/what I found in the woods


Dec 16, 2004
I do know lots of happy stories that I could share, this is not one of them, but it is something that troubles me and I would like to know if this has happened to anyone else. Two years ago during the fall I was letting the dogs have a good run when I found a skull. I always study bones so that I can learn about the skeletal make up and draw animals better. When I looked at this one tho, it had a pie shaped piece that was missing from the top. I picked it up and u could see that it had been cut out for there was a tiny overcut at both ends. It was a large dog skull. I looked around for the other bones and noticed that some were there and others weren't. It was right beside the creek. I took it home to study it more.
One of the boys that were visiting my son said it looked satanic to him. It gave everybody the creeps. The skull was very clean, no tissue or hair so it had been there a long time, but still I felt I should do something so first I calle the police. They were not interested so the next day I called the humane society. A special officer came out and I took him to where i found it. He said he was trying to catch the people who were doing this, but this had happened such a long time ago that there was no way. He said to watch for signs that they often put them in trees and such before having a "ritual". He also said that there are specific times of the year when these things happen so to keep an eye out. He asked me if I wanted the skull and I said god no and gave it to him. I asked him about the missing bones and he said they often use the feet as part of the ritual and injest the brains to help them go to hell. I told him I hoped they ended up exactly where they intended. AFter he left I told my kids and they told me of the circles...three foundations of some kind of buildings that were on the other side of the creek and up the hill. I went down with the camera to take pics of the writings that were all over the foundations. In the pics the ground and the trees around came out, but the what was written had red fuzzy lines that were present in the negatives. Mom suggested that I try to photograph them again but I just don't want to go back down there. The park was closest to where I lived and later that winter the dogs were running when they diverted back to the same place. I found a pit bull frozen to the ground two feet from where I found the skull. It was very cold so i assume he died the night before when we had a horrible drop in temp. I have never gone back since. I don't know why I am writting this, except that I would like to know if anybody else has found something similar and what they did about it. It just breaks my heart to know that a dog was used for something like this. There were paths well worn from the circle foundations to the creek opposite of the site where I found the skull. I want somehow to be able to expose the awful people, and I do look down there at night to see if I see headlights, there were tire tracks to that spot but fortunately for me I have never seen anything down there since. I hate that this has happened anywhere, but just down the street from you is scary. It weighs on my mind..seems there should be something to do, but what?


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
I've never heard of this, but all I can say is that I got the chills reading your story. How horrible to do such a thing to innocent animals.
Nov 3, 2004
Wow that is scary! I don't know what I would do besides keep a VERy close eye on my dogs to be sure they were safe at all times-which I'm sure you are already doing- I mean if the police aren't interested in helping you I am not sure where else to turn. Have you spoken with the ASPCA? I mean that is what they stand for right? Prevention of the Cruelty to Animals...
Good Luck!!!
Jun 26, 2004
Thats horrible. I hope they do end up in hell. How do people get THAT messed up. How do you mess up your life sooo much that your out in the forest eating dog brains. It scares me that people like these exist. :mad:


Dec 16, 2004
It was an investigator of the equivilant aspca that came out. ..he said he was trying to catch the ones in his district so that means it was happening somewhere else besides here. It was such a big dog..much larger than bronki and he weighed 70 lbs, long nosed. when I compared it to Bronki's head the nose was about 2 inches longer which is quite a bit. I thought maybe if I posted it here, and anybody out walking saw something that looked odd they would know to report or watch out. I did get in the car at halloween in the middle of the night feeling like a fool, but couldn't get it out of my head..the investigator said that was one of the times..and drove down there thinking if I saw anything....three little does were tiptoeing out of the woods so I went home relieved. If u see something like that awful artist there is a place to protest but what do u do when you know something like this? WE found a new piece of natural maple forest to trek the other place will never be the same for me. I wanted to put a St Francis statue or get a priest, I wanted to tell the dog I was so so sorry about his life. To hear it is bad enough but to hold his poor skull in your hand and think of him... not that I know it would have made a difference but I just wanted to do something, there just wasn't anything to I could think of to do.
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
What horrible things to find! I can well imagine the tears you've shed for those poor creatures. I ran across a Pit Bull that someone had shot and thrown into a ditch once when I was helping my Dad with a big land survey. My Bear was working with us, and when he saw it he walked over and sniffed it gently, then sat back on his haunches and threw his head back and howled over and over.

I guess you've told or shown the officer the circles and the writing? There are pagan holidays that people like this take and pervert to their own uses - pagans revere life and nature and would never perform such rituals. Samhain would be the most used time, coinciding roughly with Hallowe'en. If these people are as serious as they sound, they aren't doing it on October 31, they are doing it to coincide with the last dark of the moon near that date. They may even be using Beltaine, which roughly coincides with May Day, again, not by the calendar date, but this time with the first first full moon before it begins to wane. The longest night of the year is another prime time for this kind of abomination.

Don't make yourself or your dogs a target by too obviously poking around there. These are people who have no regard for life and will do anything they believe they can get by with. It might be an idea to find out who owns the property and have the authorities contact them about what is going on. Don't contact them yourself and maintain total anonymity - they might very well be part of the group!


Island dweller
Dec 26, 2004
Good points Renee. Especially about paganism. I don't like it when people condemn a belief system that they don't know anything about. Like wiccans too. They have a bad rep as "witches" and devil worshippers but it just isn't so. I'm glad you brought it up.


Dec 16, 2004
It is park property that belongs to Kansas City. I wouldn't go down there at night especially, I just drove by because if cars were parked down there behind the ball diamond it would be visable from the road...thank u for the times to watch out for....nothing would bring me greater joy than to be able to turn them in. I haven't gone back since I found the poor pit bull. I think it was just a coincidence that he died on that spot. It was an unusual cold snap where the temp the night before had really plummeted more than our usual weather.

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