When did your dog become "your" dog


Priscilla Winifred Corgi
Apr 12, 2006
Twin Citay!
I don't think Frodo and I started really understanding each other until I came back from college in Minnesota. So he was like...5 years old?

I think if Frodo had been an only puppy a lot would have turned out differently. Izzy was just do EASY and AGREEABLE next to Frodo, lol, so we never even really started to bond until she was rehomed.


Like a bat outa' hell
May 12, 2009
Beautiful British Columbia!!
I should add that I think Mitsu became Tylers dog as soon as they say each other. She just melted and fell asleep in his arms.

Myself decided that she was not staying, but I am a big believer in things are ment to be and I totally believe that there is a reason I saw this little emaciated puppy on Kijiji and knew that I was suppose to pick her up and she is ment to spend the rest of her life, short as it might be with is, and the rest is history <3


Mild and Slightly Nutty
May 9, 2011
Madison, WI
Watson became mine on the drive home from the breeder when he climbed into my arms looking for reassurance.

Menchi was mine the minute she strutted into Cheryl's living room the first time we visited :D


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
For Yoshi it was about a day.

I had just moved into my first away from home place and ended up picking Yoshi because another couple got to the shelter before me and were looking at the puppy I wanted. Looked over and this giant scruffy puppy was literally walking on top of the smaller puppies to see me. So I asked about her. Here when you adopt a dog they are fixed before you get to take them home so I went back later that day to the vet to pick her up.

They put this super boney, gross smelling, drugged dogs in my arms to carry to my car because I didn't have a leash for her. I put her in the passenger seat and buckled her in. The whole ride home she ignored the open window and all the interesting things we drove by and just kept trying to get into my lap.

When I got home I put her in her crate to let her sleep a while. At the time I was renting just a room from a lady so the crate was right next to my bed. She kind of woke up so I opened it up and laid back down on my bed to watch TV. I looked down and she was just staring at me so I invited her up. She jumped up started to cuddle and then peed on me.

Took her outside cleaned everything up, gave her a bath, and loved on her but she was still pretty sleepy from the drugs.

That night I put her back in her crate and I woke up at about 2 am. I looked over and she was awake just watching me sleep. So I reached over and opened the crate. She jumped up. Got under the covers and cuddled up and fell asleep and she was mine :)

We've never even spent a night apart in our almost 7 years together aside from the one time she bloated and stayed up at the vets.


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
With Millie it was complicated. I loved her the day she was born. We had a special eye on her from that early. I've always loved Millie, both my mom and I consider her my dog, but in the early days they bonded a lot. My mom had cancer and didn't want me to see the worst of the treatment, so often I was gone for a long time. It wasn't until a year later when the cancer was finally gone, and Millie started looking after me especially. She became mine, and I became hers. She's been by my side since. I can't sleep without being able to reach her.

With Fable, the first time I ever saw her was part 1. She was put out in the kennels, but she wasn't available for adoption that day. None of the kennel workers were even allowed to touch her or her brother. The volunteer kept showing me other puppies, but I was hesitant to even walk a few yards from Fable's kennel. I felt so strongly about her. I met other dogs and lots of other puppies (there were a ton of litters from a hoarding situation), who all would probably have fit in well with me. But I was dead set on Fable regardless of the lack of interaction. The next day I showed up half an hour early to get MY puppy and to make sure nobody else did. Meeting her was part 2. She enchanted me, I just adored her, and I knew I made the right choice. The final part that sealed the deal was when I brought her home later that day, when I was reading with her sleeping next to me on my bed. I fell asleep, then woke partway up to find she had snuggled closer and put her head on my shoulder. I pulled her even closer and went back to sleep. In that moment between consciousness and sleep I knew she was my girl, no question.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
With Maddie it was right away!

