Whats your sign?


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
I'm pisceas

Pisces THE FISH is the sign of the dreamer
The most idealistic, romantic and poetic sign, Pisceans are only too happy to lose themselves in their relationships. Being loved is vital to their well-being. They are very caring, and make compassionate and reflective partners.

The bright side
Piscean sensitivity is so finely tuned that it reacts like blotting paper to the atmosphere. When nursing the sick, for instance, Pisceans are apt to reflect a patient's own symptoms themselves. Indeed, Pisceans often have problems defining the boundaries between fact and fiction in general.
Pisces is empathetic and compassionate, and cannot bear to see another living being in pain. Indeed, Pisceans feel very deeply about other people as they do not have a strong sense of separation and individuality.
Pisces is an intuitive sign which can receive great inspiration. Pisceans are thus the natural mediums and mystics of the zodiac who can communicate their inner vision through either the arts or the sciences, or caring professions. Pisces can also be a sign of selfless or self-sacrificing devotion, and is capable of truly unconditional love for others.

Artistic, kind, sympathetic, intuitive, visionary, sensitive, adaptable, receptive.

The dark side
The Pisces personality has a number of sub personalities who are likely to take over at the drop of a hat. They include the victim, the martyr and the saviour or rescuer; and once Pisces gets locked into these patterns, it can be very difficult to shift. This can be hard on other people involved, too, for Pisceans can inflict or receive, considerable suffering when they enter into a guilt ridden phase.
The other negative Piscean trait involves the illusion and confusion which surrounds their ability to tell the truth, known as lying by the more pragmatic signs. Pisceans tend to be too imaginative for their own good, and serve their own good even if they believe themselves that they are serving others.

Impractical, vague, careless, spiteful, manipulative, confused, weak-willed, indecisive, easily led astray, greedy, immoral.

Bunions, chilblains, alcoholism, drug addiction, lymphatic and glandular disorders, forgetfulness, insanity.

Beneficial foods
Raisins, dates and cereals.

You are most compatible with
Pisces - totally bliss,
Libra - a fairy tale romance,
Taurus - an excellent match,
Leo - a romantic couple,
Scorpio - such fun and so tantalising.

Absolutely no chance!
Sagittarius - so many problems,
Aquarius - do take care,
Gemini - really needs insight,
Aries - you will need total dedication here.

Your opposite sign
is Virgo
so true. My mums pisceas to and the both our ex's were sagittarius's, look at what it says and i KNOW thats true. lol


Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
Heres mine! :D

he Earthy Taurus Character

Taurus THE BULL is the sign of the builder, and the earth we stand on
Taureans are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love.

The bright side
Taurus has a patient, grounded and reliable personality. People know where they are with a Taurean, unless they go too far! The Taurean is also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life. Taurus is motivated by a need for security, this sign is good for business matters and can be trusted to carry things through with absolute care. As an earth sign Taurus values the environment and will do everything possible to preserve it, even if that only extends to their immediate surroundings.

Practical, reliable, patient, persistent, solid, determined, industrious, strong willed, sensuous, affectionate, warm hearted, trustworthy.

The dark side
Unfortunately the Taurean personality can be so committed to self preservation and so cautious in their approach to matters that they can become tedious and boring! Many people seem prepared to brave this tedious behaviour for an evening of fine food and wine that will always appear at Taurean dinner parties. Taureans at their best are typically strong and silent, but often appear ignorant and wilfully obstinate to others.

Lazy, possessive, self-indulgent, dull, inflexible, unoriginal, unimaginative, greedy, stubborn, resentful, hidebound by routine.

Earache, goitres, gout, laryngitis, obesity, tonsillitis, swollen neck glands, throat inflammations, constipation.

Beneficial foods
Beans and celery.

You are most compatible with
Leo - extremely loving.
Taurus - well suited.
Capricorn - terrific.
Pisces - charming.

Absolutely no chance!
Gemini - not a success.
Sagittarius - very rocky.
Aquarius - too stubborn.

Your opposite sign
is Scorpio


May 19, 2004
taurus, and I think GypsyQueen said it all. hubby is taurus also......and that makes us a match made in astrology heaven. :)

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