my dogs without a good reason I would be devestated. So, exactly which dogs should she get rid of. Which one of your dogs would you give up, just because someone who doesn't even know you or your circumstances decides upon

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