With Bailey... It was really weird how things fell into place and she was just there even though the timing was off and I still was undecided on a breeder, but I wanted a Sheltie and she was there. Like it was meant to be. And Bailey's not typically the dog I would want for myself, its like that saying you get the dog you need vs the dog you want. It took a good month before we REALLY started to bong, though. But we have learned a lot from each other in a short time, and we continue to do so. And we've gotten SO close, I didnt think it was possible. With that said, she is very much the dog I would want for myself now :D lol


Active Member
Apr 17, 2006
When I first saw Gambit's baby picture, there was this sense of 'oh, there you are'.

Then I pulled up to get him, and there was this dog that appeared to be both scrawny and fat, tipping over like a dead fish in the grass because he had never felt it before, too afraid to move as I carried him to the car, and barfing and drooling the entire five hours home. I kind of felt like I had been conned.

Then, about two weeks later, he esaped his crate at night, while I was still awake, and came over and layed his chin on the bed, so we were face to face. That was when I felt the first, tiny connection. It took a lot longer to get a strong one, but that was the second that I knew we could do it, that I hadn't made the biggest mistake of my life.

Argon...I'm honestly not sure. There was just one day where I looked at him and thought 'I guess you're staying.' It wasn't a big thing, but, then, he's not exactly 'my' dog, even though there's no other person in the apartment. He's his own creature, and I don't think he'll ever really belong to a person. It's hard to explain.


It's A Red Dog Revolution
Feb 7, 2012
Bensalem, PA
Well it took time with Kimma LOL. I always loved her, but we clashed SO much when she was a young (mostly because I had no idea what I was doing and she was an especially difficult puppy). I think when I finally felt like she was "mine" was when she got out of her collar at about 9 months old and I thought I had lost her. I didn't (thank goodness) and I got her to come to me after about 5 minutes of her trotting along the side of a road. As soon as I picked her up (she was NOT going back in to that collar), I started bawling. I took her home, and started crying again LOL. She was mine then, and I think I became hers, too.

Pentti also took a little bit. I liked him when I met him (he was 3), liked him a lot when we got him home, but missed him like crazy when he went away with a handler for a month about 3 months after we got him. Going to pick him up was one of the best feelings ever. He heard my husband and I coming (we were talking to the woman who brought him home from the handler that showed him in Westminster) and he started making "rooooo" sounds. He had apparently been absolutely silent the whole time he was at her house and during the long ride home from NY to TX. He was mine then.

Bubbles was mine as soon as I saw her picture LOL (about the time I got Pentti, so Oct 2010, she was about 10 months old then). I had sort of coveted her from that point on, and then in June of 2011 I took her home to show her as a special (she wasn't mine yet, just an experiment LOL). I was SO SCARED that the breeder wouldn't let me take her to Philly with us when we moved (found out we were moving 2 weeks after I brought her home), but he did, and it made me so incredibly happy.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2010
North West Scotland
Todd's the family dog, he just fit right away. Lucy, probably 6 weeks or so after I adopted her, around 2 weeks after Maddy died. All my Maddy love went onto Lucy.

I'm sad to say, I still don't feel like Katy is my dog :( I love her like I love Freuchie.
Jul 18, 2010
With Desoto it was instant, we just clicked. He decided he wanted to come home with me and followed me everywhere. While the rest of the litter was off sleeping in a heap he was leading a reign of terror all around the room and I knew in that moment he was mine.

Radar I loved form the minute I picked him up and snuggled into my arms at his foster moms house BUT he didn't really feel like mine until a couple of weeks in. We where his fifth home in his short life and it took him a little while to settle in. It was when he started to get used to having Duke around and started to play with him and started to be his sassy little terrier self that we started to bond. When he realized though there where three people in the house that he was MINE and he started to follow me around and get excited to go places and do things with me and we where making progress with his training that he felt like mine. Now I can't imagine life without him.:)


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
It took a few months with Dance. I loved her immediately, but it wasn't until Tango passed that I bonded a lot more with Dance.

With Ripley it was pretty instant, and that's why we have him. We did not want another dog at the time really, but I took care of him and his littermates for much of their time with their breeder, and I fell for him and so did my mom.

