Wheaten Terrier Potty Issues. Would appreciate any feedback (please)!


New Member
Feb 10, 2011
Hi Everyone,
I posted about my Wheaten terrier several months ago. Now she’s a 10 month old female and we still have the same bathroom issues with her.

To summarize, we have 2 dogs: a 2.5 year old male mini schnauzer and a 10 month old female wheaten terrier named Mika. She’s a wonderful dog with one HUGE problem that has been weighing on my so heavily, it’s been the biggest stress in my life. We walk her several times a day (4-5x) and she is usually very good when we’re home. I don’t want to say she never has any accidents, but they don’t happen that often. When we’re at work during the day, we leave both of our dogs in the kitchen of our house, gated off from the rest of the apartment. Without fail, she will go 9 out of 10 times when we’re not home. We have tried crate training her several times, but it has never worked for her. We will come home (after even 2 hours) and she will be sitting in her own poop or pee. Yes, the crate was of proper size where she could stand, turn around and that’s it. Didn’t work. We took her to the vet to rule out anything medical, so we do know she’s perfectly healthy. We even started measuring her water intake.. After many frustrating months, we decided to hire a trainer. After hearing our entire story, she thought that Mika simply cannot hold it and that’s why she goes during the day. It was a possibility but there were many incidents where we would walk her right before we left the house, leave for 2-3 hours and come back to an accident. We then decided to record their activity while we weren’t home. There were some days where she would poop (or pee) an hour after we left and after she was just walked, and some where she would go 5 hours later. It didn’t seem that she was stressed or anxious. She would be lying there, or chewing on her toy and then get up and just go. It’s almost as she thinks she’s allowed to go there… that’s what I get from it. Of course this happens when we’re not home, so we’re not there to correct her and show her what’s right (we always praise her when she goes outside). So you guys can see why this is so unbelievably frustrating. I come home every day and have to clean poop and pee and am ready to just cry. Sorry for sounding like such a baby! I’m not really sure how to correct this or what we can do from here, but I would greatly appreciate any feedback anyone might have. Thank you so much.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
Where did you get her? Sometimes dogs kept in crates in a place like a pet store or even the shelter HAVE to go in the crate, so they just get used to it.

I don't usually recommend pad training, but in this case, it sounds like that might help. That way, she can still go in the house and won't need to hold it, but is going somewhere appropriate/easier to clean.

She may not be able to hold it, but when you're home, she can alert you to the fact she has to go and get taken outside. When you're not home, she can't, so she just goes.


New Member
Feb 10, 2011
Thank you for your response! Really appreciate it!

I'm ashamed to admit that we did get her from a pet store. At the time, we didnt know any better, but have learned A LOT from this. We went in there and fell in love with this particular dog and looking back at it (although we love her) i would never purchase from a pet store again. (Our Mini Schanuzer was adopted from a couple who couldnt keep her). She was sick, had parasites and kennel cough for the first few months that we had her. She was also on 3 round of antiobiotics. We've already spent thousands in vet bills and the thought of spending more is so financially and emotionally draining - but of course we want her to be healthy and just want an answer.

We did try the pad thing and came home a few days to a pad half shredded and the pee off the pad.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2007
Central Texas
You could try feeding her in the kitchen where you leave her during the day. Scatter the food all over the floor. Most dogs don't want to potty where they eat, so this will prevent her from having accidents in that area.

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