WHAT is the matter with people today? **a little bit of language**

Nov 29, 2007
"I find it funny that the people who will snicker at me for being fat or unattractive are not exactly model material themselves. LOL. People like that only say those things to feel better about their own physical and mental shortcomings"

One must always consider the source when dealing with unreasonable people. Teenagers are so insecure and unsure of themselves. It is a really difficult time for every person both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, a lot of young people don't grow into secure and strong adults and so people that still have the gall to make rude comments to other people are just insecure little kids that never grew up. You shouldn't get mad at what they say, but try to see them for what they are, just as you wish they could see you for what you are. When you do this, you will easily be able to pity them instead of feel hurt and pain directed towards yourself.

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