And Keira was never intended to be mine. She was the family dog/my mom's dog. But I'm really, really enjoying her now that she's a little older. As a puppy, she caused a lot of frustration for everyone and while I loved her, there were many days I didn't actually like her. She created chaos. But she's an awesome dog now that she's found her brain and she and I have been bonding a lot more and I am discovering just how truly good she is (for me). So much so that I think I might turn her into my sport dog. She's unflappable in public, is friendly and relaxed with people and dogs alike, and she's developing a focus she never used to have at all. I'm really enjoying her a lot and she's becoming my go to dog for everything, so I'd really like to start working with her more and taking some different classes and such to use her new found brain and develop a better relationship with her. I wish she liked to play more with people/had more play drive period, but other than that and as weird as it is for me to say, she's grown into pretty much everything I have ever wanted in a dog.


& the Muttly Crew
Dec 14, 2009
Depends on the dog.

Kim I adored pretty instantly. I mean come on those liquid brown eyes, those big tipped ears, the pretty gold... I'd say we really a few months later when she started to really trust me to be her partner in life.

Webby took a month or so because I really became attached to him -- when I took him on a trip to see family and didn't take Kim. Gave me a chance to appreciate him for who he was, not who he was relative to Kim :). It took much longer to convince him that I was a person of more than passing interest though lol.

Mira pretty much walked into my life, declared "You are mine and I am yours", and never looked back. I adored her immediately as well but it took me a couple months to really bond to her and get used to the very different expressions of a black dog with drop ears and a very different facial structure. But when she was a couple months old something clicked and I fell hard :)


Lab Love
Sep 1, 2008
Alberta, Canada.
I've always liked Duke since he was a wee pup. I got him at 7 months and I almost regretted it a bit because he didn't turn out to be the type of dog I thought I wanted. He's lower energy (lazy as all get up), didn't play with toys, and a bunch of little other things. It wasn't until he was a little over a year where I realized how awesome he is. He's one of the best dogs ever. I think my problem was always comparing him to McGruff. They're pretty much polar opposites and it was setting him up for failure. Now I realize all of the positive things he has going for him and I love him very much.

Duke attached to me right away. From the first night he slept in my house he was mine. His owner at that time came the second day I had him to take him to his vet appointment (he had demodex mange at the time) and when she brought him back he was practically wiggling out of his skin to see me again. I joke that I'm his fourth favourite (He likes Boomer, Dean, my friend Erin, then me) but it's really not true since I'm his world.


Ruddy Buttinski
Jul 19, 2009
LaLa Land
LOL, Sienna knew she was my dog before I even did. I pulled her out of the shelter to "rescue" her (I wasn't even fostering her, someone else was.) She tried to follow me home from the foster's house. Everyone I showed her to told me, "Boy, that dog sure loves you!" I know when I'm beat. :D I'm so, so glad she stayed, though, she's changed my life.

Probably I knew the moment I saw her, though. We were at an adoption event at a park, and I saw her and had a vision of her being put to sleep and a voice (that I don't think was my own) told me "No. You can't let that happen." I volunteered at the shelter for a year or two after that - it's never happenned to me with another dog before or since her, so I think we were destined for each other. If that's not too cheesy. :D


Tru evil has no pantyline
Nov 27, 2006
Lilly. It was instant.

Ben. Instant. And I fell for him HARD.

Travis. About a year. I was angry that he wasn't Ben. I got him too soon. But now I adore him. He is Mommies Boy all the way through.

Riley. She is Pauls dog, but I adore her and she loves me.


Blonde Raccoon
Jul 22, 2008
Ontario, Canada
With Sally it was pretty fast (but then again, I was only eight). We were on the way home from the breeder's and she curled up on my lap and fell asleep. At one point I asked my mum if I could feed the puppy a french fry because she was probably pretty hungry. My mum said I could. And it was instant. :)

Seamus took AGES. Holy crap he was a terror! I'd say it took a good year or so, I can't actually remember a defining moment. But now we've figured each other out and he's my baby. He's a super momma's boy. :D

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